Ask Me Anything — Advanced Vampire Magick With N.D. Blackwood

Thank you for the response. Its mostly a reaction to all the trauma being pulled out of me. I feel bad for my reaction but I am incapable of not attacking them with the mental state they have put me in.

The pact with IPOS was part of the Green Order Lore.
Ipos is excellent with everything linked to energy …and self confidence, wich is pretty important when it comes to trusting yourself with feeling the energy transfer. I found that Ipos is pretty interresting, as he will help you can aside doubts, and allow you to have confidence in the process.


While dealing with such entities, it is always quite important to try being on an “egalitarian” status, and avoid approaching them with submission. As former humans for some, and predators for all, they do feed upon those who shows submission.

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Im sure I know the answer but are Vamyres & Parasites the same or different?


The “shadow legion” as far as I can tell is a kind of thoughtform, exactly like corporate entities are thoughtforms that allow individuals to operate under a collective set of rules - it’s not going to stop you or help you unless you directly use your intention to direct the energy for that happen.

Depends on the vampire you want to vamp. If they are “real” vampires, you’re talking about someone who has excellent awareness and control over their energy, by necessity, they develop the skills or they die, and they can tell, they can use the tendrils or whatever technique you used to connect to them to take back their energy plus some, and they can retaliate. That’s the risk of making a connection - they’re double-ended and lead right back to you.

You cannot hide 100% - you can set up barriers and distractions and hope they don’t have good enough skills to find you out. All the person has to do is ask “what is the cloak hiding?” and they can find out, because at deep levels they ARE you and we are all connected, there are no secrets. really, only where your focus goes. So distractions tend to work better against other mages, think how old-fashioned spirit houses work - give them something more interesting to look at than you.


Totally different things. We are talking about Undead magician , not about thought-forms.
Still “vampire” is a modern terminology that appeared in western occultism around the 18 /19 th century.

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Well, I don’t personally believe parasites are exclusive to the thoughtform category based on my experiences, and any entity can turn around be malicious if they intend to, but I think you hit important part in not all vampric entities are guaranteed to be parasitic :slight_smile:


@N.D_Blackwood, I still haven’t watched all the way through, but I do remember you saying you have practiced the Nordic Tradition. This is one of the things that caught my eye about you, alongside the runes on your mask (actually the first thing I noticed was the title Draugadròttin and the runes on your mask)

In the Nordic Tradition, we have practices and concepts such as The Web of Wyrd, Destiny/Dharma, and Seidr (Seidr being something I’m fond of).

What your thoughts on those concepts? How do you view them? (in particular Wyrd and Dharma)

Many LHP practitioners often dismiss destiny, etc, so im curious as to what you think.

I also think than “non thoughtform” entity that practice lifedrain are way more dangerous, and not simply “parasitic”, as guided by a true form of intelligence.


Yeah I kinda thought that since I havent read the book yet except for the intro but I know nothing would protect you 100 percent I just wanted to know if it would have any affect.

I have some experience with the Runic work of Edred Thorsson, but I would not claim any mastery upon it, as it’s system is pretty complex.
Inside the vampiric current in Europe, there are some elements that could be considered part of Seidr. Working with some of the Dark aspect of Wotan for exemple. Wotan being the leader of the wild hunt, who according the Germanic tradition is composed of Alps ( a category of vampiric spirits). Wotan is also an excellent guide for the practice of shappeshifting, as the main patron of Ulfhednars.

Fylgya and KinFylgia are also important elements for the practice of shapeshiting. Establishing a stronger link will them will allow to tape into their power and assume their forms on the astral plan.

I must also mention that some mention use runes in order to vamp. This is not something I’m fluent with, but needed to be mentioned.


Ive seen people say almost everything was thought form or just in your head like Lucifer & demons & stuff like that. When I first was searching on youtube for summoning demons I came across a video w/ a guy using cardboard with the sigil painted on & they would gaze at the sigil. They would then connect the spirit through this & tell them what they needed, he was using spirits of the goetia, & the spirit would tell them what they wanted/needed & to put it on the cardboard or something & go bury/dispose of it. He said that all this was in your head which I dont think is true but it can go either way

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Also couldn’t you have a familiar or spirit helper that can vamp from people or even yourself?

I have too and while I highly doubt it all is, as how can I have similar experiences to others, if it’s all in my head? The collective consciousness… maybe but here’s how I look at it.

Does it matter if it’s in my head or totally separate entities, as long as I am getting results? If it’s all in my mind that makes this shit work- well then I’m pretty mother fcking amazing, and if it’s entities separate from my existence, well. I’m getting damned consistent results so. I’m pretty fcking amazing either way.

Lmao. That’s my vain little rant I give myself when I’m over thinking the subject, when all that really matters is I do weird shit, weird shit then happens and I get results from it.

Yes. I have a servitor in my personal entourage for doing this when I don’t want to personally link into a target. It’s rare, but once in a while you (I) don’t want to do the work yourself. I usually personal prefer to do energy work myself, but once in a while I’ll have a long term project and I’m lazy, so rather than fck up my routine I’ll use a servitor-which can then store the energy for me either itself or in a designated vessel.


There isn’t anything about vampirism in the Shadownomicon that I recall, but I could have glossed over it because I think it’s stupid.

All humans have the ability to do energy working, ergo all humans can “be vampires” by simply taking energy from someone else at some point and defining themseleves that way. It’s easy, and that’s the definition you see commonly use on BALG. I’m a vampire at that rate and so are all humans, because to constantly exchange energy between us is our natural state, we so it all day every day, and if you get sensitive to energy you can see that for yourself.

My own definition is much more strict, a “real” vampire is someone with a damaged energy system, such that they cannot automatically cultivate energy from the sources other humans do, which puts them in an energy deficit, which can kill them, hence needing to learn how to get energy consciously in a hurry, usually as children, as Michelle Belanger describes very well in her work. I used to hang at the old vampire DDD (Drink Deeply and Dream) forums years ago and the story was a very common one. Very few rea vampires managed to learn to use ambient energy, and that was the best they could do, they could not take from the cosmos, the sun or on-human sources, and not that great from food and sleep - their energy cultivation ability was broken. Nobody chooses to be a real vampire, anyone can choose to use energy working to take another humans energy - they’re not the same thing.

I don’t advise it because it’s like sucking the dirty puddle next to the waterfall, and why would you do that if you as a normal human could drink from the waterfall? “Oh it’s ok I can filter it, look at me the apex predator drinking from the dirty, piddly little source like a pro” - really!? Why? If you think another human is a good source of energy how little energy of your own do you really have to gauge that by? Because, they’re not, the difference it it’s human qi already alchemised, so you don’t have to, but it’s also polluted. There’s a lot of thoughtless Romanticism built around it in the western occult - the blind leading the blind. It doesn’t make you any stronger than working the same skills any other way and carries health risks. It’s dumb as bricks, and I have nothing but contempt for self-styled “vampires” and pity for real vampires.


Blessed we are that we no longer have to feed from ambient rooms and crowds. Those are sad times.

“The world is a vampire”


In my opinion, we encounter here the problem of deffinition. As mentionned in a previous post, the term “vampire” is pretty recent. We can trace his first appearence in Western occult litterature around the 19tj century, with authors like Stanilas De Gaita and Julius Evola. People from the 15th century or antiquity, didn’t used the term “vampire”.

In the end of the 20th century, a particular current have emerged in western occultism, sometimes using the term “vampyre”, centred upon the idea of energentic transfer. According to the deffinition of this groups the deffinition of a vampire is a person who have a deep need for the lifeforce of others. Depending on the books you open it can both described having inherited that condition, or people trying to replicate it for various reason. This group tend to create their own mythology, with people born with this condition being reincarnated all over again , forming some kind of clans or families with their own ethics.
In my own deffinition this is simply a person having an energetic imbalance, or knowing how to pratice a reverse form of magnetism.

I share the deffinition given by Michael Ford. What I refer to as “vampire”, for practical reason, is the astral body of a deceased adept, using essence draining to extend his life on the astral plane, and keep the intégrité of his conscience and memory , or a living magician working with this type of being in order to get the same post portem status. Lifeforce drain his her pratice in the purpuse of being offered to the spirits . This was pretty much the common deffinition of Vurkodlak, Varcolaci or Draugar.
“Vampirism” as I conceived it, is a cult of that beings. Draining lifeforce being even a side effect and a tool for the cult. But it may be called by a lot of other names, the importance being the practice and the finality behind it.


So far the ona group have some vsmpiric spells, rituals to drain rnergy and kill. But the real became a vampire was post in late 90s in a enghlish forum. Using Egyptian ,gods seals and invocation never try, to you its posible in days ferl the chsnge, since pretty much u using a way to became one,? Besides the demons whoch may help to speed up the process its desert ghouls who may help too such guland, you opinion,?

I’ve come to think and assume that lilith and her three sisters are vampiric in nature. Is this very narrow thinking as I’ve been drawn to vampirism for a few years but most people I’ve talked to think it is “role playing” or “Larping” when it comes to magick.

Are there specific realms and spirits for vampires?