Are Demons Real?

Continuing the discussion from “Are Demons Real?” ~ 4 Questions To Dissect:

Here’s the original thread on this topic for those who want to look back. My recent channeling from certain entities has led me to believe they are more than human-created egregores, something pre-existing these archetypes, and capable of far more than a single archetype should be. While I recognize a lot of spirits I’ve interacted with do fit that profile, I am increasingly discovering that many do not.

So what about pre-human origins? Extra-terrestrial? Pre-physical-plane altogether? And that begs the question why are we stuck in these bodies when we have the ability to leave them, which means we didn’t originate by something physical?
Or my final question, do these entities just repeat their mythologies back to you when they are questioned about it? (This option seems like the least likely in my experience)


I have learned there are beings that predate humans and this galaxy even. They are from way way WAY back and far away. We are also surrounded by beings that come from different galaxies and planes of existance and they have many forms. There are a SURPRISING amount of beings which are in human bodies at this point. Not sure how long that has been going on but I imagine right from the beginning of human existence. That is what I’ve seen anyway. As for WHY are we stuck inside these meat suits i am not exactly sure. And to be sure it can be an individual reason for us all, however the reason I was given for me when i asked that question was simple. I am here to experience creation. This physical plane of existence is supposedly different from everywhere and many want to partake of its physical pleasures and leasons be them pleasure, desire, pain, suffering, loss, joy etc. Maybe that is the answer for you. Maybe not. But it is a question that begs to be answered. At least for me, it did.


Well, I have my theories on all of it, and they are wild. I looking to verify them rather than just going on UPG. But the thing with wild theories is that they’re hard to verify by natural means, because the only way to know what happened 100,000 years ago is to remote view it or travel to the records. Some people don’t accept that as verifiable evidence. I do if enough people can verify it AND I can verify it myself. I can verify that entities want to experience this plane of existence because they tell me the same thing @nikki.


I just don’t want to say publicly what I’m dealing with yet, but I will in PM because I have seen you’re trustworthy.
I’m open to theories or other ideas!


I understand where your coming from. Sometimes it makes me wonder who’s a god and who’s a fallen angel and who’s a thought form created by man. I do believe however there are other planes of reality… A picture taken by the hubble telescope captured thousands of galaxies and it was only pointing in One Direction. So for the theory of all these demons and god’s being thought forms doesn’t rest with me. I know that some of the entities we partner with are mask of forces of nature.
I follow the evolution tree because it makes since to me. There’s for ingredients that are in every living thing carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and something else. So my question is what god’s are thoughtforms and which ones are forces of nature with a soul? I also think my magic belief is changing. That we might do a spell and just give ourselves the right mind state to go out and do the things we need done. But I don’t want to think that way… I like the idea of magicians lurking in the shadows pulling the Strings and causing change. Until my situation is over. I won’t know for sure if any of that is possible.
Another thing is something I read on here. That the goetia demons are just part of our mind. Not really anything. But I want to debunk that theory and say that when we work with spirits they unlock a percent of our brain since we only use 10%. Another thing I don’t understand is people saying the Bible is man made. OK… Well doesn’t that make spirits like Azazel man made.? Not saying he is but if your pulling a spirit from a man made book doesn’t that go hand and hand. Like I said I won’t know of any of this being true until my pact is fulfilled!

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Yea unless the spirit existed before the book existed and the mythology is written by his enemies in order to slander him…

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True but why do people call him a fallen angel if angels are man made?
I guess that’s a label somebody put on him. Like saying old gods are demons

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Idc who’s real or fake long as magic works!

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The lables are man made to categorize them and control us. They did not appear to a man sitting in a field watching his sheep or in his room sitting in the lamp light and say Hi. I am a demon! It was man who in the name of religion and control who gave them their titles. Lables. Whatever you want to call it. That is my limited understanding of it anyway. I guess the bottom line is how do you work with them to open our understanding and shed the shakles that limit us? That’s what matters. Their true nature. Not a lable.


Yea I think some are man-made because I make servitors, so naturally I’m not the only person who does that. People have made Thoughtforms as a group and made sacrifices to them, causing them to grow in power. But many of them don’t fit that profile, so I’m down that rabbit hole trying to find the origins of the “others”. It’s fascinating, frustrating, all kinds of other adjectives. I love hearing other people’s theories. I KNOW magick works because it’s changed my whole life and my entire perception of self. I don’t think it’s just mindset. Mindset is step one. But I think there is inherent power in Magick. I’ve seen “miracles” and experienced them, although from a Hermetic perspective I realize they are not really miracles, but the manipulation of energy, vibration.


OK 2 things I would like to say I’ve experienced minor magic but on a huge scale of life changing events I haven’t. Do you have an example of a spell working… Without you going out into the world to achieve the effect. I like to know to comfort me. And destroy doubt.
And what spirits do you think are thought forms?
BTW I’m not saying magic isn’t real because I LOVE the occult and everything in between.

I think the only way to break that down is to leave this life. I do know they are real because that damn goat head wasn’t imagination haha

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Those unaccepting peoples are most likely unaware of the true nature of the thing we call “time”. It’s all happening simultaneously, to put it simplistically.
I have incessant “memories” of early sumerian times…nomad tribes in the desert, etc. When I look at it from the perspective of the present moment, I realize they’re not memories any more than the moment I’m typing this is a memory.
In short, the method you describe is totally valid.


Ahhhh the goat head! Good times! Gooood tiiimmmmes!!

I think anything involving records has been tampered with from the era of the holy Roman Empire and until now. Anything before that date was lost or keep hidden

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One, yes, examples of labels.
Demon/daimon = timeless being who can traverse dimensions. By that definition, I’m one of those.
Angel = same roots as demons, in terms of the lingo. Not man-made. They precede the bible by Quite A Lot.

Angels & Demons can be perceived as various aspects of human consciousness, or even galactic consciousness. They can also be perceived as unique, sentient entities who live just outside our normal range of vibration. I am admittedly on the fence yet with a lot of that.


Nikki do you believe the million old gods are vast energies of planets and stars? Giving off vibrations for those countless years they evolved higher than us but still keep their shape?

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That! Forces of nature with mask!? Correct


I’m gonna jump in on this one!
I believe there is a connection. Lucifer, after all, is the morning star (which is Venus). He’s also Phosphorous which is essential to life. It has recently been discovered that there is a lot less phosphorous in the universe than scientists realized. It’s intriguing.
Azazel has shown himself as being a form made of space to some people. For me, he was all black with glowing eyes. He implied that the eyes are, in fact, stars and encouraged me to figure that one out. At present, I’m fairly convinced that the star-eyes are Betelgeuse and Rigel.


Yes. But the way i percieve it is there was one big group of beings that himans worshipped. Until someone came along and divided them saying these are food and these over here in this group?? They are evil. They only want your destruction. So stay away from them. Ooor we’ll kill you. … to protect you… from the evil demons.