I have a strange experience
I had a statue of an archangel on my desk, then I decided to put it away, and then late at night I felt such a scary and negative feeling, then I decided to put the statue back in place and since then there has been no spooky presence and strange people avoid me, especially when I’m outside
for example, I was at a bus stop and some homeless guy was harassing a lady but he didn’t even notice me when I walked by
and that’s just one example
Does this mean that the archangel is somehow connected to the statue?
Unlikely. Banish and cleanse to be sure you don’t have negative entities attempting to feed on you and make you create more negative energy.
But maybe help the lady next time, archangels might like that and it kinds sound like you were protected so that you could.
So the archangels like it when someone helps other people ?
It’s seems a bit sychronistic, that you’d mention these seemingly unrelated incidents and feel the angels was connected to both. In this case I’d say run with your intuition.
Given Angelics are known for protection, and working through people, I have a funny feeling that may have been a test, and you were meant to help the lady, with the angelic protection on you. Could be wrong, but there’s something there that’s more than it seems.
How would you go about this in a skillful way, without running the risk provoking aggression in the other person? Can you give a subtle and passive method?
This isn’t really magick, but first of all you smile, which is dissarming, open your arms a little to be open and But yourself look bigger, approach and ask the lady “Is everything ok?”. She will probably say yes. You don’t have to be at all confrontational.
Magickally, hold your energy and your calm. Know who you are and stand up in your power, quietly and easily, no hurry no worry, but as strong as a mountain: this is good practice for that.
That is usually enough as the harasser sees she’s not alone and not such an unprotected target. If the harasser talks to you that can give the victim space to get out of there. Or as this was a bus stop, wait with her while the bus comes, simply pretending to be also waiting for the bus.
Too many people see others in trouble these days and don’t help when they could easily do so. They even get their phones out instead. You don’t see it in smaller towns, it’s mostly a side effect of big, anonymous cities where hostility is common, but it only takes one person, one smile to change someone’s whole day for the better.