I just got back from one of the ‘my first successful soul travel experiences’, and it was really weird.
I got a new stone, it is a beautiful piece of polished labradorite. I got it for the purpose of helping me with soul travel/astral projection -whichever comes first-. I want to have fun with soul travel/astral projection first, so I set fun goals while I learn how to do this stuff, that way I wont be discouraged in the learning stage trying to discover the SECRETS OF MAGICK AND THE UNIVERSE in the first go xD So my first goal is to meet characters from video games Ive played, land in their world and kind of explore it. Because… I am a nerd, and I think it would be fun to experience the video game worlds in epic amazing first person unlike what VR can currently give right now
So I narrow down a franchise: Fire Emblem, and then give each main chara a number, and roll a die to see who I am trying to visit today. It landed on Ranulf from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance (one of the only Fire Emblem games Ive played).
So I set my intention: I am going to meet Ranulf from Fire Emblem. I didnt have any specific questions I wanted to ask, but I was confident that if I could somehow meet the chara something would happen and we could talk ^.^
I laid down, and put on some meditation music, as I do get distracted by traffic outside. I put the music on to help my focus and to drown out the noise of the mundane outside my condo. Then I just focus on my goal. As I am focusing I work on my breathing, I go through my body and relax myself…
When I get conscious next, I must have dozed for a minute, I feel like I am in a vat of some sort, like surrounded by really warm water. I focus on the feeling, and my mind is kind of hazy. Eventually I find myself in some sort of, the best way I can describe it is courtroom. It looked like a courtroom. Not where I wanted to be, and there were figures there. Im not sure how describe them because I didnt exactly see them, I just knew that they were there.
I ask “Where am I?”
I get an answer of resounding laughs.
I start to draw in energy, I can see purple lights around me now, and feel the power within me boiling up “What am I doing here?”
“You are what you are. You are what you eat. Youre here because youre here.”
They said other things too but I cant quote them. I dont remember it all too well. So I ask if there is where I will find Ranulf, remembering my goal.
“You’ll find no thought forms here”
“Then where will I find them?”
My question was immediately answered, not by a voice, but by going through the chambers and halls of this place. I zig zagged around like I knew where I was going and then I came to a door, but it looked like it was covered in a blue curtain. I looked at it and knew that was where I wanted to go, where I had originally set my intentions to before I began the session. So with a glance over my shoulder, the person had caught up with me and was saying something, but I didnt listen and just smiled and walked through the curtain.
It wasnt a curtain. I found myself in a blue void of space, but then I started kicking my arms and my legs like I was swimming, and started to move forward further and further to my goal. I kept my goal in mind, kept repeating the name over and over in my head swimming forward, and eventually I was met with all these lights. They were darker blues, yellows, and greens. They flashed and danced in front of me as I swam through the void of blue keeping in mind my destination. The more I hurtled myself through the void, the more confident I grew that I was reaching my goal, I swam and swam and the lights danced more and more then they all stopped. Just out of nowhere just nothing.
The void grew darker, and I began to doubt myself. I shook my head and kept going forward, or whatever direction I was going in. Soon enough the darkness was speckled with spots of light and they grew more and more numerous as I approached. I kept repeating the name of the fictional character I wanted to visit and kept going forward. It was like something you see in a show explaining space. There were all sorts of stars and galaxies and black holes, I could make out everything in clear and crisp detail and it all passed by in a blur. It was then I knew I was zoning in on my destination. I traversed this multiverse, and I even had the thought I was going through time as well as space, eventually coming up to a planet. It was like one of those epic zoom ins…
I go towards the planet closer and closer, I enter the atmosphere, and start to see features of land, forests, lakes, rivers, deserts. Though I never make it to the surface. Everything goes black and I feel that I have to get up, and so I do. The session ends right there.
I have to say, I call this ‘soul travel’ because it didnt have the feel of an astral projection. What I mean is that there was no white light, no intense buzzing or electric feel. There WAS an electric feel but only enough to keep me lucid and aware of the situation I was in. This was not a dream because dreams feel differently. idk how exactly to describe it.
Anyways this was my first successful soul travel after some time of trying nearly every day to astral project xD
It is interesting and I think I will be pursuing soul travel more and seeing what worlds and universes I can get to. Once Im confident in my abilities I will start going deeper and asking the ‘real questions’ and seeking real masters and trying to meet daemons on their planes of existence. For now, I am happy with my training wheels in worlds that I am familiar with and have played video games of.
My mind is also more open to the possibility of soul travel. I know what it feels like now. I used to think Astral Projection and Soul Travel were tomatoes and tomatoes.