Anyone knows what this spirit is?

Hmm I don’t think so because i don’t see why a demon would try to impersonate another and this one really seems more like a shadow person :confused: It’s funny that you mention him though because I have been doing some rituals to get jobs lately.

I didn’t really know where to ask but does this look like Ahriman to you guys? I did my best and he definitely does not look or feel like a shadow person. I don’t deal with spirits a lot so I just asked for his name, but I have a hard time with sigils because I see them as really vague shapes and his one was quite complicated. I honestly have no idea how people draw sigils precisely :s There’s like 3 circles with an animal like thing and then squiggly spirally shapes on the side

He didn’t feel really scary or threatening but he just had a reeally dark presence

I cant confirm what that looks like in any way so Ill skip that part.

Drawing sigils is easy, you just practice practice practice. The form of workings I do, I charge my sigils while I am drawing them so my hand just flows with it and I never have any issues with them coming out bad

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Interesting :confused: What do you do what a spirit presents a sigil to you, how do you copy it down?

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As I said before, I dont deal with things that I dont invite in because my household takes care of it. Anything I work with I already have the sigil for. If you need to draw something you are shown, just do your best and finish every single attempt at it instead of erasing and starting over. If you get close, someone here might recognize it


What @Haplo adviced you is a good option, but if you are in problem with copying sigils, just open an image on your PC, put a paper on the monitor, and draw over the Sigil what you see, slightly.

After you got the basic, you can working on the lines, and make them demanding.

These are mine:

(Im about to draw this and this and put my blood on them as well.)

Anyway, you do not need sigils to evocate Spirits. You can learn how to do it without these, but naturally, if you have things connected to your Spirit, it is a good thing, just remember not every Spirit has a public, well known one. So you can’t losa anything if you practice evocating Them without sigil.

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Oh sorry if I worded it in a confusing way, I have no trouble copying sigils from a picture I can see, but i’ve read that one of the ways to confirm a spirit’s identity is to ask it to present its sigil, and I have a hard time drawing super precise images from clairvoyance like sigils :confused: I didn’t evoke anybody and he came by himself, I asked him to present his sigil as an identification attempt.

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Thats why I said to do your best drawing what you see and then ask us. Someone might know it

One poster on this forum said, that Lucifer appeared to him as a cloaked figure like this. So, it could be Lucifer.

I hope you figure it out. :slight_smile: