Astral Projection (Let's sum everything up)

Lol, that’s definitely a thing as well. You have to time your practice well or you’ll end up falling asleep or worse. Even nowadays, I’ll end up knowing I got nothing accomplished after a while because I had so many fits of dream-like states. If you lay down and can’t seem to concentrate on the task after a while no matter how hard you focus, just do it at another time. Trust me… :sweat:


Yeah, I know. Timing is everything! As long as it works though, it’s okay with me!

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go theta, remote view to the astral and imagine a body, you can also just not move at all or open your eyes after you wake up in the morning and leave after you enter theta that way


Many people online tend to say that, but it’s just not helpful. Of course, trying astral projection after you wake up, is a really effective way, but just “go theta and leave your body” or “try this technique that helped the X person 3000 years ago to do that”, it’s just not useful.

I mean, there are exceptions to every rule, but I consider myself a part of the rule, since I haven’t got any results from these in the past.

However, trying to turn soul travel to astral projection, is indeed a good idea. I’ll try it when I can (since I need to be focused and have some time to do it).


its actually alot easier in the morning when you have more energy(like falling asleep after waking up again but just maintain your focus as your body is falling asleep, and when you feel energy or vibrations or your energy body, will or imagine yourself out, chant an enn or a sound to help you leave or maintain your focus), you can do it in beta frequency through the third eye chakra as a portal with imagination but for really vivid 5 senses while bi-locating gamma is way better(thats why you go low to sync your hemispheres/lift barriers or veils then you can go gamma or higher easy, but maintain your focus through your body otherwise its like sleep and your memories get veiled after)


I agree there. Morning (or any other time once you wake up) is really good. Also, the deeper you meditate, the best results you’ll have.

Though, remember that doing that in the morning, isn’t helpful for everyone. I’m just saying, in case someone comes here and says that trying after he woke up, gave him no results.


I have always wondered… What is the point of Astral Projection ? Besides roaming freely, what else is there to gain ?


seeing and hearing spirits and other worlds, also get to bi location level to where you can constantly do it


You can find hidden knowledge and learn everything the universe has to offer, understand life and death, see everything, gain true freedom and many many others.


What I understand is I have to reach the vibrations level from the third eye chakra and spread a layer of the vibrations to cover every inch to take the astral body out.
I reached the vibrations so many times but I can’t vibrate high enough or i end up in a paralysed state where it feels like my body is attacked by needles or i feel suffocated and wake up.
Am I doing anything wrong or is it suppose to hurt?


I reach the same state, but that’s as far as I can go for now.

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Paul Santisi on YouTube. His guided methods are legit. Use affirmations. Get over your fear. Resolve all subconscious worry. Once your ready…do his guided meditations.


You are talking about opening your chakras? And that just meditating does this? Is there a specific meditation or affirmation or something you need to do? Or just meditate in general? How could you possibly know if your chakras are open just from meditating?



so… what does it look like? I have been expecting a copy of the 'waking world", but i’m seeing stuff on other sites about the visuals not being as solid as if you real in “this world”.

I’ve been trying the rope and ladder things, the standing next to myself and the floating over me, and the rolling tricks; but the most i’m getting is a visual of the room I’m in, but dark, like the lights are out and my furniture is a shadow. After a few moments, the walls start to “come in clearer”, and i will feel near violent jolts throughout my body.
While I can’t feel my full self leaving any physical body (yet, just my arms and legs), I can sorta picture my self laying down and looking around and finding myself in different places, but it is like looking in a room with the lights out. is this… the same thing or something close to astral projecting?


I’ve experienced it as all three of these:

  1. Exact replica of real world (esp if somewhere familiar, like your house)
  2. Amalgamation of real world and non-real world, e.g. you project into your house, but the window of your room is on the wrong wall, the house is laid out differently, there’s furniture that you don’t actually own, or the house might be a mashup of different houses you’ve lived in
  3. Fantastical and nothing like real life, like six-storey-tall children’s playground slides, zeppelins flying around, unfamiliar cities/landscapes, etc.

And as I always say when people bring up AP… I would recommend reading The Phase by Michael Raduga :grinning:


I’ve heard it is possible for someone to pull you out in the astral. But who would be willing to do that?
Also they would have to be really in control cuz if they cant control astral traveling how can they even pull someone else out. So i guess its kinda not possible. Finding someone that good will be so hard or not cheap at all :unamused: we better start practicing instead


Im no expert but you can more easily comunicate/ contact other beings, i heard theres schools not normals schools like we have here on earth. And ive always wanted to go to a temple in the astral and meditate :relieved: theres so many things you can do. If meditation here on earth feels good, can you imagine meditating in the astral world? Or finding a teacher who will guide you? This is just what i think and believe :blush:


Hi, im no expert but i did create my own technique, maybe it already exists? Anyways my technique is counting in your mind from 1-10 from 10-1 and then 1-20 from 20-1 then 1-30 from 30-1 until you reach 100.

Once you start falling asleep you will begin to start counting wrong. Youll be thinging 1 2 3 10 25… And when you realize your falling asleep. Start counting from the begging and keep relax and try to keep the mind awake.

For me everytime after practicing for like a whole week i start experiencing astral projecting.

But i have so much to learn. Can anyone tell me the difference between astral projection - astral travel and soul travel? Is there even a mind travel? And which one would be easier for a beginer like me? Im beginer but doesnt take me long to astral project. Except i only last a few seconds and thats a bit frustrating. Im not even scared by the way soo


There is a Olympian spirit named phul that can teach true astral projection

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