Anyone close to Emperor Lucifer?

no i just got a pendulum and terot deck

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I also feel that the spirits around me tells me i shouldnā€™t call or interact with any of the Goetia.
Feels like i am being told to lay low
ā€œIt would be smart for meā€

I am feeling so confused and annoyed

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Try pendulum work with this entity. Although what youā€™re telling me about this entity makes me suspicious, especially since itā€™s telling you not to work with other entities. Are you sure itā€™s not a parasite or trickster spirit?


I was told she is high vibration but very dark and feeling very motherly nothing negative.
Probably just over protective.
If you could scan her you would see her.

I feel that i had entities strong try to attck me, one I entitie that was passing a forum member in here got permission to come to me and attck me. Well the being was talking in Hebrew trough text and told me "not even your female spirit can protect you now, so take a deep breath and accept your desire " i felt the entity came and was at the foot of my bed that night but took a look at who was protecting me and was gone and never came back.

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Are you sure itā€™s not Lady Lilith? She has a dark aura but she can also be very motherly.


I am not sure cause sometimes when I speak of her by accident I refer to her as ā€œMother Lilithā€ then I correct my self by saying Queen Lilith.
But the thing is the two people that scanned would recognize her.
And i was told she has cat like features.
And i never heard of Queen Lilith with cat like features.
There is a possibility that she might be Bastet Ancient Godess of Egypt

From Wikipedia
Bastet , also called Bast, ancient Egyptian goddess worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat. The daughter of Re, the sun god, Bastet was an ancient deity whose ferocious nature was ameliorated after the domestication of the cat around 1500 bce.

Could be one of the two Godesses or could a being from a different universe.
We have to accept that we live in a massive existence with lots of unknown.
In a galaxy with over 100billion planets in a universe with over 100 billion galaxies

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No idea, Although Iā€™d consider reaching out to Lilith to clear this up. Also do some pendulum work with this entity.

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For sure, thank you for the advice :pray:

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Thanks! ā€œIn the Fleshā€ sounds like something Lucifer might say.

As a matter of fact letā€™s try some divination for our friend Lucifer right now.

What song in my clipboard right now is Reverend Yuriā€™s favorite stripper music?

(Oh shit. I literally cannot not send. Oh noooooo)

When you have been abused by parasites strongly


They also cause physical harm?

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They may, itā€™s mostly mental and spiritual for me

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There are lots of people in Athens, just like any big city. But thereā€™s also tons of negativity thereā€¦ Maybe it has to do with it.

Lucifer doesnā€™t bring parasites, thatā€™s one of the misconceptions people have. When you summon a spirit and you call energies, itā€™s like opening a portal for them to come. However, in the spirit world, many different spirits are there. You call Lucifer, but other lesser spirits could slip through. Once you develop a better relationship with him, he could start protecting you. But that would mean that you also have to feel his energy around you and use it accordingly.

Of course, you can always ask him to make sure youā€™re safe and to make the parasites go away. Heā€™s a powerful being after all! However, also make sure that itā€™s indeed Lucifer you summoned and not an impostor. If a spirit acts sus, vents, or kill on camsā€¦ I mean, if it makes it seem itā€™s not Lucifer, or if it feels in a different way, then you should be aware of that. Thatā€™s why banishing is very important and the astral senses too of course!


i hate when spirits mess with you pretending to be Lucifer


Hi everyone i agree with @Manosman here. A parasite can easily slip through if you set no borders in your temple.

Example in my own life:
Evoke Archangel Michael a while and do this without aura cleansing, setting no borders, using alcohol or drugs beforehand. See what happes. I like to exaggerate to make my point. But that was at a point where i stood in my early days and guess what attacked me, a parasite.

Itā€™s all about high vibration, settings borders (you are the boss in your temple).

I wrote this post about that:


You can do rituals on your bed if you want. But I do advise that sigil.

I know a very strong disabled woman. She works on her goals on her way. Donā€™t let that stop you from working on your goals.

Lucifers cares and he doesnā€™t judge you in that way. I read this post now, but please feel free to talk if you need, my DM is open.

Take care brother!


Thank you so much :pray:

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Youā€™re welcome @BeastCreature

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