Baneful Working

If two individuals have tarnished another’s character by spreading repeated malicious rumours thus damaging the victims life not once but for near nine years then does the warrant a baneful working / curse. Police and solicitor involved and in victims favour.

Have you done a ritual already to stop the slandering?
Damon Brand has a couple of rituals in his book Magickal Protection that stop the action.
After protection is in place you can re assess if it is necessary to proceed into cursing the attacker if that brings you peace.
An easy and very effective ritual to obtain justice can be found into the book Magical Attack and you request for help from fire spirits. It has served me well every time I have used that ritual and most of the time I didnt even need to do further work.


Sure you can do that but hear me out…why not do a ritual to make her into a constant lier.If people notice she lies constantly then she will never be taken serious,all of her rumours will be petty insults from a filthy lier and her reputation will be tarnish :face_with_hand_over_mouth::hot_pepper:its deserving right.

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I mean words are power and with enough intent it is possible.

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Yes. That’s the one.

Thanks for your suggestion.
The target is the alpha female with a large following and they respect her whereas all the police who visited me are in my favour.
Yes this vile creatures day will come and I will have the last laugh.

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The clique is defending her for bonding. Usually groups like this need some sort of target to keep them together. Once the target is removed the bonding breaks and the group splits. If they stay together and the target is removed then there is another target in place.
She tarnished your character to weaken you. You spend energy on her and you don’t spend it elsewhere that would be more beneficial.
Bullies usually attack people who have something that a bully doesnt want for himself or herself or they attack their own weaknesses. If for example a bully attacks a kid who is close to their parents as a mummy’s kid usually the bully hasn’t got a good relationship with their own parents.

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Excellent words Lady Serina thank you.

You say she tarnished my character to weaken me to which I agree. For some reason she delights in keeping me down. Never liked this bitch from day one and boy my feelings were accurate. I have never ever felt such cold nasty energy from any human as her.

You also state…You spend energy on her and you don’t spend it elsewhere that would be more beneficial. Are you suggesting that by dwelling on this bully is actually beneficial by feeding her?

Of course. I bet if she wasnt in your life you would had been happy doing things that fulfill you. Atm your mind constantly goes around what is her next move.
I assume you have strong empathy. I am going to PM you something to protect you.

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Thanks. I didn’t know you could private message otherwise I could give you the full story.

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It’s not up to us tell you, and moralising is against the rule here. There will always be people that say yes, and those that say no. Some people never curse ever, some curse freely… If you want to curse someone for reasons others disagree with, that’s up to you.

I say, why give a shit what we think?
Take personal responsibility, do what you want and don’t ask for permission, don’t ask others to tell you to do it, and don’t be apologetic about it - be a black magickian, stand up as an individual with your own opinions, or don’t.


Thanks Maulbeere for your words.