Aspect Exploration - A Working Thread

:hugs: can you share that! I am interested in the info!

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Chances are, I will stay within the Goetia unless there is someone else outside of it that is well known that could be very useful for unlocking.

Sure. Just PM me your email address. I was building a database of things to add to my website. I have an entire page on my website that shows catagories of aspects and will list the gods that correspond. The aspects are also catagorized by topic, like all things Healing/Medical, all things Nature, all things Third Eye type stuff (clairs/psi), all things education/arts.

I will be publishing the website once it’s entirely built.



I’m doing it that way mainly because the 72 are fairly well known and people are familiar with them…and so much is known about them.

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Is anyone actually still working within this project? Or is this just a waste of time and energy?


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I did not post anything else after the second set because there has been no feedback at all on it.

Honestly didn’t do the second set as I still feel like the first is in progress. The other night around 3 am, I felt pressure behind my ears and a presence like something was trying to communicate with me, but I was unable to reach w/e it might have been. Evoking is still something somewhat new to me, a few months ago I was scared as shit of it. Now I feel more comfortable but I think I still have a lot of beginner doubt standing in my way.


It might be good to continue working with the first set right now if you’re just starting out. The pressure behind your ears and feeling the presence sounds promising.

Are you doing any daily meditations? Those are important.

Try looking up Lights of Venus - Clairaudience on Youtube. They have a part one and part two for that skillset. Personally, I love her voice. There are other ones on there, but I like listening to her just to go to sleep.

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Yes I have been meditating for a few months now. At first it seemed really hard to get outside of thinking, but now I found I can easily surpass whatever time I want to mediate for. I’ve also found when I’m falling asleep I often have a high pitched buzz like sound now that I didn’t notice as before. Granted it could be nothing, I’ve always noticed high pitched sounds like the sound of a gas stove that seems fewer people are attuned to. I will do that, anything to further develop is a good thing. I’m certainly interested in going through any/ all aspects you present, I just may be moving slower than other more experienced individuals.



Thank you for the updates. I’m glad you’re progressing. I will keep posting now and again. I’d like to see more interest from newcomers and experienced alike.

I haven’t been able to do this one. I’ve been working out of town for the past month and won’t be back until after next week. However, I have decided to work with Ipos on this one and have been meditating with his enn when I can.

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I was hesitant to call any of the 3 you mentioned right away because I didn’t form any connection with. Opening a new sigil seemed overwhelming since I already have others I am working with! I am still working on my telepathic communications while meditating. Sometimes it’s hard to know who is talking to me…
Sorry that I am moving on my own speed!

No no…Im not worried about your speed dear. Just wondered if anyone was still engaged in the working or still interested. Youre good. Dont overwhelm yourself…no need. :wink:

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Do you mind sharing what aspects Andras was able to unlock for you? I posted a few hours ago about feeling drawn to him (again). I was back to rereading everything I could find and apparently missed this post a few weeks ago when lurking/ searching.

Can you show the spreadsheet and or where you found this information Please?

I dont have it on me right now. When I do, Ill try to find a way to post.

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He is know for discord but he can also give the opposite. Thats what he unlocked
