Astral parasites and creatures living there

Astral parasites are creatures that aim to get the energy of living and not only people. They act in different ways: some are embedded directly into subtle bodies, others feed on fears, others attack in order to kill and tear apart, these are predators.

But we will not make a garden of terms, since their essence is the same. Starting to practice, a person begins to be of particular interest to parasites, because he has a little more energy than the majority of people. Parasites come in different levels of strength and intelligence, so they have different methods they use. It depends on their level of development and habitat. The higher the layer, the more dangerous and cunning they become, especially for those who deal with astral exits. Of course, within the framework of this article it will not be possible to cover the full depth of this topic, but we will try to make some classifications of parasite species, and what can be expected from them.

It’s naive to think that advanced magicians don’t fall victim to parasites. They act so skillfully that without even knowing it, they give them their power. But about everything in order.

What is called the astral world consists of various layers. Some layers are further separated due to their properties, we will not go into this. Each layer is +1 to the dimension. I.e., the etheric layer is 4 dimensions, the astral one is 5, the mental one is 6, the second mental one is 7. And so on indefinitely. The higher the layer, the more worthy opponents the parasites become.

Small semi-intelligent creatures, larvae

They live mostly on the etheric and lower astral layers, which are closest to the physical world. Their whole intelligence lies in how to fill their bellies. They are not capable of contact and complex manipulation. As soon as they see bursts of energy, they immediately fly to refresh themselves. And finding a vulnerable person, they penetrate into his subtle bodies, and begin to drain the life force from them. Yes, so fast that a person can “burn out” in front of his eyes. At the same time, they may cause non-natural emotional reactions to release the most nutritious energies for themselves. Infected with such a parasite becomes angry, irritable, lustful, and so on.

There are different types of such reptiles. Some look like leeches, others like snakes and octopuses. Actually, most of them are extinct species of animals that have adapted to new conditions. And each species has its own types of treats — someone clings to the head, someone to the lower parts of the body. Some cause alcohol and drug addiction, others lust, and others depression.

Infection with such a parasite is dangerous by the destruction of both subtle bodies and the physical, with the destruction of personality in addition, if it is not very strong. Cancer may occur in the attachment points of the larvae. From the etheric level, their suckers descend to the physical, causing tumors in these places that consume the body’s resources, supplying them to the parasite.

The infected person himself can drive away the parasite by increasing his energy level. When the bodies become denser than the body of the parasite, they will displace it, and it will no longer be able to cling if you keep them in the same condition. There are various breathing practices and magical rituals.


This species is slightly larger and more reasonable than the previous one. It also consists mainly of various extinct animals, and there are many dinosaurs among them. He is especially fond of meditators. If the practitioner does not know what he is doing, he often becomes open to them. And if you don’t go into details, they stick their mouths into it and devour it alive, simultaneously acting on the pleasure center in the brain so that the practice is pleasant. A sign of this state of affairs may be the corresponding sensations and the fact that there is less strength after meditation, although it should be the other way around.

In addition, they sometimes attack during sleep, and can enter dreams like monsters, thus receiving additional nutrition from fear. They often visit children who do not yet have sufficient protection, but at the same time are saturated with power and can even see them. But, unfortunately, children’s fears are written off as fantasies and “fry” the brain with pills, closing perception.

This type of parasite lives on the etheric and astral levels.

Demons and imps

These can be representatives of both the lower layers (most often) and the mental plane. They prefer to attack practitioners and become their “allies”. In fact, they just drain the power, while the practitioner believes that they are being helped. But the help is much less expensive compared to what kind of food the parasite receives.

These creatures have intelligence, and they can be compared to gopnik — you can communicate with them, but they will be divorced or hit on the head. Or even they will put it on the counter for their “help”. They are used by many fortune tellers and magicians as their allies for magical work, while allowing them to charge disproportionately more compared to what the “allies” spend on work.

It is this species that mainly sins to cause nightmares, appear as ghosts, and even steal the essence of people during sleep. In abnormal zones, where the line between the worlds is minimally thin, they become very aggressive and dangerous, and you can stumble upon a lot of scary stories in which they had a hand.

To protect against them, you already need to have minimal knowledge of magic. Various energy shields, runic seals, specially charged objects and so on will be suitable. In open combat, of course, you need to have the skills of combat magic, at least be able to apply striking runic formulas. Collisions in the astral are a separate topic.

Mental parasites

They choose a victim with bad inclinations, such as greed, thirst for power, selfishness and some others. And they begin to brainwash her, encouraging her to take actions that enhance her vices. At the same time, the person does not even suspect that they are being manipulated, and most of the thoughts are planted telepathically. An energy thread is being established between the victim and the parasite, which can be seen and felt in the astral. According to it, he manipulates consciousness and drains energy when the victim enjoys his vices.

They can also act as any kind of “allies” — both light forces and “previous incarnations”, depending on what a person believes in. Yogis are mistaken that after reaching samadhi, they meet teachers in the astral. “Teachers” give what a person can believe in, and taken from his own brain, and the naive student, meanwhile, gives up his strength, losing the opportunity for further development. Therefore, it is very dangerous to work with “higher forces” in the astral.

They can be deceased people, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations who descended or died somewhere here without reaching a high level of development, deceased beings from physical worlds parallel to ours, from astral worlds that have their own life. In general, the astral is saturated with different forms of life. The same applies to the previous category.

Both demons and demons, as well as mental parasites, are not averse to invading your body, if possible. In this case, you will be declared schizophrenic and admitted to the hospital. Or, after the complete displacement of your essence, the invader will successfully adapt to our society, especially if it is a deceased person who does not want to wait for the next incarnation.

It probably doesn’t need to be clarified that you need to be a good magician to protect yourself from them, and this will no longer need to be explained in relation to the following categories.

Astral Magicians

For some, such a designation may seem strange. But this is how the following category of parasites can be more accurately characterized. This is almost the same as mental parasites, only they already have very significant knowledge and skills, compared to them and many magicians.

For astral scouts, they act as teachers, allies, and any other characters. They can also help. But at the same time, they do not forget to pump out the power. You can feed them while in the body by praying, for example, for the salvation of the Earth to its “master spirit”.

Among them, you can meet quite aggressive creatures traveling through different worlds, and in a collision you can get great damage, up to complete death (of the physical body and essence, after which, of course, reincarnation is out of the question).


These are creatures that manipulate the consciousness of a large number of people. They can appear in a variety of forms, but more often in the form of a cloud or an octopus. They have a mind, but very different from a human one, as many astral travelers say. It is better not to come into contact with them.

You can enter the egregore. And get into some castle, for example. It’s like a multicellular organism — you can become a part of it by getting buns, and, of course, by giving away most of your energy. It is often used by magical orders.

If the egregor attacked, it’s bad. He has such power that he is able to burn a person like a match. Running into them is life-threatening even for very “cool” magicians.


Of course, what is described above does not apply to absolutely everyone. There are also light beings in the astral, who are really kind and helpful. But the astral is like a jungle, where, in addition to exotic plants and animals, there are plenty of small creatures that will easily poison you with their number or drink blood, predators that are able to swallow whole without choking.

If you have started practicing something, do it consciously, and get ready for fights. As the experience of most practitioners shows, this could not be completely avoided by anyone who is at least a little serious about something.

This is probably one of the reasons why thousands come to magic every day, but only a few remain there.


Hi BafametX,
Where do you classify the archons or black angels, they are always observing your steps on those planes and testing you. But they don’t like to be detected, they always hide.

Take something from brain? Interesting i have experience when i kid, some white monkey take some light ball from my head.its happen in night when i try to sleep.

In elementary school i meet a friend who have similar experience, he follow the monkey and seen some man with light. I think he is behind all of this.

I dont know what they take from me, and i did not give it consent, i try to Astral projection to explore the world and to search the mysteries what happen to me when i little. Maybe to get something they take, of course with some interest :dollar::smirk:. I think im good to take 5.000.000% what they take from me.

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Rather to the class of astral entities, if this is not the case, you can correct me based on your experience.

Looking at this model, and having had my own battles with what I considered archons, I would put them in the “demons” category. With the caveat that they are the minions of larger entities of a specific “El” in the JCI traditions called yhwh and his cronies. They are more like egregores/servitors of those entities and do not have free will. They are very parasitic, as being a parasite is a behaviour not a type of being per se, and it’s typical for parasites to hide.

I would add to the list:

Thoughtforms aka Servitors, which are like Egregores made by one person, and kind of like astral machines, they are not sovereign and have no free will, but they can be incarnated into by spirit and become so.

And what can be perceived as ETs, the Elohim, and/or also angels and many named entities that are labeled “demons” but I don’t use that term for them. I think there’s a huge overlap in this category with many entities being labeled as all these (ET/El/Angel/god) differently by different people, mostly depending on the practitioners relationship with them. These do not have physical bodies but they have astral bodies and can be interacted with in the astral. These are sovereign spirits and have free will. They are complex and some of them incarnate as humans.