Well. If you have parasites all over, your not that protected and might not even be reaching Michael.
Here’s a few things to try:
To banish and kill the parasites, erect new wards/security:
Alright so here is the first of two servitors I am creating for anyone to use. She’s designed to banish and ward the area you summon into, or send her into. She’s pretty simple in the grand scheme things, and yes the sketch I created is essentially a throw back, from My little Pony. I chose this image for two reasons, one I recently started creating one for someone (and I thought her male pony was adorable), and made a similar image and for two, the biggest request I get when creating servitors,…
If you believe it’s a psychic/magic attack:
Keteriya’s on a bit of a hiatus from Balg at the moment, but passed along a servitor she mad and asked me to check out. She felt someone on the forums needed it. I checked it out and then threw up a thread for Regulars to also do so. It was generally felt to be safe.
The spirit’s name is either Ashara or Shara. Either is fine. You would open the picture like a sigil and keep the intent in your mind that you’re calling Keteriya’s servitor behind it. Warm and protection were to two most common th…
To repel them:
Hey All,
We have a fair amount of beginners in magick coming to this forum claiming to be under psychic assault by a wide variety of different forces, and most of them are not experienced in magick or knowledgeable enough to properly wield a banishing ritual, or a cleansing rite, to help themselves so
I wanted to find a way to help them that did not require much in the way of magical knowledge or experience, and that could be used immediately to provide some relief.
Using the method of vision…
To remove them from thy self:
To raise one’s vibration and loosen and remove negative attachments, including parasites:
AY - EEM - MA - TA - AH
Raziel’s warning: This mantra will remove all unhealthy energetic attachments, including attachments to vices, addictions, abusive people, and obsessions. When these things are removed, you may feel a sense of loss, especially if they are deeply entrenched within your energy system. One tester found themselves losing the urge to indulge in their smoking habit after chanting.
If you are host to a parasite or other vampiric entity, vibrating this mantra will shake them loose and drive them off. However, it won’t be pleasant as they will fight back and try to get you to stop using the mantra.
I felt this mantra vibrating my entire being, and my body tingled with energy up to a half hour after using it.
Note: This mantra should be used in conjunction with other protective measures, such as wards and banishing for full protection.
If you are truly infested you may need a combination of methods in addition to whatever you are currently doing.
Side note: What you are doing already might be useful information to share here, in case someone stops by to trouble shoot where you went wrong or to otherwise help