Become a living God

The Become a living God was a interesting “movement” in terms of the idea of taking control of your life by means of occult work be it to improve your mundane life or improve your occult life but I think over time newbies and kids got a hold of it and now everyone wants to be a pseudo-Yahweh “ima be better than daddy was” kind of thing.

but then again the astral/mental many have gone there and made their own “universes” and became “gods” of them, like in a dream so I don’t really see much of a need to wait to live out a fantasy.

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Do you even understand what being a living God means?

I suspect a lot of practitioners aren’t really understanding what it means, or they’re having trouble connecting with that Godlike aspect we all have within ourselves. It’s a process to uncover that aspect and start wearing it.

Obviously the first step is damnation in the lake of fire, or maybe doing the Black Sun.

But it can be a long, arduous process getting to that first major step for some of us.

What I’m saying is, it might look a particular way to you, but the reality can be quite different for some practitioners.

Really interesting that my topic has resurfaced :smiley:

I could say more but everyone has to find their own way. :black_heart:

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I mean to be fair, it’s a concept mostly coined by EA, so I mean.

It wasn’t until later that random people started having false messages from entities “we want you to become gods yada yada” and thus everyone and their momma became a medium for spirits to say that.

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Sorry, but that is incorrect. It goes back a lot further than EA and is a concept talked about by a lot of religious writers like Annalee Sorkin (a Christian mystic who taught that we are gods, and who it is believed actually physically Ascended ). What EA did was simply tie the idea to occult practices like evocation.

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No, my point is the way it’s mentioned here is coined by EA, not the entire concept of becoming a God. I know he did not coin the entire thing.


Google don’t find it, is it a correct name?

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Sorry, that was my error. The name is Annalee Skarin, not Sorkin. I have her book “Ye Are Gods” on Kindle.

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Thank you

I am curious how much it will resemble mystical philosophy of Simone Weil

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I’m not familiar with Simone Weil, so I cannot say. I find Christian mysticism quite interesting, though, because a lot of it veers sharply away from what the Church teaches, and more closely resembles what Christ himself is said to have taught, that we are all the children of God and capable of miracles even greater than those he performed.


I agree. Authors of rosicrucian pamphlets were protestant mystics too. And their thought influenced western occult for 5 centuries. Yet the orthodox mysticism is richer than western for Orthodox church held different politics toward mystics. Catholic church was highly suspicious and ward the dogma, and first protestants were ‘sola scriptura’. It is fascinating to know american mysticism as it hadn’t clear ground to bloom.

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Can you elaborate, on how to achieve apotheosis, to enter Godhood

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