Any enn to just stop him in his place. He s not himself and may hurt someone I love
Call the police.
Please make your next post an intro, it’s a forum rule:
I think it’s resolved… He s just mentally unstable at times and it’s scary
I apologize, it’s resolved… He s just mentally unstable at times. This time more than others
Glad things are okay…
I’m now wondering if there are any rituals that follow after death. Like a type of hex that means if you die your killer dies too or something you want to happen will happen
Or a spell that can guarantee someone you care about a healthy life, safe from danger
Also for the god of torture when I tell him his target what information does he Need? Can I just tell him the name and send him off?
Name (full) and a photo can help… But as long as you know who you mean its fine…
@Lollipop_faguette, in all truth, have you urged your friend to get psychiatric help, and made sure he did?
Also, what is the primary issue @Lollipop_faguette? It seems you want to keep one person safe, while torturing the person and reincarnate together? I don’t quite understand.
Well I guess you could say it’s complicated. The one who I wanted to inflict pain upon is not related to the person who I want to protect. Also I’m urging my friend to see professionals
I see.
I think I’m gonna summon Lucifer today… should I do it when everyone is asleep so I won’t be disturbed or would it be alright to summon him whilst my grandma is busy and likely won’t disturb
Whatever you’re comfy with
Alright, I just don’t want my grandmother to walk in on Lucifer himself and get a heart attack
Whyyyyyy. Do sooooooo many peeeeople live under a bridddddge
So I’ve been saying the enn while looking at the sigil and nothing seems to be happening, could I be saying it wrong?
No, just let yourself relax. Focus on your breathing first. Then gaze at the sigil and recite the enn
Would it fuck it up if I briefly looked at the end from time to time to say it correctly?