Anyone knows what this spirit is?

Has anyone seen this spirit before? It likes to hang out in my house but I don’t really know what it is. I tried to draw it but my clairvoyance isn’t great so this is the best I can do. If you guys have any advice on what to do next time I see it it would be cool.


Looks like something lost. I’d just try to lead it out and let it be on its way


When you see it next time, don’t pay attention to it. Leave it hanging out watching. Just ask it in your mind, to tell you if it needs something from you, or to tell you its name. Just talk to it the way you would talk to a guest in your house or a friend. And let it be. If it scares you, let it know that, and see how it reacts. If it becomes aggressive, command it to leave, politely. It will leave.


Thanks a lot guys! I’ll try to ask what it wants and try to lead it somewhere else so it’s not stuck in my house. I don’t have a lot of experience dealing with spirits so I have no idea, but is there some feature about its appearance that means it’s a lost spirit? Do you think it’s a human spirit?


Looks like something I used to see a a kid. Scared the crap out of me when it started calling my name. :joy:


oh god I would probably freak out if it called my name too x’D So far whenever I sensed it I would hear some things around the house go bump. It doesn’t strike me as very malicious or evil, but it seems to really want my attention for some reason.


To me it just feels lost so thats what Im going on. It didnt mean to show up there but it feels a reason to keep coming back. Maybe because you practice


Yeah it does give me the feeling of a lost thing looking for something to hang onto. I’ve encountered other lost spirits who are more direct with their requests (this one just stands there and doesn’t do anything…) and they do tend to show up more when i’m regularly practicing. I’m reluctant to “help” any spirits though because spirit stuff is not what I’m good at and I don’t want to make things worse .-.

Tangential but there was one freaky time when I got woken up because my computer restarted by itself and started playing a song called “Go dig my grave” at 3 am in the morning. Ha ha ha very funny


Possibly an aspect of your shadow?

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I’ve considered this possibility but I really don’t know, would your shadow just show up like that? :confused: Do you have any advice?

I would imagine if it’s something that needs to be addressed it probably would. I’m honestly not sure as I haven’t done that much shadow work but you could always ask it though. The reason I thought that though is because you mentioned that the spirit didn’t feel evil or malicious.


If it is indeed your shadow. Perhaps it’s trying to get your attention.


Feels too detached to be a shadow


Yeah I just get the feeling like it wants something from me, but I have a hard time discerning its identity because it keeps trying to pretend to be other things like lucifer and azazel, and I’m like no you are clearly not a demon, and I figured if it was people would recognize it right away.

I’ve never done shadow work, so I really don’t know how to identify a shadow, do you have a link to some reading on the subject?

Not right this second but if you did some search on here. You could find a ton of shadow wirk on here. Remember, this just my opinion. I don’t know either for sure if it’s your shadow or not. That’s the first thing that came to me.


I can understand because it does look shadowy. It does feel like a fragment of something too in a sense

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I guess yeah, because normally other spirits kind of still have a body and limbs but this one seems to just be a dark thing in a robe or really long hair :confused: I’ll see if it shows up again tonight when I get home, it’s curious

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Try communicating with it and see where that goes. How long has he been around ?

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It reminds me of a shadow person.


I actually think it was a shadow person, if this link is accurate?

I confronted it, and it seems like its harmlessness was just an act because it replied literally “I want to eat you”. I chased it out of the house not politely with my dagger, did an LBRP and it’s not here anymore for now… :confused: I’ve been really lax with not really putting up any sort of barriers in my house because i haven’t had anything really bad come in, but I think I need to start.

I’m not sure if i chose the best way to handle it, but it was not responding to my requests for it to go peacefully :confused: I’m not sure if it’s a shadow person but seems like it was a vampiric sort of entity?