Beyond The Worlds - My Journal

Shit, man, I’m really sorry you went through that, but I am glad you are ok! People are fuckin crazy.


Thanks @IrisAthena :blush:

It was a horrible day, but possible outcomes frighten me worse.

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Indeed. Try not to think on it too much. What happened, happened. It wasn’t worse, so no need to think of what would’ve happened if it was worse. Hugs!

Also, I wanted to point out that the first sentence of this post had me cracking up, since it was soon after you were talking about seeing a demon with a dildo:


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Complexionem demon fanfic porn :smiley:

@IrisAthena You are nasty!


This is wrong man ! if you feel it’s bad for your health or dangerous for your life… why you do it?!

What’s good for someone doesn’t mean it’s good for someone else, people are different. If you read some exercises in a book or website… you don’t just go a head an dive head first. Test the waters. This is common sense.

Take it easy and baby steps. Everyone started like that. This work puts huge pressure on your whole body, not only your brain. Be careful and don’t risk too much to save time.

You’re doing everything, astral projection, evocations, shamanic travelling and who knows what, all at the same time. Then surprised that you’re body is shaking or your legs are dancing on their own ? Come on man ! lol


Man, you confused those posts lol, we were talking about that gang chase day :sweat_smile:

Still agreed!

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They are all connected but you can’t see it. That’s what I’m trying to say. Spiritual instability affects what you experience in your life. That’s a side effect. It’s all connected. Look at the big picture.

That’s why taking it step by step is important.



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Why do you think I live like a bat in a cave. It affects our lives from all ways imaginable, and people around us as well. I don’t want to go into details here, maybe in PM. Please be careful brother.


Hehehehehe :smiling_imp:


So, after my talk with @PrinceX , I decided any kinds of projection are prohibited for me until I understand and train for it.

But I will need your opinion on 72 challange.

  • Contiune evoking.
  • Train properly.
  • Professor McGonagal,you wrinkly bitch.

0 voters


Honestly, Idk. It’s up to you. I’m leaning towards train more before continuing evoking, but since you’re removing projections, that would be 2 variables changing at once. So, to split the difference, maybe train more than you are now & slow down on the evocations? Sound good?


It actually makes sense, a lot. Thanks.

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for everyone who participated.I will do nothing but training and studying at all means possible.
Until August 15.Then we will do a poll again.


@anon95990194 Thanks for the reading today, it was a thriller wasnt it? :smiley:

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I can only hope it helped :slight_smile:

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So, I got informed the first person I have attacked is basically a walking skeleton right now.I know him for quite close to 6 years and he has never been like that before.So,thats a small victory, but I am not done until he gets in a grave.




Just 20 days felt like thousands of years ago.

Sometimes I messed up big time, sometimes I have risen and shine.Now I know what does as above, so below meant, life is a big endless wave of bad and good moments.

By the way, I would like to change this journals name,so @PrinceX can you do that, if possible?

I dont think I want to tell you guys how did I hex people,in fact, I may not do it anymore.

I have the money now,my magick will only get better, many of them will never have those, and still contiuneing is I think, would be childish.

But I have a personality disorder, so I cant promise you that.

So, can I get back to evok…