Best demon to curse relationship and break up a couple

I use black cat and dog hair for this purpose.I buy it from an occult shop online

I make a doll out of play doh for each person built on their image (photograph) with their detail on the back and then ‘baptise’ in their image.

I then turn their backs on each other after stuffing them with the hair in the abdominal cavity and then move them away a little more from each other each day. I do a 7 day ritual for this.

I use a sigil of a Demon I have a relationship with, you could too if you have one already.

I use black candles and do it at midnight.

It won’t harm them but will cause them to argue like a Cat and Dog

Others can perhaps suggest a relationship Demon, I am not sure about a specific one.

Be sure this is what you really want though and for the right reasons






Did u use any protection when doing this? And did u have a working relationship with Lucifer already when you called him in it or just sporadically called him without working with him before and thats it?

I had no previous working relationship with him but when ever I chant on his enn I feel an unexplainable magnetic bind love and joy I just use his power in my magic … Even after many months I can see the results that person is not able to get stable


And yes I just use salt and a bath for cleansing purpose before starting my work no other protection … Lucifer is mine I do not need to get my self protect from him


Did u still need to build up the emotions of the outcome u want to see or just visualizing the person you’re request was for was enough for Lucifer to hear and understand? My problem is I doubt even going forward with the work because I cant manipulate my emotions to an outcome but I can visualize the person and my intention is very clear.

Hi FiliusHecate!
Please can you kindly advice how to properly use the 2nd Enochian Key with a purpose to get an ex back? Maybe to use her photo, or a taglock? Is any specific ritual required? Thank you!

Hmmm its actually the enochian call number 13 the one of producing Lust and Sex. And enochian call 7 is for enjoying the pleasures of the flesh


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Thank you so much dear Rav! Hm… Acutally having read the English translation of the 2nd key I was also in doubt whether it “fits” the situation, but I approached these Keys just recently, and looks like I really need to investigate the matter more deeply. Thank you so much, friend!

That’s life for you. Most people don’t know what respect means. Thats why they don’t communicate or talk face to face. They ghost and text/email to break up which cause all kinds of misunderstanding with those medium. New tech is killing actual social skills of live interaction. When people do that, they don’t respect themselves or others. Without respect, you know the person no longer cares for you. It’s really a no win situation as no respect means no trust which means you can’t communicate properly as they block off all open mindedness about whatever you are going to say. I agree, respect yourself enough to not let them treat you like trash and curse the hell out of them for doing wrong.


@enara How long it has been taken to menifest?

Asmodeus, just understand that once you’ve invoked him, he tends to stick around. Not sure if that’s what you want, it can be a good thing. However, there is a free app called goetia guide, there are others you can invoke for this can’t remember all the names lol, but it is a good app, has correspondences for all the demons, sigils and enns for each. You may want to download it and do a search with it. Good luck.

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gaap, asmoday , leraje,