Astral Temple Solidification

For the last week or so, I’m working on my astral temple as I think this can help me with my practice. However, I have a question about this subject, I have read numerous posts about this topic. One member wrote that it can take around two weeks before the astral temple solidifies in the astral. How would I know that the image of the temple that I have been visualizing, is in fact solidified?

Would I see the temple without me having to (keep) imagining it?
With that I mean, initially, I would imagine my temple to transfer my consciousness into its location, and then the vision would take over, without me actively keeping my focus on creating the image. So, for the first 5 seconds, I would imagine my temple and then I would stop imagining it and I will still be able to see my temple, does it work like that?

I’m going to say this sounds odd, given the astral isn’t “solid” in the first place. :thinking:

What one person experiences doesn’t always mean it happens that way for everyone. Magick is very personal because our energy systems are all different.

Personally I use temples immediately. My best advice is try it yourself and see how YOU feel about it… if you get feelings like it needs more visualisation to feel usable, (which is what I guess that user meant?), then go with that and meditate on it more.

I would also say the act of using it make it more and more real to you anyway. Practice makes perfect.

I’m not entirely sure there’s a difference. The astral is the mental plane, it’s your mind, and as you explore you start to see that areas of the astral are part of the collective minds of many people, until you find places that are the collective mind of humanity as a whole.

So in my view, to say something is imagination then means something real: that this is a thing that is in your personal part of the astral and not shared by others.

Either way, if you go look at it, you will see it. If you forget bits of it they can sort of despawn.

If the difference with imagination is the astral location making it more or less accessible to other consciousnesses, a temple in only your very close personal astral or imagination will be as static as you make it, with little spontaneity or unexpected activity from others, so you have complete control.

This is my preferred location for a temple: only those I invite can find it because it’s very close to me and I may have warded it, but even so I’ve had issues with astral entities showing up, or finding a spot I found was already in use by entities and active. It’s actually better imo to imagine your own not find one to avoid having others randomly wander through.

But as soon as you invite others, or, as here, tell people about it’s existence, then it now exists in our imaginations as well, and hence is no longer in only your personal astral. It’s already “solidified” because you told the Internet about it :slight_smile: If you want to make a temple that is for you and only you you can’t share it, it must be a secret.

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I made the distinction between imagining and visualization, as I had read that the latter entails actually seeing it in the mind’s eye. While the former is more a kin to "remembering’’ something.
For me at this stage of my development, imagination is seen in the mind’s eye but it’s semi-clear/translucent. It almost feels like I do not actually look at it or see it with my eyes, I have the feeling a different part of my mind is involved.

I have taken psychedelics before and the visions/hallucinations can be seen when a person has his eyes closed (or open depending on the dose) these visions are very clear and stable. They are not semi-clear/translucent opposed to visions from the imagination. Plus they are also not auto-generated in the sense that a person needs to actively put effort to produce them. (they are probably generated from the sub-consciousness but that is not what I’m alluding to)

I know, that visions will never be seen with the physical eyes, but what I meant to say is, there comes a point in one’s development whereby the person would be able to visualize an object in front of them in the room and is actually able to ‘‘see’’ it clearly. I think at that point, it would be also possible for that person to visualize something with his eyes closed and be able to see that same object clearly. Hence I’m wondering how this plays out with the solidification of the astral temple.

But yeah @mulberry I think you are on point about the fact that I should do work in my temple, that would definitely solidify it, right now I was trying to involve my other senses such as moving my physical limbs without moving them, and thus utilizing my aura or astral limbs, trying to hear my footsteps and also make a effort of feeling by touch.

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These are the same thing…

You see BOTH in your minds eye. It’s not imagination when it comes to you. You don’t invent it, you couldn’t even have known it to invent it as the experience is new. It’s about the experience not how you perceive it. Look out for being surprised by something, that’s a pretty good sign you didn’t imagine it, you perceived something that exists of its on accord.

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Traditionally, you would know it is solidified once it ceases to change every time you enter it. You should be able to leave your temple for a week, and when you return it is exactly as you left it.

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