Astral prison

Has anyone ever found themselves in an astral prison?

There was a very cruel parasite trying to attach on to me (through my ass!!). I don’t know how long it has been attached to me but I think I need to start doing regular cleanses.

Why would I have been in an astral prison in the first place? I have read that it could be that my society put me there as I was unwanted? Or is it just that the parasite attached to me and has been giving me nightmares about stuff like that… very confused

Was an awful experience but I escaped and jumped in the nearest portal,l. Hope I fled enough to not return there.

Was this in a dream or a shamanic journey?

Feeling trapped in the astral could be symbolic e than actual. You can’t be trapped as you can teleport. Traps are a passive technique. The only way to trap entity is to make it trap itself by outsmarting it into beleiving in the ability of the trap to hold it, into not realizing it’s in a trap at all, or actively holding it energetically yourself, which isn’ta trap as much as a fight.

Either way there’s a good chance your subconscious was using that image to mean more than it looks like on the surface. Such as “prison = long standing situation that’s hard to get out of” rather than “being held away from other people so you don’t harm them” or “loss of freedom as punishment for a crime”.

It’s worth thinking through each aspect to draw out the meaning, rather than take it at the surface visual value. Include any emotions you got during.

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Hi Enterthevoid,

I found myself in 2 different scenarios:

  1. While visiting the different hells archetypes it’s possible to go to a prison there.

  2. If you stop doing astral projections for months or years its possible to found yourself trapped in a prison.


Thanks Mulberry, this was a dream but I was stuck in a dream like loop that had lots to do with the society I am part of. Then I woke up out of it and was in a prison like cell with this parasite attached to me as if it had been feeding off me for some time.

@Dominicareth Dominic I appreciate this because it is funny you mention these points.

I went through period a year ago where I was astral travelling every night with ease then I joined a society and feel like my spiritual practise was becoming weaker and started struggling to astral travel.

It has been sometime since I have been able to astral travel and my aura has not been the same. A year ago when I would mediate the orbs I would see were bright blue in colour, recently they have been black…

First, I suggest that you leave that society immediately and break off all ties with them.

They are sapping up your energy.

Second, do as much banishing and cleansing as you can. If you search this forum, you will find many banishing and cleansing rituals.

Your energy should gradually restore to its previous levels, and you should be able to astral travel again.

I hope this helps.

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There can be so many reasons. I was locked up because I could do damage. Knock some demon’s head off. This can happen when the human psyche is unstable. Better to isolate him. It’s not pleasant when you’re standing in front of the demon king and he’s glaring at you because you’ve done damage. A lot of hidden power and potential lies in man. No wonder god and the devil fight for the soul of man.

Try This.