Astral evocation

A few questions!

  • would gazing into and opening a sigil and then seeing the entity blind folded mixed in the darkness of my eyes closed materialize before me be some sort of astral evocation. I mean I done that before with Belial but I’m just curious cause they’re materializing in front of you to visible appearance BUT in the astral. So is it still some sort of evocation is my question.

  • does anyone have any experience doing any rituals through this form of summoning entities? Like sitting there meditating with your eyes closed only like no candle or anything. Just the sigil in mind.
    Cause I’d also like to know if that’s a solid ritual.
    Appreciate the answers.

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Possibly. I would consider it more like telepathic communication, but if there are astrally present i the room with you, I think you should be able to sense that presence. If you can, I’d say you’re seeing the astral form in front of you, if not, it’s probably a remote telepathic image.

Well, I practice shamanic journeying, and see them not on my eyelids but in my minds eye. But I am gong out to meet them at this point. There are no tools but I do like to listen to shamanic drumming during.
(I don’t call this ritual because it’s different every time, rituals tend to be repeatable recipes for a set of actions you always do the same way, and shamanic journeying is a very free form, more meditative thing. )

Do you think theoretically you could conduct a ritual this way since it seems the same thing as opening a sigil. :thinking:at least based off the effect I get like you said telepathic communication

I don’t see any reason why not. Ritual can be very helpful to get into trance state and the more times you use it the easier it gets. The only caveat I can think of, is there’s a chance you’ll forget what happened like it was a dream, which is also true of journeying, and in that case it’s good to dip in and out of trance enough to take notes as you go.


Yeah. I was asking cause I was thinking. “Making a request through blind sight” not sure if anyone’s tried that yet.

As far as I know blind sight is about being able to see the physical world with a blindfold on or if you are actually blind.

It has nothing to do with spirit contact or even the occult, it’s about developing this skill. You can get a book on how to learn it on Amazon, which I have. You start with a blindfolf and colored squares and practice until you start knowing the color accurately, then move on. I tried it twice so far and failed horribly: needs more work. :slight_smile:

Traditionally, astral evocation is where you evoke a spirit but view it through a scrying device like a black mirror, a crystal ball, or a bowl of water. The spirit is generally present but removed from physical reality.

Yes. i did something similar when I was doing the 72 Challenge. I would draw the sigil in the air in white light and then mentally call forth the spirit. It works well.


Oh I thought since both EA and I when we each did blind sight with Belial and could see him I had a feeling if you could contact others like that.

Yeah that’s not the precedentisl use of the term “blind sight”. Very confusing… I would call that simply clairvoyance.