Astarte Sex Slave Ritual

I am glad I came across this thread… I had it on my mind that I might hire J.S to perform this same ritual for me. After seeing so many people be disappointed with no results there is not a chance in hell I would hire J.S.

Something is very wrong with this picture.
I know he’s a legitimate magician. But something is wrong that such a powerful rite simply doesn’t work for so many people. Quite frankly it’s bullshit. Glad I didnt spend the $1300 USD that he now charges for this service.


I am too cheap to spend that much which is why I want the book that has that spell, in order to do the spell myself.

Where can you check that ritual? Ive been scrolling for a long time now and can’t find original origin of this😂

It’s not published in any book, to my knowledge.

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I think if you go to his YouTube he does an example of it. You could watch it and then do it yourself.

If I recall correctly it involves a blood/animal sacrifice as part of it. This may be easy for some to perform, but it will be difficult for most to achieve discreetly or easily.

With that level of spiritual energy buzzing around after such a sacrifice it astounds me that this ritual didn’t work for so many people.

I honestly thought this ritual would be my hail mary if I couldn’t get what I wanted on my own.

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I see and thank you for the info.

Modern ideas on "sacrifice are bullshit that’s why - they’re just without. That and the times have moved on so it’s not as effective as it was in the age of Pisces where patriarchal/controlling energy worked better.

Because it’s not actually a “sacrifice”, which means, by definition, that you are giving up something you’d really rather not - it’s just a blood offering and what you “sacrificed” was the money or effort you took to get the animal. But a rat frpm the pet store to kill is sacrifices the money and maybe your emoytional energy around the killing, which modern people are not used to doing, you don’t actually give the life of the rat at all.

If you want to give a blood offering, give your own, that’s a real sacrifice as you need that to live. Burn a 20 dollar bill or smash your favourite mug, that’s a sacrifice - it should HURT you to do it. That is what you are offering, your pain and loss. No pain of loss? No sacrifice. Offering, yes. Not the same thing.

Even Garrett, he’s “sacrificing” his own chickens, which he’s butchering for the table anyway, so there’s no sacrifice there either, the chicken was going to die either way and nothing is lost. Might as well offer your poop, that has your own qi in it at least, but it was also going into the garbage anyway.

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Maybe if he was to give away the meat and not ingest it. That way he pays for the chicken and gains nothing in killing it. Closer to a true sacrifice.

But then you still might as well burn paper money, it’s easier and has the same energetic effect if all you wanted was a “battery” of energy. Yes, then he sacrifices the effort and time and expense in raising it, but then it would it be better for a magickal working to put that time and effort directly into a working with a daily ritual.
personal dedicated time is worth so much more today than it ever did, that personal commitment would be work way more, imo.

I mean if he named it and it’s more like a pet than farmstock that would help, but these are chickens he knows he’s going to butcher, or they exist to lay eggs. The whole thing is diminished - same as buying animals at the pet store. There’s a reason for that story in the bible where “god” asks for the dude to sacrifice his son.

I don’t really see the point of people trying to haggle and turn basic offerings into what they are not. Especially when there are far better ways to raise the requisite energy.

But my more important point was, it’s medieval and not up with the times now we’re in the age of Aquarius, which is about cooperation not unilateral power. The stars aren’t as influential I think as many make them out to me, but entire epochs do have a serious effect, so it just shows the kind of insensitivity to energy that makes for a poor mage who cannot adapt because they can’t see it, and are just doing what other people used to do when times were different without really thinking it through.

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