Belial sending sexual entities


Whhhyyy??? Why would you DO that to me!? lolol! I have GOT to learn to control my urges and curiosity. See? That is why I need a — …someone to help me control my urges… that sounded so much better in my head.

(I’m saving that picture by the way! ) said defiantly


Lol control is relative. If you were someone who wanted to have sex 6 times a day you might consider 3 times controlling yourself.


I have enough issues without sex brain. BALG penthouse forums don’t help…I still keep looking.


So what if you’ve lost interest in sex, will it be more business like with Belial?

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Suppose it depends on the person. With me he was mostly business. Seemed adamant i get an idea of what i could do vs what i perceived my limits to be.

Hence the what i thought at the time insane assignment he gave me back in February. Evocation of Belial - #6 by Dinmiatus

Well. That IS controlling yourself… Isn’t it?

I’d say it depends on you. I’d lost interest in sexual aspects of myself as well. That quickly changed once I started down this road. If it’s unhealthy and hindering you I believe most will push you to reclaim and reconcile those parts of yourself.


Lol well yes, only if it’s by choice. If it’s because you don’t have a partner and your arm gets too sore that’s another matter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OMG lmao! You are too much!

Damn delayed ejaculation! Add that to ex gymnast and martial arts student. In other words very bendy with stamina


(squeeks) That’s (clears throat) That’s nothing to complain about!!

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Like said before, it really depends in your situation,
if you lost interest in sex because you was frustrated by that, or if just your body just dosen’t asks for sex anymore, what i think is really a good thing!
If you still keeps your “survival” as priority, like all human beings it is good, If you can lead your life naturally without sex, you are all good! if you feel despair or frustration because of a lack of sex, it means the root chakra has a problem.

Sexe is used in our modern society for absolutely anything, and specially to control the mass, sex is showed everywhere, but the authorities wants makes us believe it is bad and dirty, creating huges psychological frustrations and other anomalies in what we truly are!

I will never see it as unhealthy the lack of attraction for sex, i even find it “holy” lol, so you can use all of your true sexual energy in what truly matters, and attain summits in your life with that!

Belial and you are the only one’s that can decide how your relationship will be like,
if you ask him to have sexual drive again, it can happens, but he will probably give to you what HE finds is more suitable for you, and it will be a hell of a surprise , haha!


See, this is where I’m having some issues (not physically). On one hand, I’ve embraced my emptiness, and I can draw power from it, on the other, it’s causing an overwhelming sense of hate, I don’t particularly enjoy.

Frankly, at this point after my experiences with women, I don’t even know that I have the emotional capacity to care for another human being, and when the thought of that fucking numbers game comes to mind, I cringe, and feel more inclined to stay alone. Just kinda feels like people aren’t worth it.

It’s just really getting to the point where I no longer have a desire to feel emotions anymore at all.


Well, at this point I do not require Belial if this will be the payment - Plan B… C… D… etc. unless he royally fucks up the person who ran over my friend.

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In my case (for some weird reason he was trying to flirt me few days prior but told him I’m interested only about our business) he appeared in my bed one morning… With 2 succubi… While I was sleeping… And they were all 3 of them touching me…

In case you’re curious, no I didn’t allowed anything to happened.


Oh I’m absolutely sure. I didn’t asked who’s their mother obviously, I just wanted all 3 of them off my freaking bed. For all I know they could be from his personal harem roflmao

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I’ve meditated to Belial once, not knowing it would work.

In my meditation it was a full moon night and I was sitting in front of a bon fire in the woods. As I was calling out his enn a white thick fog came from the woods and this man showed up.
When he showed up I told him I just wanted to talk. (He looked like a dark angel. He had bronze color skin, muscular build, long black hair, shirtless, black leather pants.)
I told him I have nothing to offer him, but he can do what ever he wants to my body sexually. He gave me the biggest smile and within a split second he shoved me up against a tree, almost through it and started kissing me hard, then he started to finger me real good. I was moaning in his mouth and my fingers were in his hair. As he was doing this two black feathered wings came out of his back.