Banishing tip please.. thx :)

You can do many things like using consecrated expelling water, elixirs, exorcisms, sage burning in the home. However I’m going to share with you right now the most potent and greatest method I’ve used for banishing, I combined various methods of banishment, purification and exorcism all together to have the best effect.

What you’re going to need is.

  1. Sage
  2. Bowl of natural water (Rain Water, Sea Water, Water From Stream) if this isn’t possible tap water will suffice although it isn’t as effective.
  3. Salt (Himalayan Pink Salt, Kosher Salt, Sea Salt) those are the best, if you cannot get them then you can use regular table salt as a replacement.

Now begin by filling up a small bowl of water, next add about three to five pinches of salt into the bowl. Next sit down and get into a meditative/receptive state, close your eyes and begin focusing on your breath. Connect to and visualise the spiritual light within you, the divine essence of the soul that is within us all. Once that’s visualised as a bright white light, feel it first, sense that emanating from it is the light of the divine, the super soul, it emanates total clarity, peace, serenity, security and purity. As you breathe visualise this light swirling within the centre of your chest, as you breathe it moves in accordance with your breath around and around.

Keep doing this until the energy can be felt increasing within that area, now take your middle and index finger on your right hand, stick them outwards together. The rest of the fingers and thumb are folded inwards, stick the middle and index finger into the bowl of water and close your eyes. Now visualise that’s light swirling and building within your chest, as you exhale deeply visualise it emanate to your right shoulder, down your right arm, down the wrist into your right hand and finally emanating out of the middle and index finger as bright white ray of light.

Now visualise the ray shine into the water, imbuing it with that spiritual purity as well as activating the dormant elemental power that water already possesses. Now visualise that deep within this ray of light, shines tiny particles of spiritual light, which actually shine brighter than the rays. See these particles of light actually enter into the small slay flakes dissolving in the water, as that happens. See the salt residue absorb it and emanate it outwards like a crystalline prism of light. Keep breathing in and out, in and out, into the water until you feel the water has become fully imbued.

Now stand up enter the first room, light the sage and go to each wall and ceiling allowing the smoke to touch every inch of the room, fumigating it. Now dip your fingers into the water and splash the room with these tiny droplets. As the droplets fall on the walls, ceiling and furniture, visualise in your mind the area being purified right then and there. As you do this as you begin splashing the room recite out loud.

“Ashtu Malku Tadat Arkata, Sastus Seckz Altamu Partu, Iretempal Krez Ta Felta Vaskalla Regent.
Met Senturus, Ta Sastrus Esto Melta, Kelta, Kelta, Kelta, Hine”

This incantation is one of Ea Koetting’s from his book Kingdom Of Flames, it’s great for banishing and purification. Once done in that room, go into another room and repeat the process, allowing the smoke to smother the area, splash some of the energetic imbued water and recite the incantation.
Do this in every room once done return to the room your started in, hold out both your hands into the air. Close your eyes and visualise every room in the house is enlightened and engulfed in a mass like cloud of white light and state.

“By the rays of the divine, by the graceful and serene powers that be, all harm is sent away, all malevolence towards the occupants of this home be gone. All the negativity, all the gross degrading forces of nature, are vanquished in, be gone, be gone, be gone”.

As you repeat over and over “be gone” visualise these clouds explode in each room, as if all the spiritual purity gathered and coalesced as singularities of purity in each area and have now exploded like neutron stars. Spreading their light filled cosmic guts all over the place, every spiritual particle and every fibre of that home will be covered by a blanket of absolute purity.

I always suggest at that minute it is best to leave all doors open, all windows open and I’d even suggest you take a walk for a few minutes. As you return and step through your door, everything seems so different the air is as fresh as it’s ever been. The house feels brand new, the energy is more alive and enlivens and even makes you feel happy, positive and secure. It’s an overall perfect atmosphere at that moment and now you can bask in its ambiance.