Are we living in an Qliphotic anti-world? The ultimate question

T. Karlsson expands in his book about qliphotic anti-worlds, these are hells, devoid of hope, horrible, so on so on…

So, kinda like this world, most of the time.

I’d like to tackle your belief systems today.
Do you believe you will be salved, be it by yourself, be it by Lucifer?
What is the ultimate goal of your practice?

Because I’m often having doubts, TBH.

Or are you fine with the world and the existance of evil in it?



I’m not sure I understand the being saved part, being saved from what and being saved by whom. This has a slight sent of the right hand path :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Evil is not a thing, it’s an action.

OK please expand on it, since I’d like very much to hear this viewpoint Yes I employ things from RHP because I’m not entirely familiar (most probably) with a lot of LHP,

I’d answer this with this:
The making of alchemists’ philosophical stone should make one eternally safe,
It is a concept from RHP or LHP? I’m telling about the erasing of the possibility of anything evil happening to you, is it possible or not and how to achieve it?

When it comes to evil yes I believe there is such thing as evil, I think there is even platonic idea of evil (though Plato himself disagreed with this).

The state of the world is the state of the self. Those who are hopeless, see no hope. Those who are wise see only wisdom. Those who are loving, see only love.


The goddess Nuit is a bitch of dubious reputation, if you are going to have intercourse with her, you better put a condom on your snake of light, so you won’t have undesired magickal children with her.

These ‘anti-worlds’ are descriptions from JCI
religion. Just because he wrote about it doesn’t mean he’s endorsing.

It just seems necessary to write about, because even if the structure of the Qliphoth wasn’t “conceived” by Jews (ie its Greek or Egyptian with JCI superimposed), the intellectual history of it begins with Jews, because there’s no record before.

And if you read this traditional JCI interpretation, you’ll still have nuance which is congruent with what many LHP believe.

Like how working through the Qliphoth is more intrinsic self-deification, and when you consider the “tree of knowledge” in the garden of Eden to be a euphemism for the Qliphoth, you get some interesting nuance.

Even if you believe the Qliphoth came first- you can still see some truth underneath the JCI percolating.

Interesting note: though not the popular view, there is one traditional interpretation of the Qliphoth and Sephiroth being created at the same time.

These are claims. I have looked into this and there is no evidence of the Qliphoth or the Qabalah being inspired by Greek or Egyptian magic. What I know that Jews did learn from the Greeks is some aspects of the grimoire traditions such as the Goetia, certain aspects of high magic (Theurgy), and the Kabbalah itself is related to Pythagorean numerology and the association of perfection with the number 10. They obviously demonized many Gods and Daemons, creating a negative connotation with the word demon that never existed before.

The way I see it, people like to claim the Qliphoth or the Kabbalah are inspired by Egyptian or Greek currents of magic because they find it easier to stick to a paradigm that is well known, all well and good, but don’t sell people bullshit and expect them to swallow it.

If there is a people the Jews might have learned from regarding their cosmogony, they would be either the Phoenicians or the Chaldeans (maybe Babylonians).

The point was even if you’re completely opposed to JCI religion, and literally believe Jews superimposed it upon the Qliphoth, it’s still worthwhile to read because

  1. There’s no explicit record before.
  2. There’s nuance which is congruent with many “LHP” beliefs.

Complete hogwash. Don’t spin your tall tales without evidence. Even Israeli scholars these days debate about it (escape from Egypt) being a story made up to inspire them to escape slavery in Babylon.

That’s my point. Would have no problem with your post if you weren’t trying to regurgitate claims that have no basis in fact.

Lmao I’m not “claiming” anything.

I wrote even if the most extreme example is true (which I’m not endorsing) it’s still valuable to read traditional Kabbalah.

Nowhere did I claim that Jews superimposed their religion on an already conceived system.

This is an equally ridiculous claim. The Greeks that recorded so many of their magical practices, never recorded this aspect of their Theurgic practices? I think you need to be quiet.

There’s no explicit record of THE QLIPHOTH before Jews wrote about it.

And why is it valuable? Because your Rabbi told you? Okay Shlomo.

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Because nobody else wrote it. It’s Jewish, not Greek, not Egyptian. That was the point.

It’s valuable to people working with the Qliphoth.

Then don’t spew nonsense about it being related to non-Jewish cultures. Without evidence.

What does even if mean to you?

Does it mean “I claim this thing to be true”?

Nope, you just made a mistake reading.

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I see, I did skim. My apologies for the misinterpretation. Just don’t even get close to suggesting such a ludicrous idea next time. Carry on Shlomo.