Astarte Sex Slave Ritual

Yeah, i’d still stay in touch with him. You did a transaction so you deserve to stay in contact and ask questions about it. You are the customer but somtimes its good to take a step back from the thing you’re trying to manifest

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Thank you for all your insight :pray:

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Remember do the work the forget about it, you didnt do the work but your focus on the outcome may also play ots part as a block.


I have booked mine, we will see how it goes. I have no doubt about the out come.


Let us know ! :metal:

Fasho, please send positive vibes my way

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Not long before my rite is preformed. The consultation with JS was fucking phenomenal as it can fucking get. Excited as fuck yet nervous at the same time for what is about to occur.


Durning the time he was preforming the ritual or around then, i felt a buzz in my chest / heart chakra as well as other chakras like root. Maybe i just imagined it because i want it to work but im doubtful of that. I also was at work and was definitely kind of out of it did fully fill like i was in my body. He did change part of the ritual to fit my need but either way i can feel it working already. Thank you JS


How things are going for you ?

Slowly but surely working, wome people may be workking against me but that doesnt matter it definetly is working. He picked q different being who takes longer but thats fine. As he has stated sometimes this takes a while depending on the situation

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Ok. Good to know its coming slowly but surely.



Maybe you’ll have better luck than I did. It has been almost a year since my spell was cast and so far nothing! In fact I have not seen her since the end of the year. She went away. I had high hopes for this spell. At the very least I hope it will prevent her from being with anybody else. If I can’t have her, I don’t want anybody to.


I had it done twice and both I didn’t see any results, except freak one out. So I’d stay, fuck love spells and just better yourself. And make a connection to a spirit who will help you vs via middle man


Never heard of it.

Read through the comment section. Didn’t see much in the way of success stories.

From what i gather, this ritual is a variation of the Necronomicon where JS evokes the spirit and your higher self. That seems like it can work - calling in a person’s higher self is powerful for reprogramming minds at a subconscious level.

I wrote a version of the Necronomicon ritual straight out of the book. You can find it here. If you haven’t bought the Astarte Sex Slave Ritual (or can’t afford it), the Necronomicon ritual is there for you to do yourself.


Welcome @SpoilSport. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in maigck. It is a rule of this forum.

Have faith and if need be evoke the spirit he used and ask it whats going on.

I don’t know about J.S. Garrett’s other spells, but his love spell definitely does NOT work. Maybe he should rebrand it as the “Drive Someone Away Spell” since that seems to be the common outcome.

Maybe I should give up on love and concentrate on wealth, Any wealth spells out there that work?

The massive amount of energy generated from a blood sacrifice to Astarte should at the very least tip the scales massively in your favour. He did the rite of deification for me twice and the second time was even more powerful. So I believe him
But even after a blood sacrifice, being attached and doubting the magick is never good


Ive seen his spell work. Its just as much youre belief as anything else with magic and spells

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