Belial really doesn’t like addiction

Thanks. Oddly enough I was looking at books by Asenath Mason at one point.

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Agreed, I have two books from miss Mason. Very good material. And it’s for a good price on Amazon. I bought used books so they don’t get thrown away.

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Thanks @Borgy and @Kassapu, I’ll definitely get the book from Mason.

I agree, used books are alot better and shouldn’t be rejected.


And a very good price for me in Holland :wink: . Because we pay a lot of tax when it’s shipped from the US.

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Oh yes! Often times you scan read the energetic makeup of the person that was using it… In addition to that, you can also psychically download the comprehension they had of the material.

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I’ve thought to do that before. When I get the book, I’ll definitely try it but any tips on how to do it? I’ve never intentionally tried to feel somethings energy, its always just came to me randomly.

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You feel their energy and sort of step into their aura. From there you can download information into your ajna or crown chakra. Just be selective on what you download.

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Sounds familiar, it’ll be nice trying it intentionally this time.

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I read few posts here about how much Belial hates addictions but for being a powerful demon I think he very well knows it is not easy to break some addictions, it is like a life’s work. My question is will he help with initial push or leave everything to you to do the work?

I think he’s going to himself to motivate me because he must know that since I intend to try to work with him, I would be considering dropping the addiction because it’s holding me back from him, my potential and, as he said, truly working with Lucifer since I mentioned that I’m trying to care for myself because of Him too.

Because yes he is indeed a powerful demon so he would know about the hardship of quitting, as you said, so he would also know very well that I need what I’ve never had before (motivation, support, a push) to actually quit.

Up until last month, I kept saying “I’ll quit when things get better.” or “I’ll quit when it starts to hurt to much”. Both are lies to myself, the only “better” time is what we make and as for hurting to much, I’m in constant pain that I try to pass off as temporary.

I’m also an addict and I have been trying to quit my addictions for many years now. I find it so damn challenging, I don’t have willpower nor strength to overcome my addictions. So I asked if he gives an initial push like cleaning up the neural structures or change body physiology enough for me to get started.

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Now I understand better what you where looking for. Alright here’s the best that I can come up with (don’t hold me to any of this, I’m just going off myself):

In my opinion, no its all you unless you ask him to possess you which, from what I hear, is when he’ll take control of the way you work. Like smoking for example: If you can bear the taste, he’ll make it so you’ll find it to be the worst thing you’ve ever tasted.

But here’s how it worked for me:

First it starts with you.
I’ll come clean that self harm is my addiction. I would do it every night but I found the will (bettering my health for Lucifer, to stop worrying my friends who actually care about me, having pains constantly from where I’ve went to deep in the past) so I worked down to 1-3 times a week then go from there. Weekly to two weeks, pushing up on how long I would wait until it became 1-2 monthly.

I would use this breathing technique that Lucifer had taught me even though it was for my “attacks” (a combination of hysteria and panic) as we call it.

What works for me is sitting with my knees up, hugging my chest while rocking back and forth. Just breathing in and out. Fast inhale, slow exhale.

Other times standing works. Hugging myself and doing the breathing.

For you it could be something different that helps bring you down. Don’t be shy about exploring because there’s cooking, art, dancing, writing, etc.

Second is confidence.
By now, do you feel stronger then what’s calling to you? Have you been resisting so far? If you so then you can try to reach out so you have something to back you up.

On August 12, when I was thinking of finally calling to him. I felt this weight like something pressing itself into me and when the weight lifted, I just felt this need to quit that just felt like I didn’t then I would ruin everything because I’ll reference the message that Belial gave me since it was accurate: How can I ascend when my hands are bound by own doing?

Third if/after you make contact.
Are you following the advice and doing nearly everything possible to try to stay clean?

If so then good job. Make sure to give him plenty of thanks and to keep up with staying away from your addiction.

If not then do something similar to what I did this morning. Call him for more of a push and he may come to you in dream and do a serious intervention.


I’m not ready yet for a full on possession :slight_smile: and thanks for the steps. My good wishes for you to get over your addictions.

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My good wishes for you getting over your addiction too. I hope the steps work out for you.

I’m not ready for posession either since I believe possession is a last resort.

Also if you don’t feel too comfortable with Belial then there’s always an angel. The other night I read about Archangel Raphael using his healing to help: Raphael - is he the One to Work w/ for Ridding Oneself of Addiction?


Thanks and yes Raphael is good too but for a bigger addiction we need bigger guys :wink:

I saw this on there:

If we want to go harder, there’s always Azazel who will go drill sergeant on us.


Some life guru (I dunno who, or I wouldn’t have put this) has said your “shoulds” should be your “musts” if you’re looking to be the person you “should” be. In order to be the person you should be you must make your “shoulds” “musts”. Look into cognitive dissonance, I found that understanding why we talk ourselves out of things useful. Knowing part of the psychology for it helps solidify it in my brain too!

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Thanks, I’ll definitely look up what I can about cognitive dissonance. It sounds like it’ll help alot with providing motivation and ideas.

I’m surprised no one has mentioned Buer in this thread. He is supposed to help with addictions.

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I’m surprised too. I know there are others who help but get forgotten about when someone more interesting comes into play.

I’ve heard of Buer before in horror stories so I’m interested in actual stories, what’s he like?