Any travel related spells/charms/rituals in your arsenal? Planning on travelling next weekend

I plan on travelling from my home state to another state that’s close by via bus to meet up and hang out with a situationship until monday.

i did a money spell this morning and will probably get it manifested via doing paid divination readings and even a ritual on behalf of someone for cash flow alongside my work paychecks.

in terms of travelling itself, i’m wondering if anyone has any spells/rituals, charms, ect. that i can use for luck in getting a motel, protection, ect? i’m thinking of contacting Bathin to help as well, but i’m open to other suggestions!

I make bracelets out of stones that aid with travel and enchant them as talismans.

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i’m taking this as a sign that i need to implement talisman creation more often! thank you for the link (:

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Any entity for like money having there sigil would be good

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funny enough, i actually did the money spell by JD Temple from the Anthology of Sorcrery just this morning for the financial aspect! i was moreso specifically asking about actual travelling. i will say that i actually just remembered a ritual from Temple Of Ascending Flame’s anthology on Hecate that can be done before you travel and is conpleted once you get back, gonna give that a wurl with the addition of a mojo pouch with some stones from the link Mulberry provided plus some protection herbs.

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You can do an petition & offering to Hermes. For protection and safety on travels.

Traveler of Gods,

To you I pray.

May you walk alongside me as i carry on my way.

Step by step along my path, I ask for your watchful eye.

Should I be forewarned, send a message from the sky.

Winged Wanderer, I ask for your grace,

Shroud me in protection as I travel place to place.

Source: Moonlitmagic

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