Astral travel and physical reality

[quote=“bahamuthat, post:40, topic:190”]if anybody finds any info on such a practice, be sure to sare it.

i find fascinating that you can actually “light up” portions of the brain and really feel it. it is like messing with the motherboard circuitry… imagine what one might achieve if one would knew what is what in the brain computer.[/quote]

There is the recent craze known as “tickling the amygdala” … a fairly light form of brain chi gong. It can bring up some pretty interesting results if you do it correctly. :slight_smile: There are instructions all over the internet. I started tickling my pineal with no particularly interesting effects. oh well - maybe it’s about time I try that again. Tickling I don’t see being too dangerous unless you tickle something that puts you into raging-ball-of-hormones mode. In which case whhhaaaaatch out! :smiley: hehe

Just thought I’d update you on my progress today. I have been meditating daily for some time now and working on trance. This morning on waking I listened to Isochronic theta beats and meditated down to a decent trance then used the walking around the house visualisation.

After about 20 -25 minutes i had a good buzz going through my body and a sense of enlargement of consciousness in my head. I could get really into the visualisation of walking in my house including sounds and feeling of carpet and tiles under my feet and so on - though this is still imagination and not the sharp visuals as mentioned by you DKM in your techniques.

Then I got this weird sensation in my sacral area which was an almost violent jerking feeling. It wasnt like hiccups, more like a rope was attached to the middle of my body and somone was jerking it. It wasnt painful but slightly unnerving. I knew if I pulled my consciousness in and moved my body it would go but I stayed with it. I also had a feelign like upward pressure on my body. So overall it felt like my astral body had the idea and wanted to move, but it just couldnt break out…

Still very good progress for week one! I am working on embedding suggestions for lucid dreaming as well to cover my bets and increase the chances of a result.

A good exercise I used to do is to get in a deep trance state with my third eye open so I could see around me and then I would cover my eyes and try to walk around and stay in that state. Pretty hard to do but it is good training for serious practitioners. I hoped to get to the point where I could wear a blindfold constantly and walk around like a normal person but I’m not there yet

This is definitely an endeavor worth undertaking! :slight_smile:

That’s a pretty rad exercise Necro. I’m gonna give it a try once I have mastered keeping my third eye fully opened with my eyes closed.

Just wanted to chime in here and say thanks to all of you for such an informative thread! DK, thanks for the glyph, I want to try to charge it and put it under my pillow as you directed.

Through the years I’ve tried various different projection techniques, including trying to work my way through Robert Bruce’s “Astral Dynamics” and I’ve always had great difficulty with it. I’m an artist by trade so my imagination and visualizing techniques are pretty developed, but I could never get out of my body. One of two things would happen:

  1. I would lose focus, snap back into reality, get frustrated and call it quits for the evening.

  2. I would get so tranced out that I would just end up falling asleep. I’ve noticed the ability to get relaxed FAST, which often is to my detriment, because it knocks me out quickly.

However, just last night as I was laying in my bed I figured I would try to meditate down to the trance-state by focusing on my breathing and visualizing the air going into my lungs and out of my lungs. When I felt I was thoroughly relaxed, I tried to visualize myself walking around my bedroom (where I was laying). I was going through my clothes in my dresser, looking at socks and various articles of clothes and as I was doing this, I felt something I hadn’t felt previously. It felt as if I was being sucked into a black tunnel of energy with heavy vibrations - it even made a noticeable sound. After this, I realized I was out of my body looking through these clothes and with a “wow, I’m actually out” thought that went through my head, I was snapped right back to reality. Exciting for me, but also frustrating.

I tried to get back into the same state and walk into other rooms, but I was unable to keep the focus and ended up falling asleep.

Does any of this sound familiar to any of you who are fairly skilled with projecting? Am I on the right track?

The “walking around the house” technique seems to have really worked the best for me thus far, so thanks to all those who mentioned it!

Try a blindfold

Thanks necromaster. You mean wear a blindfold during the entire meditation/attempt to project… to create a heavier darkness or so that I don’t have to focus on keeping my eyes shut? Or both…?


Sounds like you are on the right track. Next time you’re out of body digging through your dresser, look up at your mirror. Check out your reflection and notice yourself laying on the bed. You may snap back into your body the first couple of times. But it will help you overcome the shock of seeing yourself out. Also you should be able to transfer your conscious into your reflection in the mirror. Then you’ll be looking out of the mirror at your astral body and your physical body! It’s a trip!!

necromaster, thanks again - will give it a go!

Zach, thanks a lot (funny, my real name is Zachary as well)! That sounds like a great idea and a good way to get myself used to the shock of being outside of the body. That sounds like a pure mind-fuck, too - which I’m always up for. :wink:

Avernus I cant comment as a projector as I have not been able to have success with that yet, however i have had more success with lucid dreaming. And the thing which has helped me - and may help you i suspect if you get out again - is the technique where once you are out you have to ‘solidify’ the experience by for example focussing on your hands and getting clarity on how they look and feel, bringing them into sharper focus. Or I have used looking at the carpet in the dream, touching it, examining the colour etc. Something mundane and immediately available.

When I have done this in dreams the second i realise i am dreaming my hands come into focus much more and the whole experience starts to intensify. I am just hoping I will get to use this same technique shortly when i actually project out…

Good luck man.

Do you ever have any problems with looking into a mirror while you’re projecting?
Every time I tried to see my reflection in a mirror, all I would see was distorted images (and most of them were really unpleasant) or something like a small tunnel.
So I thought that while you’re out of body you can’t really see yourself in a mirror…

I haven’t had any problems looking into the mirror. I become very fixated upon the mirror and would find myself out of body looking at my mirror every night. The image has never been distorted. Though there are a lot of shadows on my face and in the mirror. One night on advice of a Wiccan friend, I ran and jumped into my mirror. She told me it was a gateway to teleport, though my experience was quite different. I was suspended in mid air, laying face down. Not falling not flying or floating either. Just suspended in total darkness. After a few minutes I tumbled out of the other side of the mirror into my dining room. I looked back at my reflection then reached in and took myself by the hand. I pulled my reflection out of the mirror and stood face to face in my dining room. It was empty in the dining room, I have no tables or chairs and my music gear which was usually stored there was at a rehearsal studio. So I’m standing face to face with myself in an empty room. What did we start doing? Kung fu drills of course. Must have spent the rest of the night doing sticky hands exercises from wing Chun.

I have a new experiment set up and waiting to go. The gateway to the house of Retzel is drawn on my mirror with the sigils of Ant’harr’atu and Erieh’tae’tol. I want to jump through this gateway and be taken into the heart of the infernal empire.

So far out Zach, please tell me more! And I want to know how that next experiment turns out.

I had one OBE when tripping on the best acid ever. I took a bong hit on a pick up bed truck and then began to walk in the strippins, about 40 yards into these tiny super green pine trees that had like a pixie dust floating off of them and noticed something black behind my legs when I looked back to see what it was bam I was still sitting on the pick up bed, needless to say I freaked and started to walk mindlessly. One time trying to project while laying down I got out and as soon as I noticed I snapped back into my body and felt very speedy and just cant seem to get there again. It seems the older I get the harder time I have with things like this. Also even simple meditation Is harder. I miss the youth.

Finally it’s been explained to me why I kept having distorted images in the mirror while I was out of my body. Now the only problem (regarding the mirror issue of course) is that I am a bit obsessed with this, but I’m trying to find a solution for this as well.

One night on advice of a Wiccan friend, I ran and jumped into my mirror. She told me it was a gateway to teleport, though my experience was quite different. I was suspended in mid air, laying face down. Not falling not flying or floating either. Just suspended in total darkness.
Your experience is very interesting... I wonder if this happened because you didn't have any particular place in your mind to go to when you jumped into the mirror? I've noticed that if you are not really sure about where you want to go and you jump through a mirror you get this feeling of suspension that you mention. I've read in many books that mirrors can act as portals so I was always using a mirror to go from one place to another, even when I was having these distorted images. If my memory serves me well I think I've seen in a video about various OBE methods someone saying that anything can be used as a portal, for example a door, a window etc. The main thing to think before doing it was to say to yourself something like "when I pass through the door I will be at.... (the location you want to go)". Well, I've tried this quite a few times but with no success. I always ended up at the other side of the door. One time I don't really know what happened but it was as if the door I was going to pass through became solid and I fell on it just like someone would fall on a door if he tried to pass through it in the physical reality. So after that I only use mirrors...

So far I’ve had my most interesting out of body experiences while on acid or other substances/combination of substances. What I really like to do is to listen to a certain track which is suppossed to help you get out of body. Sometimes this is all I need when I feel that I’m losing focus or that I’m geting lost while tripping. Also some kinds of music make the process easier for me.
I think that tolerance is a factor that inhibits successful OBEs and also the lack of discipline/focus while tripping.

Well the latest experiment has failed. Miserably. I’ve only achieved one OBE in the last couple of weeks. I have stopped using anti-anxiety meds to achieve my intense OBE’s. I’ve been trying it the natural way and through the dream state. I’ve had some small successes, but nothing spectacular. I haven’t used Xanax in about a year. I’ve decided to change this. I’m going to obtain some so I can resume healthy experiments. I should have about 10 days worth soon and plan to try some new experiments. I’ll try a mirror jump teleportation, as well as shapeshifting back to a cat again. I’d also like to make contact with someone else sleeping at the same time. I’ve done it before and we each had memory of it. Anyway that’s where I’m at with this shit. I’ll keep you guys posted.

I’m on Methadone and often wonder how bad its hampering my efforts Zach. Have you noticed that your meditation and scrying is better or worse on the xanax?

Meditation is about the same. I’ve recently learned to scry, as well as evoke spirits. All of this has been done Xanax free. I didn’t know about those practices while I used Xanax. I’m working from this a little backwards. I’ve had intense out of body experiences all of my life. They were more easily triggered during my Xanax years. Which also lead to spirit contact and the quest to find answers. That quest led to Koetting and my occult training from his works. I’ve only been doing this stuff systematically for a year. But I will post results once I have tried the experiments.

yeah I actually have similar issues getting to the realtime zone, I’ve only gotten there a couple of times.