Biggest EX LOVE RETURN rules thread with rules you need to keep!

Completely agree. If everything was fair and karma existed, nice people wouldn’t get screwed over while aholes behave however they want and often have better lives. Magic is a way of correcting that and tipping the balance in your favour. Why sit back and think if you’re ‘good’ and love everyone, then the world will see that and reward you accordingly. It doesn’t, as I have discovered in my life. I have my own personal morality and things I wouldn’t do in magic, unless I think it is justified, but other than that, I don’t believe in the law of 3 or any of that bs that Wiccans preach.


well said !

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Is that true, even if you know the caster in real life? but the only contact is the whatsapp.
If the op is still up to answer that, 'd be grateful

it is better to erase their bad and hard feelings they had about you, at first, not kill them. → Dantalion or Belial for ex. But make sure u did the ritual from the book right. Memorize every detail, you know…

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Extra note ; if the person does not have any feelings nothing can help.

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not kill the person i meant.

that is a false statement. what you said right there. Cap.