
I think it makes sense that Loki and Asmodeus are the same being? Like both are associated with Lust, Revenge, Fire, Anger(Loki is a giant after all) etc



I have yet to evoke Loki, so I wouldn’t be any help in being able to tell if their energy was the same.


all i can say is i can confirm this, but theres also Asmodeus also has another connection in Norse beliefs.


I don’t believe they are the same single spirit. But lately he’s making me very aware that he has a trickster aspect. He’s most infamous for wrath and lust, but I’m finding this to be such a small part of who he is and what he does. Much of those two aspects also go unexplored. People tunnel vision on sex and revenge without following the trails of where else they lead. He’s deep and ridiculously complex, but if you open up to him and ask to really know him, he’s very willing to share.


hes also a really great patron.


Seriously is, I have so much affection and gratitude for him.


Unlikely, Asmodeus is likely a Jewish version of the Zoroastrian Aeshma, the Daeva (Demon) of Wrath.


Though I am not educated enough on that particular spirit, I say, why couldn’t he be both? Like I believe the Canaanite sky god, Baal, and Thor are the same god(and if you accept that, Beelzebaal is Thor). You have a god appear all over the world. Even my local Native American tribe(the Cayuga) has a sky god of storms that protects them from a sea serpent type of being in the Great Lakes. Why couldn’t Loki be world wide as well?


As a rule, I dislike this one god fits all idea. Unless there are very clear elements that an entity originates outside a religion (like how no Jew believed in a demon until the Babylonian exile and they met Zoroastrianism).

There are a lot of similarities, but there are also very many differences. Slavic mythology also has its “Thunder God attacks giant Serpent” trope in the form of Bog Perun, God of Thunder and Oaks and Bog Veles, God of Animals and Chaos. One of the images commonly associated with Bog Veles is a Serpent, because in Slavic mythology, serpents are good omens and Bog Veles is generally the God of the commonfolk.

But the myth is unique to Slavic mythology, Bog Veles is not Bog Perun’s enemy by nature like Zeus and Typhon or Thor and Jormandgundr. But because once a year, Bog Veles steals something from Bog Perun, who must establish order over this new chaos that has crept into the world. And eventually, Bog Veles is defeated and sent back into the underworld, Nav. But, in winter, Bog Veles is our only help from the disease and death of Boginya Marzanna, goddess of winter. Bog Veles is also the god of healing, poetry, and wisdom. Bog Veles has more in common with Odin than Jormandgundr, but he fulfills both roles, as well as taking Hel’s throne over the land of the dead.

But Bog Veles is not Odin, he’s not Jormandgundr, he is not Typhon, and he’s not Hel. He’s Bog Veles. Likewise, unlike Thor, Bog Perun is the head of the pantheon. And unlike Zeus, he is so much less involved in the world of men, and he does not have a list of children conceived in adultery. Bog Perun is not Zeus, he is not Thor, he is Bog Perun and the same applies to everything else.


I work with Loki a lot and to me Loki is not Asmodeus. Although I am sure they can have some similarities. Loki likes pepper, spices, and spicy food. Loki can help in very dark trickery and mischief to be used against enemies. In his lighter mood Loki also rules over unpredictability, playing games, fun, having a good time. Loki is very good at finding hiding places if a time calls for it. Loki can help 1 go undetected on clandestine missions in life if needed. At same time he can help 1 stand out like a bright orange flame. It is written that Loki is binded, but I do not consider Loki or Fenrir to be binded anymore.


I don’t really either but why do you think that?

A lot of this things we can not really prove right now. When I have dreams of them once in a great while, they do not appear binded. If Loki and Fenrir are still binded, their fetters are becoming very loose. I am sure their is still a long way to go before Christianity and other religions are destroyed. Now I am sure Loki and Fenrir can always be more active, but they are not restricted to 1 place. I view them as their own Deities, but they left their fingerprints over the Universe, their energy is in our DNA as well so to speak, for lack of better words. Like your relatives have their DNA in you, but at same time they are their own people. Loki likes orange male cats, raccoons, and opposums are sacred to him. Messengers of Loki. From working with Loki and seeing what animals come around or what animals I run into later on I get that.


I had a similar experience with Asmodeus/Asmoday. I evoked him only once, got a specific person through him, but afterwards, it was all about hell - selfishness, hate, arguing, anger, feeling like taking revenge… kinda just like you described!

This made me think a lot! That maybe Asmodeus is just not the appropriate god/demon for me to work with.

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One, Loki is NOT a giant.
Two, not everything that is similar is the same thing.
Three, Loki is a trickster God (lust, revenge, fire and anger he has nothing to do with) and Asmoday is a Daemon of lust (among other things), they are also VERY different energy wise.

Have you ever even spoken to them?


He gave you exactly what you asked for. It does not fall on Asmodeus to also alter the personality of the individual that you chose to be more compatible with you. He’s quite generous and will give you what you ask for in most cases. You get to decide if it’s what you wanted all along.


I love Asmoday… when I’m feeling carnally lonely i call him & he akways brings -the best- dreams … Loki… if I’m getting stressed or angry at something he pulls pranks - like making the tap malfunction & spray me! :joy:


Loki is definitely a Jotun (Giant), he is the son of Farbauti and Laufey, both Jotuns from Jotunheim. You should recheck your sources on that.


Loki is Lucifer’s mask


I Disagree. I’ve read that Asmodeus can cause also love and not only lust.
But to me the experience was exactly like described by the author of this thread: lust that comes from frustration, stress (maybe even hormone imbalance). And what followed was endless arguments, anger, fighting, hate and may even end up in cursing.
The guy was already interested in me before I performed any evocation - I didn’t force him to do anything. Through Asmodeus though, I noticed that the guy became very false towards me, pretending to be a loving and caring person, which afterwards I noticed that was false.

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Honestly, I can come with you halfway on that. I have a hard time with some of the associations that some place between different spirits or deities. I mean, it’s just like saying Ba’el is the same as Ba’al-Pe’or when they are clearly not the same (however are lumped into the Ba’alim). However, concerning Thor (Donar, Thunar) some academics associate Perun with him. Along with theories on Indra, Perkūnas, Taranis, and possibly Jupiter as having a common origin with Thor. Again, not completely sold on the idea but I also know that they don’t have to be same to be apart of that spirit’s associations with different human cultures or societies. Of course there’s the other option, the stories have a common origin however the spirits of that system in reality don’t have a backstory like that at all.

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