Backfire spells

Hello magical world!

So,i have done some payback work with candles to someone that treated me wrong and bullied me. All good with candles and the work nothing much-needed, a black candle and some pepper and of my energy ok?ok!
Tha day after i immediately felt that something was wrong as soon as i began my day to meet people, i met my friends for a coffee and the atmosphere was really strange , my instict was tell me only that,that it is a back fire. My friends attitude was really strange.
Anyways as soon as i got home i began my search nothing to be found in here. Only on utube i found 2 videos one explains why this is happens and the other one i think it saved me. Only 2 minutes video saying that you take a red candle and put it upside down basically reverse the backfire spell. And so i did it and i felt that it worked. First question reverse backfire work means that you stop any spell being made? Because that wasnt in my intention, i believe whatever i said to the candle will happened, basically i was telling reverse the backfire spell to where it belongs and to where it supposed to be at the first place and not to me or my family .
Also i light a black candle with a rune of protection and burnt sage.
Here waiting for your opinions!

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Back firing is often spelled as 2 words, and we have talked about it here many times, so many switch up your search terns :thinking:

It’s not a spell. Often back firing, also called backlash, is when your magick kind of bounces off protections. Prorections can be from multiple causes including spirit guides and natural shielding. Like a bullet ricocheting.

Generally it’s a good idea to do a divination before doing baneful magick to look for protections so this can be avoided.
If you know they exist, then you can include protection removing or bypassing in your intent.