Based on prepatory immersion/subjective synthesis, trying to make sense of tarot squares

So here are the squares, the intent is to use planetary and zodiacal magic, by invoking the (suit force acting thru planet) upon sign, or invoking (planet acting thru suit force) upon sign; and have tried to construct this with the page, ace, two and the major keys assigned to signs and planets ruling those signs, as well as the element key.

I know subjective synthesis and prepatory immersion state you must know everything inside and out, but this is impossible, unless we use all resources on the particular topic. Unfortunately, there are not a whole lot of resources on tarot in this method or intent.

So, here is what I have, a 3x3 square as there are only three signs to an element. We can swap the two out for the ten to aid in physical manifestation possibly, although I used the two to stand for the forces within Chokmah or the associated qlippoth sphere.


2S 0 XV



I am not sure how tarot squares work, or what the effects would be with these.

Anyone knowlewdgable within the Hermetic currents wish to expound on it?

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You stay habe a couple of other posts on this fusion technique, it works probably be a good idea to keep them together in the same thread.

Personally, i don’t get this, i don’t see the need or sense in combining two different systems, tarot and squares, these are different tools for different purposes. The ending mishmash feels overcompkicated and artificial, contrived and confused.

My take is, figure out what you’re trying to do, to what purpise other than mix up systems for the sake of mixing them up… then find the tool that helps you do it. What is the point of this?


Well, it depends on your level of knowledge and your background I guess. I was a possible student of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, didnt quite make it, but went through lessons for Fraternity of the Hidden Light and Builders of the Adytum. My earliest teen reading interest was The Golden Dawn, The Satanic Bible, The Necronomicon, and The Magus; besides D&D and comic books. Somewhere in FLO or BOTA, there was a lesson on magic squares via tarot.
As for lack of creativity or throurough next step research, they all undertake a project to try to advance the theory and science of magic. Like any other current. I would question the adepts who approved the undertaking and the resulting opus, rather than the method.
Personally, I like the idea because there are attributions to zodiac, planets and elements on the paths of qabalah and qlippoth, and there is zodiacal and planetary magic. In the GD initiations, there is one or more tarot cards on the altar along with patterns and words of power, magic occurs. I cannot explain it as Im forever the neophyte.
Thats why I ask. Now, I see your point, I see that it seems questionable as a theory to begin with, but I would cast the question on the adepts above the focal person that came up with the concepts, in my case, its Paul Foster Case. He has been a must read for me, along with other FLO and BOTA approved material. Gareth Knight was also on the reading list, as well as The Hermetica, The Mystical Qabalah, and the Kyballion.
Some of it works. I cannot explain it except through proof in my hand, and like you inferred, you doubt that it works and if so quite tedious a design. But, if a person can get the same power through this method but cannot through the other method, then I get your point but think the idea still has merit. At least because of my background of study, which still needs a step toward subjective synthesis. I know.

Im not opposed to merging the other related topics I created in this subject, into this topic.

To try to find a resulting product of magic. Im trying to figure it out. Im always the beginner, because apparently I missed foundational points in how magick works and what not.

Subjective synthesis basically means - know your shit practically effectively and completely, inside and out.

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@Mulberry … I appreciate your input, and now that Ive gotten over my hurt ego, I agree they are two separate systems, but so is astrology, and that was my point. It is possible they may have that aspect of magic.
I will however try using them as strictly separate systems and see where it leaves me.

Fascinating work @Nightside


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