Beginning Shadow Work

The first time I did shadow work was with Lilith. It was my first time meeting her so I had planned to just evoke her to get a feel for her and introduce myself. But when she came she jumped straight into it, I didn’t even have to ask. I dont remember if I made a post on it or not but when she appeared to me, even her form had so much symbolism, it was truly amazing. She appeared dead, with her eyes rolled back and her jaw hanging open. But out of her mouth there was a beautiful white flower with red tips growing. And then from there I went into a dream where all of my repressed emotions and fears began to manifest. I didnt even remember falling asleep and I didnt even know I was dreaming. I thought I was having a normal day just like any other until I woke myself up sobbing.
It had me so shaken that it took a little over a week to fully recover from. From then on I’ve improved myself and become close with Lilith. Shes an excellent choice and you dont need anything special in my experience.


Here’s one for now (I’m working out and a lot of these will have “love n light” but it’s self love so… Shrugs)


So, working with Lilith in shadow work does not require the watery energies of Gamaliel?

It’s not necessary but you could integrate it. I’d work with just lilith herself.

Also, look at your triggers.

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I disagree with the porn part, I still watch porn and I’m just fine.

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What triggers you? Why does it trigger you? What can I do about this?

^These are things you need to ask yourself. With shadow work, you have to be truthful and authentic with yourself.


I’ll check it out. As far as I know I don’t have any triggers around porn so there shouldn’t be a reason to give it up :blush:

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Not referring to the porn, your pain. What triggers the hurt?

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Love Micheal Sealy for meditation… His voice is a god… These final two should be good.


I know I have some deep rooted, impotent rage stemming from feeling powerless when I was young, trauma from a car accident, and a bunch of fear (fear of success, fear of failure, fear of confrontation etc) and these are only what I am consciously aware of. Also, I’m highly cerebral and very out of touch with my emotions.

Plus I have the bad brain chemistry that causes my depression. This should be a fun ride.

i’ll try them all. Thanks very much!

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It’s never easy. I’m sorry about the damage done to you.

For some people it’s done for a small period of their life. For others, it’s their lifetime dedicated to healing themselves. Walk through the door, into the Hall and look into the mirror, without fear, know that you will reconcile with all that has happened. (a vision I saw meant for you)

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Thanks, my friend. If I want to be whole, and move forward with my Ascension, it must be done, no matter how painful.

I’ve been reaching out to my Godself for the past two weeks through the Bija mantra HAUM, and letting it guide me and shadow work seems to be what I need right now.

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“I would rather be whole, than good.” -Carl Jung

It works.

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As someone who has done shadow work, do you think it is wise to do it before going to sleep, or would it be better to do it during the day when the experience can be integrated easier?

Also, when I am undertaking this process, can I still continue my chakra work with the Bija mantras, or would that interfere?

In all honesty I like doing it at night but you can do it whenever. I suggest nighttime but you can do it in daylight.

Yes you may. I suggest building wards and not doing negative magick for awhile, as negative energy isn’t conducive for a positive environment.

If you follow this second suggestion and feel a magickal attack, use a return to sender, which I can give various applications for that.

(like mirror wards, the mirror realm in the astral, astral mirror boxes, etc. All can be explained upon asking)

Also I furthermore Suggest cleansing yourself and the environment you’re in after each meditation. Don’t want the lingering energy.


Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.

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Not a problem, feel free to approach me if you need anything else.

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Might be worthwhile

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May I ask how you evoked her? Did you use her sigil?