Bald Eagle droppings Omen?

Hope thread is ok here.

I was operating power equipment outdoors and some bird droppings fell on me on my right thigh, looked up and it was a bald eagle gliding above. Was very high but came down pretty close just across a pond into some trees. Any one know if any spiritual meaning behind this?

In the UK there’s a superstition that being shat on by a bird is good luck.

By a bald eagle, which has additional positive symbolism for the States, I’d say it would be very lucky. I can’t think of what it would be an omen for off the top of my head but I wouldn’t rule it out either. :smiley:

What does it mean to you? Have you asked any entities for a sign? You know what they say about the rule of 3 - once is a coincidence three times are a pattern.