Are You Ever Afraid of Losing Your Mind by Practicing Occult?

I have the same problem.

Sometimes I have paranoid thoughts.


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I’m completely insane but a little crazy in a mad world can be healthy. I think you got to be nuts to begin with but try to think of it this way… They are crazy and as you follow your path you start to become sane.


Frankly, I believe it is common for many to fear it to some degree at some point or another. Some recognize it, some do not. The fear doesn’t matter so much as what we do after. I chose to continue, pushing deeper than before, to use that fear as a catalyst to strengthen my self.

I find the litany against fear from Dune to contain profound wisdom.

I must not fear
Fear is the mind-killer
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
I will face my fear
I will let it pass over me and through me
When the fear has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path
Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing
Only I will remain.


One of the virtues of the left path that I have managed to analyze over the years is that mental benestar includes emotional well-being, which consists in the ability to handle emotions. This does not mean that they should be repressed, but quite the opposite. Recognizing and accepting them, and feeling comfortable when unpleasant emotions are manifested, is synonymous with emotional balance.The interaction the deities with whom I have worked have always pointed and expressed me /// Do not neglect your own well-being and your worldly life by magic . The spiritual ascent can distract you from your outer life and incline you to postpone and neglect your obligations /// they always point me to the secret of loving oneself, showing flexibility to change, and resolving conflicts and tensions with others. They help us maintain emotional balance and enjoy life fully. In my evolution I have been able to determine that meeting oneself is a priority for emotional balance, and on many occasions this requires will. In addition, to maintain emotional balance it is positive to adopt a series of habits that allow you to be connected with yourself. When you take your time to clean up your mental space, you avoid emotional fatigue.
These habits help you to be in harmony with your interior and with your environment. In all this, when the body and mind work together to create a healthy environment, an environment conducive to maintaining emotional balance is built, that is, an emotional and mental balance is produced, which makes you stronger. When you change your mind and the way you do things, you change your world. To maintain emotional balance, you can adopt these habits.

It is my appreciation of the issue raised!


Or, how about this, ask a demon to teach you the real way the world actually works instead of the delusions you were feed that don’t match up to reality.


This is a very interesting question because I literally stopped doing occult work because I became afraid of losing my sanity. Yet, during that period of confusion and paranoia, my psychic abilities actually got better. So, there was something to gain from my limited exposure. Because of the problems that came from it, I must go forward carefully with a balanced mind. As well as knowing when to back out from occult work.


The further my path takes me the less I care if I lose my mind. This life is too short to worry about trivial things.


All the really weird shit aside: I feel much clearer in my mind than I ever did before I started practicing. Its like someone ripped a veil away from my eyes with brute force. Everything I ever feared already happened to me. It has already been done to me long before.
I don’t feel crazy, not even when things start to go bump in the night.
At the end of the day I took what I could get from out of it.


Or learn how to think for yourself and you won’t need a demon to teach you.

I’ve had that feeling sometimes and it can be worrying for sure. I think personally being realistic and pragmatic makes the most sense

questions like: what and how is whatever is happening for me in this moment contributing to my life for better or for worse, is this aligned with my intent for myself now and for the future, is this information/experience etc practical and applicable to my everyday life? Intentional practice helps.

Culturally and societally the practice of black magic or other forms of worship outside of traditional structures still isn’t broadly accepted, and I think that can lead to feeling like outside and is totally normal for practitioners of outsider and rejected/stigmatised systems.

The way we’re socialised is still heavily based on religious paradigms. I know here in Australia we were like 70% Christian Right into the late 80s, still pretty recent.

Go with what feels right for you and makes sense for your life, not everyone is going to get on board and that’s okay :joy:

I have long counseled Head Zapping.


Ironically I felt far more afraid before I finally “got” the Occult amd magick. When you just leave your life to luck and chance as most people do- unless you come from wealth and a stable successful family- the odds are heavily against you and life is a constant battle and fearful. With my magick skills (which are still a long way from being advanced) I feel far more empowered and I remain far more afraid of real world events than spirits demons etc who are not remotely scary as my mindset to them is lighthearted yet respectful.


Who gives a f*ck about losing their mind? What if I’ll lose it? People stare at me like I’m crazy anyway

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ive done it once. wasn’t fun when i realized the better part of a year and a half of occult work was more or less a lie in the majority. (accidental Thought-forms are a bitch)

I got bettah, mostly. though I still have hurdles this caused to get over, nearly 10 years later.

not to mention every skill i did gain from that, has atrophied since.

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I’ve already lost my mind so yeah :joy:


I’m used to always feeling like I’m crazy, wonderful “gift” from my parents. If anything the occult makes me feel more sane.

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Oh, I love Dune, it is excellent novel. And in some way crazy.

honestly I used to believe it would but around 5 or 6 years ago that changed although there were some days I literally questioned what’s real if I was actually awake or perhaps maybe everyone is all dead ? (That particular time I wasn’t high but had a mental breakdown after discovering something ) The other thing that changed my mind was a conversation my sister and I had basically saying to hell what society thinks better to be different than trying to fit in

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Welcome @IvonRac. Please post an introduction in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick. You were already asked to do so once already. It is a rule of this forum and required.

Not at all. The “normal” people make me sick.