Anyone knows what this spirit is?

Sounds like a wild ride. I dont know what to tell you, sounds like you handled it right. Things that come into my household uninvited just… Die… So I’d get some kind of defenses


Oh wow, what kind of defenses do you put around your house? Or do they just die on their own?

I don’t really want to destroy or kill anything, but I’m interested in at least keeping uninvited guests out. :confused:


If it comes back and is truly harmless you can study it and you can try talk to it.
This will improve your clairaudience maybe it can also help you become more clairvoyant.

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I saw Red Eyed Shadow People before. My first encounter with one happened when I was 3 years old (after my mysterious death of my father). It scared me first time, and I can remember clearly that first encounter of ours. Its presence was cold and haunting, but it does not want to hurt me. It just stalked me, wherever I go.

I confronted it, and it seems like its harmlessness was just an act because it replied literally “I want to eat you”. I chased it out of the house not politely with my dagger, did an LBRP and it’s not here anymore for now…

It is not impossible that it want feeding from your emotions, fear. So in some way it’s sentence was right, because it already did. Remember, a single sentence can make you feel scared. It is enough to them.

I was never hostile with my visitors, so with me they’re neither. Some of them was creepy, and want me to scare, but after a little working on the situation, they became friendly and curious, not in the negative way. They key in my encounters was that I wanted to understand ALL of them. I have the power to destroy them, and I killed even people with my magick powers, but sometimes this is not the goal all of us.

Most of them leaved me by themselves then, or forced to leave by my Demons.


That’s a really interesting way to look at it. I have a really hostile approach with negative entities, I don’t really try to get to know them, I always assumed that if you’re friendly to them they would just take advantage of you and harm you more. You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thanks for sharing your experience. :slight_smile:


That’s a really interesting way to look at it. I have a really hostile approach with negative entities, I don’t really try to get to know them

Even your enemies you have to know, if you want to became more perfect. :wink:

I always assumed that if you’re friendly to them they would just take advantage of you and harm you more.

Being friendly does not mean that you have to put down your powers, your brains and everything. You just gave them a chance to avoid a fight, destruction.


Yeah you’re right to point that out :slight_smile:

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I have a household full of things that can murder. I have 3 Jailers, an assortment of demonics, a couple angels, and various other things here. My home is not welcome to intruders. They usually die before I get to realize they invaded. Invasion is treated as a war declaration

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Yes I’ve been visited from these beings. They are there purely to suck out all the negative energy your spirit lets out. If you suffer from depression and sadness they will usually appear, they’re mostly harmless yet unknown of origin. Perhaps from the voids? Or a different realm being able to travel within our sub-conscious and feed of our energy. I used to wake up and seen them next to my bed… they remind me of Dormenters from Harry Potter!! Instead they suck the darkness out of your soul!


Yeah that’s what I think too. they’re kind of interesting. I think these are the same types of entities that give me nightmares that are really different from normal nightmares from how realistic they are, and make me wake up feeling exhausted, not sure if you got those. It’s a pity that it’s hard to get to know them because they lie a lot and you don’t know what’s true. I asked it how old it was and it said “10,000”, didn’t think to ask where it was from though.

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I’m pretty sure that’s a type of shadow person, but I’m not sure what type. I’ve been looking up info on them for awhile, but it seems many people disagree or aren’t quite sure what to classify them as. I agree with @Nagash and @Balak that they feed on negative emotions. (I have the fleeting ones in my house & may have encountered a much more powerful one, another time.) The ones with red eyes are supposed to be more powerful & more malevolent. I have some links, but given all the unknowns about them, I’m not sure how much the info may help you. I would put up some warding or use some sort of protection. I believe they can cause nightmares, too. I’ve found for the fleeting ones (don’t know if it works on all of them), the less attention you give them, the less they do. And if you have positive emotions (like watching something funny), it seems they go away or at least lose a lot of power. I hope this helps! Hugs!


I’m just going to list the links I have. I hope you can find something that clicks for you & is helpful.

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I found some interesting tapes about Shadow People when I’m watching this guy’s channel.

Check this out if you have a little time for it, and have fun. Honestly, I like these guys (Shadow People). They are so nasty, I like their personality.

Story Time

Some years ago I had an another encounter with a Shadow Man. I had a strange feeling before I seen him, but at the moment I was unsuspecting.

I’ve finished bathing, and I came out from the bathrom, then I noticed a big, black, ~2 methers tall figure (with similar shape like in the video). The creature uncovered the space behind him, he seemed very… solid, physical, not that “ghost-like” smokey thing.

I don’t know why but at very first I thought he was my brother (what else could I thought at that moment). I started following it, and talked to him about a video game what we’re started with my brother. I opened the door of our kitchen for I thought he went to the kitchen (I seen it clearly, there was no another way), and it suddenly… vanished. There wasn’t another door, or another exist neither. Just a closed window, and I followed him in a narrow corridor.

It was embrassing and spooky.


Those are some pretty interesting videos. The one in the living room looks probably like some kind of lens problem because it seems to correspond with the zooming but the others are pretty compelling. I feel kind of bad for the first guy he looks so rattled. :’)

I’ve never seen a shadow person that’s solid. :open_mouth: It’s pretty crazy that you thought it was your brother, did it trick you or something?

Yes my experiences agree with yours, though for me even if I didn’t pay them attention they’d find some way to attack me when my guard is down, I really had to get rid of them :confused: Thanks for the links they’re very interesting! Makes me want to do get up and do some deep cleansing :slight_smile:

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I understand. You don’t have to feel bad about getting rid of them. If anything tries to hurt you, in my mind, that’s grounds for extreme retaliation. Protecting yourself is of the utmost importance.

You’re very welcome! I’m not sure if you can see my forum bookmarks, but I’m searching for info on a specific type of shadow being (hooded, who looks like the Grim Reaper, but without the scythe), so I’ve bookmarked a ton of info on them that’s on here.

I probably should, as well. I haven’t done the LBR in like a million years, though, lol. Maybe just some simple cleansing & warding, before I go all out? :thinking:

I hope yours is gone for good!

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Sage stick and salt is a good start

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Thanks! :blush:

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Yeah no problem. Even if I normally kill all guests, I know effective ways to cleanse on a “mundane” level

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Have you performed any rituals lately it might be responding to you. From your description and image with the large violet cloak it could be Leraje.