Attending catholic church for the holidays

So unfortunately I’m going to have to attend church on Christmas due to staying with family. I grew up catholic and over the past few months have done some personal blasphemy rituals to cut my ties from catholicism and the power of their pyschotic god. Just thinking about the church sparks rage inside of me, and I’m feeling really uneasy about attending. Is there any precautions I should take? Anyone else have experience with situations like this?


Ground and Center.


Yes, many years ago. My overwhelming urge was to stand and shout ‘hail Satan’ to be anti social , just because I knew I couldn’t and it was then all I could think about all my time there. Almost like a Tourettes style compulsion to spit it out.

I remained quiet and pensive until I could escape. It was a funeral. All Catholic and full of fearfulness. I survived. good luck


The threat these churches pose is really really overestimated and more meant to cause drama in fact catholic churches especially are useful reservoirs of energy. Their rituals already draw energy and prayer from the audience and condense it with much being more positive and wishful energy than these people would ever express elsewhere. One of my friends and his mother attend church solely to hijack the energy flow and feed off it to rejuvenate themselves.


I second this notion. When I did a lot of energy manipulation stuff, I had a church directly across from my backyard and the energy that place put off after a mass was ridiculous.


Just and idea which I don’t recommend but it is possible: This is something which warlock would do. If you want to do it with benefit. The best solution if you are unbaptized is defiling something inside the church. You could ask for benefit about this. May be starting to whisper the prayer backwards, made cross sign backwards, etc. (This is if you are some kind of black practitioner with contacts with unclean powers). Don’t do this in on the eve of Christmas even unbaptized.
Edit: There are some western stuff who develops this idea very well - Black Mesa or similar. Based on defiling crucifixion after bigger Christian holidays. You can get ideas. I can give you some advices but they are useful inside Orthodox churches. There are candles inside them.
Edit 2: I have read translations and I am not sure about the name of original and maybe the original name is not exactly Black Mesa. Anyway, you can even benefit from this.


I have. Growing up, I never considered myself a Catholic despite my mother’s efforts.

Mass usually isn’t that long (or the ones I was made to go to weren’t). But from my experience, I didn’t really sing or do any of the prayer stuff and no one called me out on it. They technically can’t make you do any of it and if you don’t want to do communion, just remain in your seat.

My biggest advice would be not to bring attention to yourself (ie. Don’t shout “Hail Satan” or whatever). Just sit quietly and wait for it to end.


Or do. Never know lol.


That’s what I was planning to do. I just get a really uneasy feeling about it, and alot of rage and anger as well.


Think of it as a trip to the DMV:

It’s boring, you have to sit there, and you don’t want to do it. But you’re not there forever and once it’s done, you can move on with your life.


Off-topic and personal opinion: There is nothing wrong with Catholicism. If its rituals work for your benefit. :slight_smile:


Oh, I never said anything was wrong.

But even hardcore Catholics admit that mass is boring as fuck.


I guarantee the person being made to go to church will think of this when he is in there though,now it has been mentioned. :joy:


Just sit there and vampirize everyone. Thats what I would do. But then again, I’m not forced to do shit that I don’t want to do.


I occasionally go and sit in on services at my local Catholic church. It helps my awareness when I need it.

I hold no hatred or distrust for the Christians, I just don’t follow what they follow, seeing how most don’t understand that which they believe. If you set your personal feelings aside and look as objectively as you can, you will find that there is worth in witnessing their rites, even if you don’t follow.


I actually dont mind going into a church. I have to as well once in a while. Instead of taking it negatively, go in an look around. You’ll be amazed at the amount of occult looking arts and sigils all around the place.


Haha that’s exactly what I was gonna say. Or convert the energy to be set towards one of your goals. It’s just energy. Strip the dogma from it and put your own shit on it.


Without a doubt lol

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I might give it a try. I’ve been reading up on vampirism a lot recently

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I read your post about attending a mass. It was pretty interesting, I’m curious to see if ill have the same type of experience