Like attracts Like and you can repell energy the same way when it doesn’t align. This same principle protects people if they keep their vibrations high, some lower entities won’t even be able to see you.
This is completely different from the human judgment of “racism” which is a social concept and not the same thing at all.
So now it sounds like someone put words in her mouth.
If you’re stomping around in a vile mood hating things, it doesn’t matter if that thing is the dog shit you just stepped in or a person, and it doesn’t matter what your intellectual convolutions are for it, like attracts Like and that energy will attract more of the same.
Likewise you have have opinions that some others may or may not label “racist” but a) other prime thinking that doesn’t make the label true or affect the scrums of spirits who react to your energy not theirs, and b) if your opinions are not full of energy and emotion it doesn’t matter.
Finally, a lot of people aren’t even working with a spirit, they just think they are and the energy is actually all their own.
JCI are prime examples of this, and they hate a lot and have success with magick anyway. They are manifesting from their own state and using the imagery of an entity as a tool to direct energy. In this case you can’t tell the difference and the magick is still going to work as humans are creator beings.
Yes, when as here we mean the JCI angelics McCarthy works with. Mostly, there’s always exceptions for their own reasons. Never say never.
There are spirits that do care, the ones closer to earth and people, like ghosts, the lwa, ancestors - they basically are still essentially human with human personalities but without bodies, and still attached to human concepts from that perspective.
I find most of these people ridiculous in their reasoning:
A human being is himself/herself a Spirit. A human being creates in Gods image, just a God created man in his image. So everyone is basically a Magician or Witch doing “Creative Works.”
As for the Racist thing: Having Prejudice is natural. It defines what you “Do Like” vs what you “Do Not Like.” Without our personal prejudices or what I term “boundries” we would not even be able to determine and experience the many beautiful “diverse” options in life.
Prejudice is natural. If I prefer a Pistachio Latte, but do not like the taste of a White Chocolate Mocha, then there is no law saying I “have to Love” a White Chocolate Mocha. You cannot make someone favor something that they do not want to, unless they are of a weak mind, then maybe you can temporarily overpower and break down their natural instincts. There are 4 Levels of the Mind: Instinctual, Parental Conditioning, Societal Conditioning, and a Mish Mash of all 3 influences creating a 4th of what you think you want and think on a personal level.
My point is, you cannot Brainwash/use Magick to make me favor or think what you want, because I have natural instincts… natural boundries. As for the using magick I wasn’t referring to you here, but nowadays today thats pretty much what is going on behind the scenes; attempting to use magick to brainwash people to go against their instincts.
There is a very fine line between natural prejudiced tendencies vs going on a crusade to hate something. I talk to and get along with multiple people of different races everyday and enjoy their company; there really is no hate there.
But to keep it ontopic. The idea that people of a certain persuasion favor one thing more than other do not attract real spirits, but only parasites is not Logical/Critical thinking. You can see example of Cults for different “Brandes” everywhere. For example… Starbucks Lovers vs Starbucks Haters
He didn’t say say he was “justified”, but that all are allowed their opinions, and it’s interesting. That’s how the 1st ammendment in America works. Hate speech IS free speech too. More than that silencing people or trying to “reducate” then doesn’t help, it’s more effective to let them speak, and recieve counterarguments that offer alternative views, not let bad feeling fester in the dark.
But this is getting off topic and bringing into identity politics, which would be against the rules.
Let’s go back to the question of whether opinions that other humans dislike affect the willingness of entities to work with that human.
Well i think McCarthy is trying to brainwash us all against the apparent ‘amorality’ of entities. For example, water-force and wind-power are forces that can be wielded by humans. Those natural forces are not good or evil or racist or any other ‘ist’. You set up the right tools such as irrigation and they go and work for whoever engineers that.
McCarthy is flawed. For example, she apparently tries to avoid technology and hasn’t got a TV if I’m not mistaken. . In this world? That’s not functional or rational.
I don’t have TV, and it’s the most rational approach, given it’s expensive, full of boring, absolute crap on schedules that don’t fit mine, and you can get better content free on youtube, rumble and odysee, and rent streaming dvds on sites like Amazon any time you like. I’m not getting into the useless travesty that’s the “news”. TV has no value to me.
I pay for cable internet. I don’t pay $100 extra a month for cable tv bundled and I have no streaming subscriptions, and I don’t miss them. A friend let me use his netflix and I didn’t use it.
TV is obsolete for “this day and age” imo. It had to be retrofitted for the Internet via cable and it handles that very awkwardly.
In any case, she’s also allowed her opinion and it’s not our business what she thinks or what media she uses. Why do you care and who are you to judge her, right after you criticized her for being judgy? That’s a two way street you know?
I’m sorry I’m not quite understanding your message. I’ve come up with multiple interpretations but I think for further clarity I need to know who do you mean by “we”?
I see. Well then I agreed with you. However it did confuse me because the hypothetical of the original post never mentioned a subjective morality determined by the majority. So I’m not entirely sure what this has to do with my post?
Funnily enough, considering egregores, it is actually more likely for something that enforces the morality of the majority to exist.
That wasn’t the point. She doesn’t use modern electronic medias…TV or any. if she can help it. The point is, if I’m not mistaken, she appears to want to return to the stone age…
there’s no Youtube, rumble, iphones or DVDs in the stone age
She is probably also someone who will say that spirits would never help a misogynist but on the same time there would be no problem of course with being a misandrist… It’s complete bullshit and is made by people to control others. Spirits will do your will if you give them proper offerings. That include also Lillith even if your intention is to be cruel to women. All this “racist” and “misogynist” are not only social constructs but modern social constructs. In the ancients times there were no such things. You really think spirits cared about races enslaving other races and women being property for men?