Bime / Bune candle went out

Background: I did a petition to Bime / Bune a couple of weeks ago for her/him to boost my business. I saw results for a couple of days, but then it faded away. I did it with the ritual 1 method from the Demons of Magick book.

Since my results using the DoM book are rare in general (I must’ve done like 20 petitions in the past, and only got soft/mild results just twice), I thought I’d call her “the old way”: drawing her sigil and chanting her enn while gazing at it.

I lit sandalwood incense and an orange candle with Bune’s name carved on it, and dressed the candle in sandalwood essence oil and coffee for her.

I did my petition (tbh I was quite desperate because I need more money and clients yesterday), closed the ritual and left the candle and incense burning somewhere safe (these candles can burn for up to 14 hours, so it’s not reasonable for me to sit there and watch it burn). I offered her lighting sandalwood incense for every client she sends my way in gratitude from now on.

Well, I just went to check on the candle and…

The candle went out on its own, with 70% of the candle left unburnt.

My concern is: was it the excess of coffee I used to dress the candle, or was my petition declined?

Should I petition again, or should I drop it?

This happened to me and seemed like either just one of those things, or a challenge: last chance to back out or prove your commitment.

To prove you’re 100% on board be stubborn and relight it. Put that energy out there that you don’t give up so easily. :smiley:


A challenge? Why? Or a commitment to… what? To back out… why?

It was just a petition, and my offering was just sandalwood incense for every client she brings… perhaps that’s just not enough? I know it’s recommended to offer her wine.

Or maybe it was just the coffee? The whick turning white also puzzles me.

I was thinking of trying again tomorrow with an undressed candle, and throwing this one away.

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A challenge would be any energy in opposition of whatever the petitions is for.

So it depends on what one was is doing of course, but a challenge doesn’t mean (necessarily) another person, (or spirit) it can simply mean there’s no easy route to get what you want. A challenge can be minor or significant, a candle that refuses to stay lit would be significant, otherwise once would be minor and could be as simple as your thoughts not reflecting your desires.

A commitment would mean a check or chance to show you actually or truly want whatever it is, or you could be like eh, whatever idc.

I usually relight things and burn them to completion to show I truly intend and want whatever it is, even if it’s only to my mind.

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It seems to me the coffee dressing on the candle has stopped the candle burning. Quite mundane I think. I would re-light another candle dedicated to the same ritual.


In my case, and this only happened once, the energy was “are you sure, you’re sure?”.

Depends on the petition and what you have to do to keep your end up. Some spirits like to know you’re not going to flake and waste their energy, some want to know have thought it. It can even be a thing from your own subconscious and not external at all, which was probably what it was for me.


All this makes a lot of sense…

I was seeing some glow to the side of my eyes last night before going to sleep, so I thought she’d communicate with me in my dreams but, much to my surprise, she didn’t.

I woke up today knowing perhaps my request to improve my business and bring me clients is not the best, since I will just give up on my business next week and go back to job hunting anyway… so I’ll ask her to help me get a good job instead.

And of course, the coffee itself seems to have been excessive.

Thank you so much for your comprehensive responses! I’ll keep you updated and tell you how it goes later today!

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One thing I’ve learned from dressing candles is that some things will mess with the way the wick burns. They get sucked in with the wax into the wick and might cause issue.

For instance, eggshell (finely powdered)…no good. Lol pretty much kills the candle or makes it very hard for it to burn.

Next time you dress the candle, sprinkle anything that might hinder it’s burning around the base maybe?

Like have it burn in a small bed if whatever it is so it doesn’t get into the wick unless the candle is burned way down?


I think it depends some on what you use to attach it to the candle with too.

I used coffee rolled on some candles a few weeks ago and they absolutely flames the fuck up all over, but I use olive oil for my base.

I use the same base and type of candles and only change my herbs. Over time if you buy or make candles in batches you can derive how they should burn.

Or like I tend to do ritual for multiple people at once and use many candles dressed identically.

Since they are the same when two burn fast and two burn slow and one develops two flames or whatever, I can use my instinct to determine why they burned differently as the energy of the candle usually presents some sort of logical reasoning as to what it’s doing to my intuition in context of the result I’m looking for.

But that makes it hard to read anyone else stuff, the only reason I’ve gotten decent with my own is I’ve noticed some things happen no matter if a candle is dressed or not or from the same batch making them all identical even when not dressed…heating and air conditioning can play in as well as humidity just on the technical side.

So you can reason out what it may mean when you see it for someone else but without all the factors or reading the energy of the working versus the energy of the goal, it can be sticky to make any determination.

:rofl: we need some sort of and this is how listen to our intuition and clairsentience to compare the energy qualities and derive out of our asses what’s wrong :rofl:

It’s much easier and harder for the individual doing the working to do it, it’s easier because they are there and know these factors even if they are unaware of them.

It’s harder because man, intuition seems like a silly thing to listen to some days, but mostly it’s hard to know how to listen to it . :rofl:

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Oh that reminds me the time I did just that with a bunch of herbs and grains… it set everything on fire and the surface cracked and broke! :woman_facepalming: That’s why I’m super careful about where I leave candles to burn now and whether they can set something on fire or not.


I also noticed when I dress them only in essential oils that the flame obviously makes some black smoke, which tends to be a negative sign… but then again, it might just be the oil :woman_shrugging:

I saw what some people do after dressing a candle is “seal” the dressing with wax (from another candle). Perhaps that could help? It just feels like “too little” for me to offer a bare candle with nothing on it.


Hmm a lot of extra messy work to do that unless you make candles or have some easy thoughts on it.

I’ve rarely had one refuse to burn and I’m stubborn so it burned in the end lol… oh yeah is that so I’ll burn the whole damned thing and show you

I then proceeded to tuck banishing paper all around it and burn the thing so hot I didn’t have any wax left except a few drops on ground lol.

I find when I’m burning the candles is when any interfere or objections or issues might come up and man if I’m burning candles I spent days if not weeks allowing myself to calm down from whatever the issue was and take stock and understand what I needed to do…

So I was just like nope don’t think so! :rofl:

Maybe if you didn’t roll it as thick? I think they look prettier when I have more herb than oil but it will catch fire easier so I’ve taken to lightly dressing them, they are covered but not every single little speck of candle covered.

I wonder if too much of something that doesn’t burn easy is the problem?

I used to have issue with coffee grounds in the wood burner during the summer because it didn’t get hot enough.

So I’m thinking it not staying lit is the opposite of the fire to big problem is probably directly related to the fact it’s ground so finely or powdered.

Powder just doesn’t burn as easy.

Try it with less coffee next time, enough to cost it but not cover every fiber?

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Probably the time you did it wasn’t a favourable one. Do it again and don’t put anything on the wick.

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Ok so I just did the ritual again, changing my petition (I didn’t ask her to bring clients to my business as I had before because I’m gonna close it next week anyway, so I asked her to bring me a steady flow of income, and a job that is suitable for me, and that I am suitable for as well, something that I will enjoy doing, and that I am chosen for the job).

I tried to light the candle from the photo time and time again, but the wick wouldn’t light at all, so I just used a new, undressed orange candle, sandalwood incense, orange incense, and a couple of oranges.


Just a quick update to say the undressed candle burned clean, and I woke up to find an order from a client (even though I adjusted my petition and asked her for a job or steady income), so of course I burned some sandalwood incense as promised.


With my experience with Bune, she is probably asking you to rethink or rephrase. And I don’t mean downgrade your wishes in any sort of way. Sometimes what I ask for doesn’t come through because I was vague. But with Bune it’s more of a go big or go home thing. She will surprise you in big ways if you ask for big things and always extremely fast. Whenever I petition Bune I always hear her ask me “Do you really want that little? Ask me for more.”


I was actually worried of asking for too much because 1) drastic results imply drastic changes, and 2) I didn’t want to be too demanding since it was my first contact with her (outside of the DoM system), it just seemed rude for me to suddenly go and ask her for big favors. Like when we just get to know someone… we can ask them for a glass of water or maybe to have a coffee, but asking for them to buy us dinner and book a 5-star hotel when they don’t even know us can seem a little much.

I will probably do more in the upcoming days though.

Ok I gotta give you all an update because WOW…


Quick recap: I asked her to save my business and bring me clients. I ended up shutting down my business (at least for now) because I can’t keep up with the costs anymore.

Well… guess what? She’s sending me an inheritance I had given up on and forgotten about years ago, which is probably a lot more than I would have gained from my business!

Words are not enough for me to express my joy, gratitude, and surprise when I found out. I immediately knew it was Bune’s influence at work! She’s also a necromancer, so of course she brought me money that was owed to me, particularly through someone that passed away a while ago…

Also, despite shutting down my business, I still lit sandalwood and orange incense for her regularly, with faith and gratitude, with the certainty that somehow, in some way, at some point, she would help me. Now I see my trust and faith was not in vain, she definitely comes through and responds to gratitude with further gratitude.

I had tried contacting her before using the DoM book method, but… as with 90% of the petitions I made using that book, it didn’t work. Now I know it’s just that that method doesn’t work for me, and not that Goetic spirits won’t come through or don’t have an affinity towards me in particular.