Beginner offer to draw aura

:flushed: :dizzy_face: you kill me .w.


I hope that everything will be good !


That’s really good.

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throw painting at people

I feel a revelation about something, but I don’t know what. You eyes cab finally see

I feel that something “possesses” you. You don’t seem to defend yourself, and you seem to know that it’s there… So it don’t seem something bad. I don’t feel that it’s hurt you, but I feel that you have to take precaution to not loose yourself.

I feel that Something in you have break. You seem lost also… You need some rest.


.w. can i have another one :slight_smile:
I’ll trade you something .W.

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Ahah sure

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An energy that is really alive, an energy to help you to go more high.

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I love it! thank you
What’s the energy on the right side. THe orange color. Kind of looks like wings of green. Reminds me of the heart chakra, love energy

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The orange is from some else sorry ^^’ fail to hide it xD

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hahaa oh lol :smile:

I think I have kill the rest of the people when I have throw their paint xD

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Oh ahahahahaha!!! Burn their painting, burns them as well LOL. Turns out all along you’re actually a master voodoo sorceress :yum:

Daamn xD ahah that could be awsome

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To be a master voodoo sorceress xD not to burn people x) just to be clear

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Surrrrrrreee… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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XD fuck…
Burn the suspect

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I’m bored so… I will describe my painting thing x)
first, the size doesn’t mean anything ahah
Also, I have to say that It’s really the image I have seen. aaand it took me 2 or 3h to paint xD so I can not make often something like that.

I have use Yellow and orange for the center. A living flame. It represent the center of the aura/energy.
For what is arround, it’s a mix of blue and black, and some purple.

It feel like the bottom of the ocean. I can ear bubble and water movement. I can see but in the same time I see nothing. everything is dark.
I feel contradictory emotions. It feel good, relaxing, peacefull… but I feel sadness and emptiness too. It feel neutral in many way.


Could i get a aura painting??! @Selkie

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yeah sure :slight_smile: I go do it !

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