I happened to come across an enn that was enticing. It was listed as noctulius. I looked for information and there was nothing out there, aside from one page saying it was a spirit to whom an order of questionable origins enlisted. Mind you I also saw some pretty damn negative stuff about that group, but this page said their rituals were bad for the spirit and magician and reformed an all purpose invocation. But a part of me says something feels off. Wondering if anyone has experience with said entity.
I wouldn’t touch their egregores with a cattle prod, but I have noticed anyone I’ve seen on this forum who worked with them is actively fleeing them. They are as intensely parasitic as the originating allegedly criminal cult is, understandably - like begets like. Also no-one talking about pacting with Noctulius or other has come back with anything at all, good or bad (yet), but there’s only a couple, so, it’s all highly anecdotal given that the cults name is banned on this forum for obvious legal liability reasons.
My advice is that there are hundreds of better entities to work with, with far longer histories, more weight from human interaction in the astral and more experience and reputation for being beneficial to humans not harmful. I don’t see the point of messing with egregores created by and representing some of the worst of humanity.
Well obviously - look who it’s daddies are. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. But if you’re confident in your skills to end anything unwanted why not? Nothing ventured nothing gained and whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
I work with Noctulius and three of His spirits through V.K. Jehannum’s e-grimoire called Liber Noctulius. He’s a genuine entity, who was worshipped by the Brixian Gauls (Celts from an area of modern day France) during the European bronze age.
It’s been over a year now, and my experiences are all positive.
V.k. channeled different sigils than the one used by the group you refer to, so that you get the genuine spirit and the experience is much more positive for both the spirit and the witch/magician.
N.D. Blackwood, one of the BALG authors, works with Noctulius too. In fact, that’s what the “N” in his name stands for.
My opinion from experience is that he’s a genuine being and value can be found working with him. However, any knowledge or information from the groups associated with him should not be given the time of day at all, their “Tradition” is insulting to the beings and causes their presence to appear in unsavoury ways.
Just like @Asher mentioned, VK has some good content on him. I worked through Liber Noctulius on VK’s Patreon a while ago, the experience was good and I never had a bad experience with him. I only used VK’s content to initially decide to work with him as everything else was of questionable validity.
That being said, you really need to consider if you’re in a position where you can work with him with minimal information and expect good results that could be achieved with less effort elsewhere. He is a powerful being with a lot he can help with, but unless he’s really calling you, is it worth your time at the moment?
Yeah I don’t feel confident enough for that at this moment. I had a dream and it was talking about how an entities presence can be consuming and overwhelming not just for me but also the people around me. I felt as though this noctulius is a very strong presence with a lot of energy that it siphons from others just by his presence alone, I don’t know if it were him visiting me via dream or a warning from Beelzebub in the idea, but during the dream I was overwhelmed with a sense of confidence and it was dark, it felt like everything was reaching and being taken by me. Very interesting dream, but when I woke up I came to the conclusion I’m not quite ready for that level. I need to focus on work with the deities I am already communing with. These messages confirm that for me. Maybe more so down the road when I have more experience. I do love vampyre magic. He definitely seems to be the type for that. But I feel like I need way more experience to interact with such a powerful being.
Yeah it’s ironic I was just posting about my dream about him. I felt like he was making his presence known to me, I’m not 100 percent sure tho. But he definitely is a very powerful deity, but I think I need more time before I attempt to work with him. I need experience. I felt a strong pull to him but with that pull I could feel an intuitive sense that I need to be absolutely sure I can handle it
It took me some time to get us to His power. At first I got overwhelmed and I could only work with him a couple of times a week. He’s very dark. By now, I can work with him almost every night. His energy is very dark and strong.
Go with your intuition and some divination always helps.
Yeah I definitely felt that last night, it was so extensive, like dark but in the dark was a sense of enjoyment and confidence, like you were free to roam and the shadow was your aura so you felt everything and it gave to you as the shadow held it. Very intense, I do feel a strong pull to it, but also I felt like it would affect everyone around me as well. I think I might need to learn more about aura work. It also might be the fact I do have a strong connection with Lilith and I heard Noctulius is associated with the moon and darkness and bats. Doesn’t help my name is Noctis either so I’m very appealed by his nature. I’ll do some divination and mediation and make a final decision. You said there were materials out there for a proper sigil and enn? What should one look out for and not mess with when learning about Noctulius?
I’d say that’s a good sign he’s calling to you then. Interestingly, the first time I called to him, he later manifested within me at the middle of the night before sleeping. I “woke up” a few hours later thinking I’d been asleep the entire time but apparently I was making cough and growl like noises and not actually asleep, when I tried to speak after my voice was hoarse and deeper but also had an interested extremely angered inflection to it, I felt mentally a lot “darker” too at the time so I immediately intuitively thought it was due to him, later confirmed via divination. It was pretty weird, his energy can be very intense and overpowering.
If you feel his call, I’d say tread lightly but go for it.
Thank you.
You can choose not to work with him for now but that doesn’t mean he is going to go anywhere, he may just observe in the shadows, get to know you until you are ready or he feels you are absolutely ready.
But honestly are we ever ready 100% to work with any of the Divine?
Are 85% of our decisions & desires ever 100% of our readiness to divulge into?
Stay safe Divine Brother
When I invoke Noctulius it’s dark, as I said, but it’s an extremely blissful feeling too. As to what to look out for, just be respectful as you would with a god or goddess. He likes to teach.
You’re exactly right about His attributes. He is lunar/Venusian and born of the Void.
You’ll find an article about Noctulius on V.K’s WordPress blog. I think there’s a sigil in that article, if I remember correctly.
Well I decided to do some work with Noctulius and placed his sigil on my alter and honored him with a ritual and did an invocation. I offered a sacrifice for something that causes me a lot of trouble and is hurting my life and stunting my growth. I sacrificed my drinking, pledged sobriety.
I did divination and apparently he comes at a time to which I’ve fell to great struggle which was caused me to fall and that was due to drinking. It basically said I was represented by fear and stagnation and I needed to leap with resolve and accept the fear of the unknown.
After doing so I had a surge of insight, and new ideas of spiritual growth. So far it has been pleasant. I’ll keep everyone updated with my journeys with Noctulius at my side. So there can be more information about him.
What is Noctulius’s offices?
What can he humans help with?
I would recommend reading VK’s blog post on him, he’s a powerful being who can help with quite a lot, it really depends what you’re looking for and your personal goals. He helped me with quite a few personal things and besides that helped me refine my more baneful workings and helped me learn newer techniques and knowledge related to vampirism, among other things.
From what I’ve noticed with working him so far. He can be draining at times but it’s a weird sensation, some days even addicting in a sense, almost empowering. From what I gathered he doesn’t like much information out about him or a lot of references, unlessed asked about and sought out. His energy is that of darkness and fear, like the equivalent of stepping into a dark forest and the fear of travel is the encapsulation of his energies, in death or spirit.
His representation is the night, darkness, travel, death, and the moon, and vampyrism. What I noticed with him was I had a lot more direction with what skills I needed to attain to become adept at sensing and attuning myself with astral energies. Along with learning concepts of Magicka.
When I do his invocations I find myself feeling empowered and confident as well as focused, he’s great when doing a ritual and you need to embody a spirit to assist in the ritual, he gives good direction and it’s pretty clear. You get a strong sense almost like an eureka moment. Also he has bases in the fire element. While working with him I noticed I have a stronger affinity with fire, flames and candles seem to react more as well when in ritual with him. He’s symbolic with ravens, the moon, death, and shadows.
He has let me know of his presence by the use of a dying flame from a candle which then grow bright for a moment and a shadow was casted in that moment where there was hand reached out with a pointed finger that was boney in shape with a whispy tattered robe around it.