BBOA ~how to speak it?

I always pronounce yn sounds as ing. Apostrophes mark glottal stops, so make the sound and then force the throat to kill the sound before going on.

The hardest part seems to be Thflthkh, it’s a five sound consonant cluster. Break it into pieces and try to master each part in batches of two. Th-F, F-L, L-Th, Th-K Then make the spaces between the sounds smaller till you can say the whole word. Same with N’grkdl’lh, the middle is the hardest part because glottal stops let you break up the clusters the same as a vowel would, so all you have to deal with really is grkl, and that’s not too hard once you practice a bit.

Of course, this all assumes that the H here means the same thing, because in some languages it instead means that the preceding consonant is aspirated.


second attempt

,how bad is it?


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Something to think about is stressed sounds. Some of them might be easier to say if you don’t try so hard, that is to say if you say them unstressed. For instance, lgeb, you said the L and the G equally hard, but it’s a lot smoother sounding and easier to say if you have the L be said as part of the lead up to the G sound. Remember that you want to be saying this as a ritual, if it’s really clunky then it won’t flow. So long as you can make it sound good for your working I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

Next up on Old One as a Foreign Language, the Fourth Conditional! Real situations in the past, just like the Third Conditional but with time travel.

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:laughing: …
it would be lots of fun to speak it in front of some muslims or christians -speaking of daytoday matters or/and cursing them, and greeting and departing with words to praise a particular old one :blush:

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My attempt, with save scumming.

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…du bist Deutscher? :flushed:
idk about any american that would speak “ach” in the realization that the tongue was slower than the brain and knotted itself

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No. Though I think you’re right, it’s not a common thing. I doubt it was the childhood of learning Deutsch, it reminds me most of how my dog would try to get a bad taste out of his mouth.

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Funny, ladyeva told me that german sounds to her like barking.
But to me, english sounds like croaking and gargling.

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Not German, the ach.

I don’t think there are very many attractive sounding languages. The range of sounds and words needed for full functionality makes it hard for things to every stay beautiful. Even then, it’s always hard to tell how your own language sounds, because the meaning is so easy to hear that you can’t hear the noise of it.

Some of the better ones, for beauty, might be Welsh or Finnish, they have a more musical rhythm, and were part of what Tolkien based Elvish on. Bahasa Indonesia sounds like birds chirping to me. Of course, the stuff from Lovecraft is supposed to sound harsh and alien.


japanese and french <3

:smiley: japanese

:heart_eyes_cat: french the language for foreplay

Latin, for power and drama.


Anyway, i drifted off topic…
~so here is my somewhat german interpretation of the mentioned part of the yog sothoth conjuration.

i bended it a bit, since i was reminded by you, to the practice of adding sounds to the enochian letters.

That sounds good. If you want to speak a little more clearly, try to talk like a radio host, more from the chest. It forces saliva out of the throat which can make some sounds a bit slurred, and makes enunciation easier. It might also make the ritual more impactful, but that’s up to you.

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I think you may be over thinking the pronunciation.
If you want an idea of how some if it sounds in the human tongue there are audio clips cut from the books floating around on youtube.

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Example: cthulhu or c’tooloo

Of course.

And it will take days and weeks probably, til i will get “significant” experiences anyway.

1 don’t worry too much about the experiences, it is results you are wanting.


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ha-ha… teachings, knowledge from beyond, and getting sensations beyond regular human percept ARE experiences…but i understand what your are trying to say.

I will stay with ktooloo for most of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

I never saif they were not. BUT if you life is in an unstable state and not going the way you want it to what good does it do you?. :stuck_out_tongue: hence practical results.

well in that case, i should just meditate and do psionics,
or give offerings to entities and ask them todo X for me

Its not really practical, to be able to summon things fro mthe stars, but not being able to manifest what one wants