"Become a Vampire” spell/poem to Selene

Do any work that you know of and yes that one

Set, Aset, Selene, to name a few. But yes do a degree I do. Each deity that has created vampires said vampires are different to a degree.

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I just want to know the truth. Honestly. 1. Does this work? 2. If Vampyres are born and not made; then why are there services being offered by Satania, Vampireashram and certain Witches on Etsy, Artfire, etc that offer this? Also, I want to mention that a few years ago I paid for a transformation on Etsy (as a kid I was always fascinated with vampyres and at the time I figured why not become one) and I experienced some serious shit. I had 2 dreams about me floating in darkness while my fangs grew in. First dream was the top row. Second dream was the bottom row while gold was flowing from my hands like water. Everytime I woke up from these dreams I still felt the growing pains of my fangs. Now, I also want to note that I have been seeing demons and other entities since I was a child. I grew up Baptist/Christian (though I never wanted to be baptised and now I know why) and because of that EVERYTHING I saw scared the living shit out of me. My twin saw angels and was approached by Satan or someone for both of our souls, but what I saw I will never forget. I flew out of my body every night and I didn’t want that. Not even as much I want to astral now(which I’ve been having some difficulties doing). At one point the demons introduced themselves to me like I was an old friend or something and some of them were in black cloaks. 3. How do you know if you’re already a vampire? Because to me, it would seem that I have been unknowingly for a long time. Not to mention, when I was college(before I paid for the ritual) I would sing while playing my guitar and attract a lot of attention almost too much. So much I could literally feel the energy with my third eye. Also, everytime I went out the club; the dance floor would be empty. Then I start dancing; all of the sudden everybody and their mom is on the dancefloor around me. Once again, when this happened I felt alot of energy in my third eye. It was almost over bearing as if I could physically touch and feel it. The same thing would happen when there was a meeting in the office at my old job. So am I reincarnated vampyre ? Did the ritual I paid for work ? What is happening ? Also, why was I drawn to Hekate (who has relation to vampyres, unless I am wrong)when I first started learning the craft? I have had some many experiences. I could go on but this would be longer than it needs to be.

Vampires are born and made, just on the spiritual aspects of it.

meaning soul transmutation, or an alteration to the energy body.

If a reincarnated vampire were to call on a deity who resides over such (Hecate, Aset, Set, so on and so forth) I theorize it would simply initiate one of many awakening experiences rather than a transmutation experience.


I made a petition to Selene on 6/05/20 at 3 AM. I recited this poem on 6/06/20 Midnight during the full moon with 2 candles while standing in front of a mirror. The candles definitely flickered but with a blue light that almost looked electric. My heart felt strange that night. My third eye was lit like Christmas lol it was definitely buzzing (it does everytime I say the poem now and the candle light occasionally flickers too).I woke up the next morning feeling different. Every night since then, I have been saying the poem in front of a candle or while starring at the moon; which conveniently sits in front of my room window each night. (Seriously, I open my window and it’s like BOOM!!! here’s the Moon. It’s just right there even last night it was.) Every night since that night, I have been laying on my back and feeling as if someone or something would move my limbs when I attempted to go out of body or sleep(I’ve also had trouble sleeping at night, so when I can’t sleep I say the poem or the other 2 poems/chants I found for her). Sidenote: Oddly enough, I feel my fangs when laying down too; like they are growing in physical and spiritual form. For example: when lying on my back sometimes I feel one of my arms move upwards to a different position on their own; kinda like a quick twitch but definitely not something I had control over. Sometimes I would feel my index on either side point upwards on it’s own. I also would feel something pushing me to the side sometimes or shake me lol :smile: it’s kinda funny :joy::joy::joy: haha not gonna lie it’s happened quite a bit after the initial ritual(I’m like jeez, just tell me what you want already lol I’m game :smile::joy::smiling_imp:) Also, I have been listening to a vampyre transformation subliminal while attempting to sleep or have an O.B.E. since that night too and that’s when the strange twitching and movement starts. On the morning of 6/09/20, I remember waking from a dream or out of body experience (I really couldn’t tell it was all to surreal) where I in was in my room lying in my bed and there was this beautiful otherworldly woman(I think she was a demon or a vampyre I couldn’t tell but she was definitely not human because her eyes were otherworldly) sitting on my bed with me. She had these strange face tattoos which resembled numbers that were in different colors (red and orange) that sat like a crown on her forehead. She was pale skinned had long black hair in a ponytail (I’m sorry but :weary: damn she was gorgeous). I feel like she said something to me but I can’t remember what she said but she was looking at me with a look of curiosity and interest. I did a tarot reading for myself today in the form of the Celtic Cross; I asked if Selene had taken interest in me or if the woman I saw was sent from her and I got The Emperor as the outcome card. I drew 2 more Cards and I got the 10 of wands and the Ace of Wands. Call me crazy but I think this poem works and Selene will give me what I’ve asked for. Am I wrong ? Or is there something I’m missing? I should probably mention that I did ask in my petition for Selene to bring me the desires I seek from her in 1 month. Hopefully I can get some answers and sorry for the long post lol. I just want to know if I’m right.


As it’s been said by others within this very same thread, above: the subtle or otherwise hidden energetic give and take between all humans is something we seem to inherently partake in by virtue of interaction undertaken to varying degrees and levels. That much seems demonstrably true to those who engage in energy work. It’s also true in my experience that some, like myself, may have found ourselves born with a greater propensity toward navigating and manipulating these same pranic or energetic currents which so many daily and obliviously surf upon. The primary difference between the average adept or mundane human and an awakened vampire, however, is especially found in the measure of control which can be leveraged on command in regard to this inherent astral ability; to the point where acts of parasitism are made possible according to will, specifically. One can also begin to reverse the process and project charged intent or malefic energies from invoked demons directly into the aura of a target, similarly. Moreover, and following up my last comment, the vampiric ability in being awakened over time will by its own virtue unlock greater degrees of ability in astral magick like with ritual or spirit work earned through a depth of sustained acausal immersion otherwise not as easily obtained elsewhere.

So, will the above poem awake something vampiric within you, then? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s neither here nor there as you simply don’t need to do that to master the skillsets involved. And so it doesn’t really matter in the end if you identify with the vampire archetype: the stimulated drive to vampirize, or whatever one may hope to awaken won’t literally allow you to do anything different than you could have prior in terms of abilities. It isn’t a matter of being “turned”. Even if you were to awaken something predatory, this change won’t give you literal vampiric abilities which are performed ultimately using your body of light. You won’t wake up adept at sympathetic magick or any kind of magick. You can do the poem, but logically won’t wake up adept at controlling your own prana or that of others no matter how long you may wait. So-called “psychic vampirism”-- in which I consider myself to be presently an adept, as well as someone in the process of writing a book on self-initiation for beginners, no less-- is not all inherent perhaps beyond a latent desire. It’s founded upon a skill which some are, again, better at naturally exploiting than others. Like basketball is a skill. Or socializing. Michael Jordan doesn’t need a special soul to kick ass at basketball, and etc. But just like other skills, vampirism still takes effort to consciously learn to employ with confidence and success in being an overarching application of underlying skillsets. And as such, your own skill in vampiric techniques can arguably be improved if you should merely have the desire, and even when not a natural. “Otherkin” theory is not necessary to explain vampirism even though I could arguably make such a claim myself if it made sense.

To continue, psychic vampirism then-- even as mysterious as it outwardly seems to the outsider–, can actually and essentially be boiled down to two separate but related simple skill-sets: the crux of which lies in forming sympathetic magickal connections to victims through the conscious aide of touch or through the mind alone, and this is followed by a willed reversal of the polarity of your own chakras (often via the aide of the inhaled breath), which is something done in order to maximize the pull of your own aura and its natural momentum enhanced through focused intent and the use of thoughtforms on either a conscious or mostly unconscious level, depending upon the practitioner. To achieve this, you’ll find some people use tendrils, and others do not consciously visualize as such, but pretty much everyone I’ve met has some kind of technique where energy is visualized or felt as moving toward the vampire in question. Much more than doing spells to become a vampire; this particular observation is highly important to grasp for anyone presently finding themselves in consideration of following this path.

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Also, it’s probably worth noting while on the subject of learning to vampirize others that there are different albeit related preferences to be discovered within each aspirant in regard to practice. In stating this, some of you will by tendency gravitate toward the stimulation of, and feeding upon sexual energies, others may enjoy triggering flows of intense emotional energies from the aura while partaking of “shallow” feeds (never going much farther), or may ultimately begin employing techniques which consciously pierce chakras in order to feed directly from the core thereof-- just for some examples. However, each of those examples can overlap such as when intentionally triggering a flow of fear whilst deeply feeding, and so on in their combinations. For there are definitely a multiplicity of avenues to explore beyond what one may come into it having expected as their lure. I would move to reiterate that all of the above astral abilities, insights and skills can and will eventually dovetail down in ways of indirect benefit to the astral magickian; kind of just like being the proverbial grease which lubricates the axle that helps to move all other astral magick that’s performed.

And beyond just taking my word for it, or doing the above spell and giving up when you won’t gain requisite experience in the skills I’m talking about-- which, again, truly anyone can do and not just the natural born–, hopefully many of you will stick around to find out what I mean. Because in saying so that much has so far been a truly fascinating path of self-discovery undertaken in transcending perceived limitations in certain ways extended far beyond the vainglorious ability to harm another through occult means or to merely add some pep your rituals. Yes, this can be done, but it would be shortsighted in assumption as being the extent of any benefit gained. Vampirism instead remains an overlooked and literal direct path toward garnering acausal wisdom and a veritable insight into the fallacy of a Newtonian-only model of our world; something existing as an easily learned practice standing only to empower well beyond the initial expectation of most any neophyte currently gazing down into the admitted murkiness thereof; waiting in contemplation of learning how to swim and even toward exploring these as of yet mostly uncharted depths.

In relation to guidance upon such a murky and often potentially misleading path: only as it had been mentioned elsewhere by another, then some arguably vampiric entities off the top of my own head which come highly recommended to any still interested would be Belial, Hekate and Lilith. But they’re each pretty great for other reasons, too. So one couldn’t really go wrong if you’re reading this and happen to begin feeling a call right now either way.

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So what you’re saying in short is that “transformation” ultimately takes time and practice. In which I’ve had alot since doing this poem. Also, been reading Ardeth - the Made Vampire along other books about vampires too. I’m starting to realize that everyone is a reflection of where they put their time and effort. I believe my results are a reflection of my efforts towards improving myself as a “self-made” vampire. But I could be wrong. Also, want to make note of the fact that Hecate was the first Goddess I started with when I began my journey, so I might have been a vampyre all along 🤷. Btw seems like you have alot of experience with this perhaps you could teach some techniques ? Just a thought.

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So what you’re saying in short is that “transformation” ultimately takes time and practice. In which I’ve had alot since doing this poem.

Based on your last comment, I feel intuitively that what I’m about to say will require a slight shift in thinking in order for us to both arrive squarely on the same page by the time you’ve finished reading. In saying so, allow me to please make it clear off the bat that I still do not see any evidence-- myself having started on this path in the mid-1990s up until now-- needed to believe a literal transformation into “being a vampire” ever takes place. There is no literal metamorphosis into “becoming a vampire”, or having been “born a vampire”, appearing at any point in the process from beginner to adepthood beyond learning how to use a set of skills that anyone and everyone already has access thereunto. It’s that simple. Anything more than considering a gradual mastery of the underlying skills themselves as involved therein to produce results is limited to being a subjective diddling around with semantics about what defines a vampire, and perhaps coming to a gratifying conclusion based upon a false correlation formed between the mere reason why one started to feed (i.e. from a birth defect relating to a chakra, having an inhuman soul, reciting a poem to Selene, throwing a coin in some cursed well, etc), with the actual, literal teachable abilities of vampirism themselves as being inherently related.

For an example of the foolishness taking place, I all too often have heard that certain people aren’t “real vampires”, and merely because they don’t possess a need to feed like unto others from birth due to the above. This is not a necessary distinction to be drawn. That, to me, sounds very much like a heap of that elitist sounding crap from the Arbatel saying that you either are born able to do magick or you can’t. Contrarily, it is actually only through learning how to sympathetically connect to another living entity and then reversing your chakra polarity on command to your own exploitative gain which could define the meaning of psychic vampirism itself. Psychic vampirism is never to be conflated with an underlying auric birth defect or health condition, a ritual of initiation-- or even with the initial blessing of talent that some may claim to be the reason behind why they began to use the very same skills and techniques as would any other.

An adept “vampire” always remains human then, but can certainly be said to have gained through their works an ability to manipulate a natural energetic process which we all partake in (in this case to our perceivable benefit), and also will thereby come to enjoy certain direct and indirect benefits related to undergoing an extended period of immersion in astral work. That having been said: if an extended period of intensely “hands on” astral work in any field of occultism doesn’t change any man or woman fundamentally in terms of personality, then I would be surprised. I’m not saying vampirism doesn’t change you: the change is just apparently not as literal as some believe. And speaking to you as an adept vampire-- saying so with whatever unofficial definition behind what it means to “transform” into a vampire kept aside-- you simply come to realize at some point if you’re honest that you don’t ever need to do a poem to Selene or something to realize that becoming an adept in the related skills of vampirism like I’m talking about is literally and logically the only thing which makes you able to claim, “having become a vampire”. And that is something only able to be claimed by definition of your actions and dedication over time. And those actions being linked to intent, just like in ritual with evoking demons, similarly will require practice with exploiting natural processes and abilities before you’re good at it. Granted, some will have a greater ability to learn and perform just like in basketball, acting, or elsewhere in terms of the lifelong processes involved with mastering any skill.

All of the piled on “darke fluff” that has accumulated and the sometimes elitist mythos which has come to surround the underlying skills of vampirism must finally become seen for what it really is: only so much extraneous crap people have added on around what works and produces results. And I am talking about almost exactly the same kind of unnecessarily added on crap that EA himself has seemingly striven to cut free from with his streamlined methods of sorcery and so forth, elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong: I love ceremonial magick, and know there’s power in multi-hour long rituals from experience, but Jesus-- how people can really over-complicate something like evocation well away from its essence and principles until it becomes this bloated thing all of its own. You know? And furthermore, in relation to “transforming into a vampire”, et al, it now seems as good a time as any for us to allow ourselves to be reminded how you and me will still remain human even after we temporarily become as living gods within our ritual chambers or elsewhere, as it’s been said. The subsection of becoming an adept at vampirism is once again no different than others. To learn to feed is merely for a human to have learned to employ a set of underlying, easily learnable skills and embraced natural abilities which happen to be based on the astral plane by and large. Mastering those skill-sets does not at any point require a metamorphosis beyond learning how to do something which we all already do to varying degrees of natural talent.

Vampirism is not even all that hard a hard skill to learn compared to, say, demonic evocation. Those who do come to grok the techniques likely still don’t deeply understand their actual abilities on a deeper level as it relates to the functioning of the body of light, or simply have no vested personal interest in sharing such information publicly. And so regarding the painfully limited amount of truth in practical information available to be found in terms of self-initiation: there’s a clear power hierarchy formed by some groups which then require joining in order to learn more about just how to proceed.

After all this time I’ve yet to find more than only nudges and hints about these techniques, and never any real instruction. In saying so, I too have read Ardeth. There was nothing of practical value in Ardeth to my recollection regarding how to begin to gain skill. Most books which give any vague instructions at all will claim you need a very, very understanding partner to vampirize willingly; an unpalatable concept for myself even in the rare cases that’s doable often enough to become useful. Some have gone on to suggest “techniques” like practicing while awkwardly shaking hands, and doing other strange things which are hard to take advantage of usefully. I think only one book mentioned how the body of light generally functions and how we can control its polarity manually-- and briefly at that. I’ve read so many of these books including perhaps the best, which is arguably Belanger’s Codex;- the which being packed full of information even as it is still fails to teach anything about how to establish sympathetic connection or how to trigger polarity reversal in your chakras as needed to get started. In fact, I recall she actually doesn’t even practice psychic vampirism herself because she believes it wastes more energy than you would gain (i.e. a mere side effect of poor psychic connection from lack of practice). In fact, I have access to a paid membership on a certain PDF pirating forum along with decent enough skill to have tracked down and since read most every book on psychic vampirism published (and some unpublished). And so given all the off-putting dark fluff and questionable elitist crap forming a veil to adepthood for most aspirants, I can understand why this art is so often overlooked entirely. Precious little truth has been clearly written on the subject apart from irrelevant bias; so much less of any practical value.

Labels are simply not those things they aim to summarize for conversational convenience. Anyone can learn to do magick and “become a magickian”. Anyone can learn to vampirize and “become a vampire”. There is no deeply appreciable difference in concept, or even greater distinguishment able to be made between them.

Also, want to make note of the fact that Hecate was the first Goddess I started with when I began my journey, so I might have been a vampyre all along :person_shrugging:.

Nice. I do love Hekate as well. But we have all arguably “been vampires all along” to varying degrees at times in our lives. Have you truly never been draining to another; just to demonstrate one admittedly trite yet clear example of energy exchange? Have you never walked away from conflict feeling exhilarated while the other person was left depleted? Have you never felt the loss of energy which occurs in extending yourself to another person socially only to wind up being rudely snubbed instead of having the same returned in kind? Energy exchange is natural; not the domain of those who make poems to Selene or otherwise are born with health issues.

Similarly, I was able to learn to use the evil eye as a young teen well before I’d ever picked up a book on occultism. But how? After all I wasn’t initiated, and I hadn’t undergone training. So must I otherwise have been born with some special soul to explain my ability? Do I even necessarily need to lean on past lives to explain the same? No-- it is a firm no in all cases. Some of us “just” naturally find ourselves more inclined to certain things than others and that’s okay. We don’t need to create stories to explain why we have one talent or another. Moreover, I have seen natural talent first hand in myself and those I’ve personally helped. It admittedly matters as a variable, but it isn’t everything. And I have seen plenty claim to feel callings toward something they later grew into. Sure. Although somehow despite that I’ve yet to meet a natural born adept vampire or magickian. How about yourself? Or do you see my point? That these are “just” skills and not things which we either can or can’t do based on who we already are. To be clear: you already have everything you need to become an adept vampire within yourself. No poem or broken chakra is going to make you an adept magickian or vampire: that much only takes different amounts of work and dedication for everyone. Everything added onto the skills that produce results is arguably unnecessary crap, and hopefully, once again, we can all appreciate that in being fans of EAs body of works.

Btw seems like you have alot of experience with this perhaps you could teach some techniques ? Just a thought.

I have no idea when I’m actually releasing my own book, but I hope to keep the formula I’ve used to, dare I say, “turn people”-- haha-- partially a secret for now. And that’s only because it’s literally not been found in any other book to date. I simply don’t expect to have the same impact if it can all be uncovered here.

That being said, I am hardly saying no. Though I’ve already shared the most important truths behind the essence of psychic vampirism, I still would invite you and others to DM me for specific techniques. In the end I want nothing more than to help eradicate the stigmas and bullshit which have kept this abused, maligned and simply overlooked aspect of Western occultism out of potentially interested hands for too long. Feel free.


As an illustrative PS, Kadaj_Xanatos: anyone can witness examples of the exact same kind of sympathetic connection being formed between vampire and victim similarly in poppet magick off the top of my head, or for the most part with nearly anything where your aim is to directly affect a target through sorcerous means. It may help to gently keep in mind that touching your victim to feed from them is little more than the equivalent of using a “voodoo doll” as a physical, ritual aide or crutch of sorts to consciously assist the projection of your will. Physical distance is found to be an illusion on some level as quickly as one is able to begin to realize where the magick is actually happening; it is all performed through the adept’s trained body of light, and in relation to that of another or others. Even where actually ingesting blood, it is only acting as a physical carrier for the very same pranic forces.

Next and lastly, achieving a willed reversal of chakra polarity actually happens naturally with each inward cycle of the breath, and meditation thereupon will allow it to be harnessed without the need for reciting poetry or claiming auric birth defects, once again. This inward pull along with your intent commonly assists thoughtforms used for vampirism from victims much like how straws are used to drink from a can, for example. Commonly, as a technique, this is achieved through believing in and visualizing things like tendrils or “energy hands” extending from your own aura in relation. Or by simply enveloping the aura of your victim completely.

I actually have a pathworking I’ve made specifically for solo practitioners to get up to speed without needing a partner to do so, however, so feel free, again, to DM me if and when you feel ready.


@leo Thanks for your response. I tried to DM but I couldn’t find the message button. Can you DM me? I’m a solo practitioner and any advice or steps I can use to speed up my advancement in Magick and Vampyrism would be greatly appreciated :+1:

Lol, not I.

Why 0 blood type is not good?

@Kadaj_Xanatos For sure. I’ll hit you up in a bit. I think you’ll find it’s relatively simple, straight forward in its incremental flow of procedures, and moreover: it provides visceral feedback in real time unlike many other aspects and pathworkings found in western occultism.

Meanwhile, and only as this is so often something I see in my opinion included part and parcel with this process after “transforming into a vampire”: I have to clarify that despite having had access to these abilities since the 1990s and even seeing the change in others perception and reality the introduction of these skills and experiences introduced, I still don’t really feed from others anymore unless I’m combining it synergistically with psychic attack and cursing. And even that takes quite a bit of work through forming me into a personal nemesis because I know I’ll probably just forget about them soon in most cases.

I do, however, tend to “taste” peoples energy when meeting, and use my intuition more often at times like those. I do tend to, as I said, cross over skills outside of mundane life even to things like evocation or energy healing. I will take in harmless “whiffs” of energy when passing through areas from people or locations themselves, but it’s not really to fill a void so much as to interact with my environment through inspection or to soak in through appreciation. You can even feel the “spirits” in an area: ever been to a nightclub, bar or event with a subtle yet thick, feverish feeling hanging around only to see violence soon or often breaking out? In fact, I had at least once fueled that kind of energy, seemingly increasing the activity, and fed off of it, I think very much like how it was vaguely mentioned in Ardeth through use of thoughtforms? On the aside, that kind of experience has indirectly taught me the value of performing Jason Miller’s recommended adaptation of the Buddhist technique of feeding local spirits around my home and temple; another thing this path quickly pointed me toward.

But despite the value I preach as being overlooked by so many even now, I think as it was said best in Kenneth Grant’s “Gamaliel: Diary of a Vampire”:

“Vampirism can be viewed as an intermediary stage between complete
dependence on, and independence of, an external source of energy. There
comes a time when the vampire desists from feeding on carrion and abides
at peace within itself, imbibing its own essence, which it realises as the
totality of the Universe.”

For I had used these skills and techniques quite commonly and even often in the years after having been taught of this stuff directly from another via instant messenger on AOL as well as having been fed on and vice versa (i.e.: being the only truly useful initiation I’ve been able to verify giving and receiving since it directly imparts an unwilled experience of energy sensations). But to the perhaps dismay of the so-called vampire community at large and their anger and mockery and attacks over having their broken self-identifications to these skills challenged; I have since come to view things like this path
of vampirism itself, successfully performing death magick, manipulation spells and so forth as being a valid means to an end: a path of indulgence and excess leading to an eventual transcendence of desire of sorts. But it is not a lifestyle to be endured forever. I feel this is also worth including in having discussed how the transformation idea itself has shown itself to be a sham born of the the ego and a mundane level of self-identification held therewith.

In any case, I’ll talk to you later. Be safe and take care. :slight_smile:

I dont know why, but i feel like i must share my story, and you do not have to believe it, but keep an open mind.

When i was 7 years old i got seduced by a female entity, I can say she was really beautiful and the sex was incredible, and that my penis was abnormally huge during the intercourse. After that i would feel as if i was on fire when i would walk inside a church, and when i would wear a cross i would get marks on my neck.

I also maintained an erection for alot of years, something that can kill you according to science. I never fed on blood, but i would literally lust for it. I would also feel burning sensations when i would come into contact with sunlight. (Thats slowly faded away throughout the years).

At the age of 21 i prayed to myself. (Sounds crazy but true). I prayed that my curse would break as i felt this female entity wouldnt let me find love and it was the case. And i peed something out of my penis. It looked like how you draw the sperm cell in chemistry. It was the size of my finger. It was fabric and yellow. I struggle to get an erection since and all my vampiric aspects left.

Today i may have regretted breaking this curse, as it was never meant to have broken. Alot of bad happened to me since then. But im getting through. As i said you dont have to believe me, but keep an open mind.

So I’m assuming a Incubi soul transmutation would also make you a physical Psy Vampire to…

I just want to point out that absolutely no spell or non-physical entity can transform you on a physical level to anything other than what you are. There are ways to do so, but they are rare, and really, if you’re looking to transform yourself into something you are not, then there’s some internal things you need to take care of that you’re avoiding.

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no, it would not unless you actively need to psy vamp.

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I remember pre-movie day’s when this was on old Slow AF dial up (17 year’s Back) There was mention on a few more detail’s.

You needed a candle any kind for basic lighting outside & a drop of blood in a glass of water present during the ritual, Leave them by the bed side & exstinguish the candle as offer/marker after the ritual & you will be visited by a “Child of Selene/Darkness” shortly after in the night to be gifted the transformation & yes it was irrivesable.

That’s just memery though take what you will from it.

Hi Kitsune,

I saw several of your replies re vampirism (not the energy/ magick stuff). Your logic makes sense.

You also said there are other resources on the subject besides what is available online.

Care to point me in the right direction kindly?

Thank you.
