Long shot, I know. But is there any spirit to make a storm or hurricane redirect its course? There’s one coming towards Puerto Rico right now. It will be a category 1 hurricane. And I’m sick of hurricanes. Last time with Maria, I, and most puertorricans, didn’t have electricity for almost a year. I wouldn’t like this thing to get stronger. And even if it is category 1, we will be without electricity for at least a week, maybe more, because that’s how it is here. And we will lose days of work. I know there are spirits that cause natural disasters. Do these same spirits make them go away?
There are angels that protect against storms.
You could try, but most nature spirits look at the situation beyond our individual needs, such as the positives a storm like a hurricane can bring (such as rebalancing the global warmth or breaking up Red Tide in the gulf in the case of hurricanes). You would have to make a convincing arguement of why human needs are more important than the natural ones . Although asking for a redirection of the storm rather than eliminating it may be a wise way to go about it
@Eye_of_Ra has some experiences I believe in this department.
Yeah, that would be my goal. To try to redirect it, so it won’t hit PR, or any other place for that matter.
Thing is, is it may have to go somewhere. There was a thing about this last year, let me see if I can find it.
For it to not hit anywhere would be a case of eliminating the storm, which would be very difficult to convince the spirits. Storms, as destructive as they are, serve as instruments of balance for the global ecosystem. Without them, many environments would ultimately perish. Redirecting it can be beneficial, but you will also miss out on the benefits of the storm that are often overlooked, such as bringing more sand to islands which ultimately prevent them from shrinking off the map in the long run.
I am not saying this to ultimately deter you from your choice in magic, but these are things to consider when trying to manipulate weather in particular
I think you will be closer to pull this off if you aim to damage control. Just an idea.
I couldn’t find it. But somebody mentioned something to the effect of causing it to alter it’s course/eliminate it could affect the rest of the world or future weather patterns. In all cases, make sure you know what you’re doing and what affect it could have before you do it.
Any being capable of affecting physical stuff, literally any beings. Gods, angels, demons, fae, storm elementals, so on and so forth.
Even yourself if you can manifest the outcome going differently.
Well, you could make an argument that the Amazon Rainforest need it more than any other place right, given how much has been burnt, I think that’d be a pretty convincing argument
Try this: