Asamod Ka

Has anyone used his stuff or books? Any success or complete bs?

Don’t know, but I looked on Amazon and he’s published 14 books from 2022, which is a massive amount very quickly, implying he already had this material ready. They look good to me, he’s upfront about volume of material if you read the descriptions, and I think it’s worth the low cover price to try out.

From Amazon his bio is very interesting and his book series is well structured. They’re in my areas of interest so I’m quite tempted to get a couple and try them out myself, so thanks for asking the question and brining this author to our attention! :slight_smile:

Asamod is a pseudonym for an Occult Society hierophant. The author has several years of experience in Chaos magic, shamanism, luciferism, santerĂ­a and other systems.
Asamod is a variable of Asmodeus, but in Hebrew Asamod means to destroy and in Persian Azmonden means to try or put to the test.
The real predecessor root of the term is Aeshma-daeva, a demon from Persian mythology in Zoroastrianism, of fury and lust, but who was sometimes interpreted as “the shining angel”…
Some interpret daēva as “demon”, but it is inaccurate. In Hinduism, devas are divine spirits, in Persian mythology not all daēva were negative.
I am proud to write, as a human, my books. I am a real mage and a practitioner of the occult for twenty years. Unfortunately, nowadays, there is too much “garbage” in e-books and pseudo “GPT Chat” wizards publishing dozens of poor quality e-books.

If you get any do come back and post what you think! :smiley:


Thx for your research dear mulberry. I’ve read his books and they seem legit but not sure yet. Also he has a grimoire for God Mammon which is interesting cause I had never seen any books about him.

I would be glad to hear from you when you try his stuff.

Good Luck.

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Just got a few of his books. Haven’t used any of his spells or rituals yet.

IDK. I think he needs an editor. Even some of his books’ table of contents are messy.

Content-wise, he’s kind of a hit-and-miss for me. For instance, some incantations are so unserious, they read like they were written by the Halliwell sisters (sans the rhyming).

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The only book of his I have of his is his vampirism book. I just recently got this one so I’m only about 1/4 the way through it. So far I’d say it’s ok, nothing mind blowing. The editing has moments of being bad, but really what I’ve noticed is that the book so far isn’t complete thoughts. The book really comes off almost like someone’s notes that they didn’t fully flesh out. The book may get better, but at quarter of the way through I’d say no one is really missing anything by skipping this one. If I’m reminded I may update this when I’m done reading the book.