Astral projecting

Hi guys,Bael the neophyte magician here, i must i have appreciated the answers i have gotten to my questions they have been very helpful, this is a great forum. Now to the topic of the moment, my question is how to i get my astral projection experiences to be more vivid, less dream-like. I have been practicing for months now and most of the time i go into a dream-like state, or chunks of time are which i dont remember. Thanks guys in advance for youre answers appreciate it.


Did you just spell your name wrong my man

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On a more serious note
Micahs incantations for astral senses just kicked me into vivid random travel at one point
Try them out, you may have to scroll down a bit

Ok there is things you can do on the astral to force your senses to make it realistic! First find a mirror or reflective surface and check your reflection! Then find something to eat or drink! if you need more then examine the texture of any surface! Basically work your senses while you are on the astral!

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ok, thanks for that

Mku, thanks for the response , could you elaborate more on that technique?

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Robert Bruce says by practicing energy work will help you push out more energy during AP and you should be able to make your AP so real that when you come back into this world you will question this reality if it’s even real or just an illusion.
If I may recommend the book : Energy work by Robert Bruce.


It was an idea I picked up from some AP course on YouTube! He doesn’t explain why but from what I figured out is the act of looking for your own reflection gives you a sense of self. The eating activate your touch and taste senses. Given your seeing and hearing has already been active!
Its hard to remember that you wanna do these but you can make it a habit! Examen the textures of any surface, the food you eat take a moment to taste it slower, notice the smells in the air! Do this on day to day basis! You will naturally take it to the astral! Then you will remember to feel in the astral better and receive better quality feelings! Just be careful because there was a moment I panicked on the astral where I was feeling the sun heat on the road… it was so hot and my senses got overwhelmed.
Good luck


I preformed “The Watchers Rite” to enhance astral sight and hearing . This may be beneficial for you .

Did it work?

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Did what work?

I was asking darkmoon if the ritual worked

She suggested the watchers ritual to you

Yea . You still need to practice astral projection daily. However i have been noticing huge accomplishments that I’ve noticed in days rather than what usually takes people months


Where can we find information about the rite?

You may DM me for it

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I sent it