Belial from Gordon Winterfield's book for lost love

So I just did my first evocations using the method presented in Gordon Winterfield’s Demons of Magick book. I’ve waited awhile for this as I wanted to meditate on it and get rid of fears and things like this. First evocation was last night and was for Dantalion, and if you read the book it says to write your command in a cypher, so the “command” I used was “X changes her mind totally and wishes from the bottom of her heart to be with me” and the second was this morning with Sallos and the “command” was “X loves me strongly than ever and wishes and is determined to get back to me”. I didn’t feel anything spectacular btw, but I’m just at the beginning of my road.

My initial inspiration was from a post here called “A powerful layerd love spell” (I’m on my phone right now and don’t know how to reference other posts). In that post, the user mentions evoking Belial in order to “remove any limiting thoughts, beliefs, emotions the target may have towards being with you, and to see you as supremely high status”. My questions are:

-what “command” should I use for Belial in this case? (I know you have to treat demons with respect and for lack of a better term right now, I’m using “command”). I need something simple yet concise and effective. Maybe someone has had experience with this…
-from the reading and documentation I’ve gone through so far, I found out he’s not so fond of YHWH, which is used during the ritual and I know Belial puts you through harsh tests. Will it anger him? I’m willing to go through the tests in order to prove my worth, better myself and achieve my goal, but I want to use the method described in the book because I don’t have the means for a more complicated ritual, neither do I know any.
-did anyone evoke him through the method described in the book and if so, how was it?

I was also thinking of working with Pomba Gira too and from another post I found out she works good in combination with Lucifer. Any ideas on how I could do that?


I’ve done exactly this for nearly the same purpose and I’ll have you know that the way the offerings I made showed up absolutely amazed me.

Don’t worry at all about the ritual structure as it’s already written. I got every aspect of the offerings I made dropped into my lap within hours of completing the ritual. I was thinking about a Cohiba Red Dot, and Johnny Walker Black Label. What I offered was “a nice Cohiba cigar” and “Johnny Walker Blue Label” ($200 a bottle stuff).

No joke, 5 hours or so later I’m at a friend’s place flirting with his ultra hot sister and he offers me a smoke and a beer. I go downstairs to choose a cigar and he has a case of Cohiba Red Dots… Bam. A bit later he says “You want some scotch?” He brings out a few varieties including Johnny Walker Black Label… I see across the room he has a box with the same logo and I say “what’s that stuff?” He replies “Ah! You should definitely try that one. It’s their top shelf Blue Label.”

I didn’t even have to work to get him his offerings, that’s how well it went. He provided HIS OWN OFFERINGS. The whole thing felt like eagerness to work with me. I am very very fond of Belial, and it’s ironic that I was apprehensive to call on him. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with Gordon’s methods and I wouldn’t alter them one bit.

As for your statement, write your own but keep it succinct. Less is more. State the reality you want such as *there is nothing to stop x from being…" rather than squeezing a ton of variables in. You can always do another working or 5. Give it some room to breathe and cast often.

Reread the section about not putting two results in one phrase. That can gum things up sometimes.

Tldr, Belial is my favorite spirit. Do it


Any updates?

I haven’t tried to evoke Belial yet. I’m kinda of afraid to do it through this method to not insult him. I have evoked Lucifer and Beleth however, doing it freestyle sort of

What about your rship updates?
Any progress ?


This is just a small portion that happened 2 days ago. Not that much but it’s a progress for sure. I will update with a full story when something else happens (maybe the desired result)

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