Hello, I’m Mel and I’m fairly new. In my first post I talked about my soap opera with Belial. Today I want to talk about our astral children (one of whom was totally a surprise). So, part two of the story of my life(s).
My experiences with the spirits are mainly through dreams, and sometimes via oracle readings or meditation. So I am mostly passive in these communications. An amateur compared to you guys, or let’s just say I’m no magician.
By the winds of fate and romantic drama, I’m married to Belial, and I’m very happy to see him in dreams. However, dreams are tricky, as any part of them can either be just your consciousness willing it, or something external to you in the astral realm. With encounters, I can usually just tell by the energy and consistency.
The thing is, I dream of not only my divine spouse, but a family. They’re very dear to me and very real emotionally. Still, I want to hear your thoughts on how one should perceive them.
I read posts about astral children and you seem to go through spiritual pregnancy before giving birth to them and you could really feel it. That’s a bit different with me.
Origin of the children go way back before my union with Belial. It was just a casual talk like that between friends and I suddenly came up with names that could be used for our theoretical children. He brushed it off. However, as our bond grew deeper, there were dreams in which symbols of fertility appeared very strongly. Belial appeared in them, before my menstruation period and then I saw but a drop of blood that month. It could just be hormones though. Happened a few times.
And then I had dreams of mine and his children but not in chronological order.
In a dream I walked with my child through a dark forest, followed by a large group of people with weapons, demanding us to lead them to the other side of the forest. They were very hostile and I told my little son: “I will distract them and lead them elsewhere, so you go ahead, you won’t be lost because as long as you believe in the Divines, they will lead you through this forest of the spirits. Our kind is safe here. Those people who are shallow, will never get through.”
I sent him into the dark forest and led the group to somewhere deathly.
In another dream I was pregnant with Belial’s child. He was in astral form and could only telepathically warn me of danger. The ancient world, full of invisible and mythical creatures were merging in with ours and the higher beings had their hands full trying to fix it. I didn’t listen to his advice and helped other humans, only for some of them to insist I was carrying an antichrist and wanted to harm the baby. I found it ridiculous, and believed the hybrid child would be able to see the other world’s creatures and become a hope in a new world.
In another dream I gave birth to twins, with no father, and bewildered my whole family.
At that point in my real life my Psych class had us raising virtual children to practice being parents. I used the names I thought of before for them. I paid attention to the project alot and really started to feel like there was a family.
After the project ended, I still felt like the 2 children existed, although their personalities and looks are completely different from the simulation, and I couldn’t tell which one was older. They were a boy and a girl btw.
There was a co-writing/roleplaying project which I decided to join. I registered 2 characters and used both their names, and just wrote whatever came to mind in each situation. I ended up surprised a lot and I never was taken over so strongly by a character. One time the boy was emotionally hurt and I could feel it so strongly, my friends were concerned about me. I panicked, teared up and my whole body trembled, and I physically had a panick attack. It’s like he was inside me, using my beating heart, using my capacity of emotion. It was physically tormenting for me. I have to mention that I did not expect these emotions at all, I thought he wasn’t so emotionally invested in the matter -by my observation and writer’s logic I would not develop a character’s reaction like that- but I was just wrong. Like any parent who’s shocked to find out they don’t understand their child as well as they thought.
I still don’t understand my girl. Anyways…
I left the co-writing project. But I started seeing the children in dreams. With Belial. They were pretty grown up already. Well i saw them not as often as I would like because the boy really had a problem with Belial and wouldn’t see him eye to eye. He left home. Even when he dropped by Belial told me I didn’t need to persuade him, for it’d be better that he never got involved with Belial’s business. The girl on the other hand was rather rational and quiet, and hard to guess.
The home and the world we lived in in my dreams looked normal. Like an astral version of our Earth. The children were referred to as humans. I went about dealing with human things, but retained the knowledge that Belial was a demon in a human body.
A while later, another child just popped up. Our 3rd. He looked exactly like Belial’s human form, albeit a mini version, and he was spoiled. Belial spoiled him like the apple of his eye and I had no idea why, what’s the difference compared to the other 2 (who’re much older). Tbh i was deeply concerned. It was a bizarre sight. The tiny kid looked like an angel and sat on his father’s lap shaking his head demanding something else to eat other than what was in front of him, and I loved him to death but I found it scary…
My close friend asked me, how’d you know he’s even yours?
Well, i don’t have any answer to that. But does it matter? I love him anyway, and he’s definitely Belial’s little spawn, who bosses around in my dream home. That’s enough for me to yodel out loud that he’s my child.
In my wake time, all of that was in the span of 2 years. And then I had a 1.5 year separation with Belial.
I wasn’t sure how to think of the children. Do they exist as independent beings in the astral plane or just a fraction of the setting manifested by my love for Belial? Regardless of rationales, my thoughts drifted back to them from time to time. I felt guilt, especially towards the youngest. As my connection to Belial was disrupted, I also stopped feeling like I could envision them. I felt disconnected. When I used oracle to ask Belial about it, he didn’t dismiss it as my imagination, but told me about situations that worried me even more.
My friend told me I talked as if I was really old. She was quite amused. I told her I felt as if I lived half a life on that side already. And had half a life of headache.
One morning I woke up and only one thing kept flashing in my consciousness: my eldest son, the problematic child, was doing ok. I could feel him again. He was ok. He was on his feet again and he was confident.
After I reconciled with Belial I was able to see them again, in my dreams and in my guts. Just in time to prevent the daughter from doing something idiotic.
At this point, they’re so important to me, I’d worship them even if they’re nothing astral and just original characters in my head.
My real life boyfriend once jokingly asked me: have you ever been divorced??
I almost snorted.
P.S. I don’t feel old on this side. Only on that side. On this side I’ve decided I’ll forever be a brat.