Azazel is in my head

Recently, after beginning my study into demons, when I close my eyes, two bright green eyes appear and speak to me. I get the feeling it is Azazel. Does this mean I am meant to work closer with him?

Sounds like a possible invitation to me, go for it! You can’t really go wrong with Azazel. He can be a bit tough love but his info is gold if you don’t mind a challenge.


Funny that i read this post after thinking about azazel yesterday which was Saturday :grin:
Btw how would one work wity azazel without altar as I’m short on space constantly traveling…

An user here once made a portable altar out of a briefcase; another option may be to just carry with you his sigil, and open it when needed to make a request or receive information.

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Or just use the sigil tutorial. :slight_smile:

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I never use altar in my works but i want to develop deep relationship wit diety and my friend said Altar will help u to develop deeper relationships ig

Ahh i see

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From my experience, an altar doesn’t do that. Not by itself. An altar is basically a tool for communication. You want a relationship, you build it out of many conversations where you bond and make friends.

So it doesn’t matter how you get that communication, as long as you get it. There are many ways to communicate, an altar is only one of them.

You could open a sigil and keep it with you, enchant a talisman or idol, or simply pray.

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Like i keep his sigil in back of my phone

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