Any rituals to the black pullet

I was trying to do a ritual to the black pullet and I’ve found out there’s nobody telling the recommended way so I was just asking you guys do you guys have a ritual to work with the spirits in the black pullet, I came across skrying to the sigil but it doesn’t feel right to me

If you try the search for “black pullet” a lot of people have had the same question.

Sorting down those posts there’s at least one opinion that the 2nd is really the only sigil you need and it makes the others all obsolete… That’s in a journal of simmering working the book. They’re not here any more to spam so you should check that out:

Theodore Rose wrote about the questionable validity of The Black Pullet in his book “The Art Of Magickal Enchantment” (I can’t really remember exactly what his criticism was, but I do remember it did seem very valid) So did Arthur E. Waite (the dude from the standard tarot deck).

As it is from the 18th century and not a very complete grimoire. I suspect it’s either not meant for public use (and you need further knowledge of some occult group/ society to make complete sense of it) or maybe as mr. Waite theorized the entire thing is a prank by catholic clergy.
Exactly why I only read (the more public) pre-19th century grimoires and occult texts for their historical value only, never for their practical use.

That said, it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful working out of it. Just means that there might be some creativity, research and trust in your own intuition needed for the parts that aren’t complete.

Like most old grimoires the instructions as well as other things are coded into the text and imagery. Users were meant to be taught how to go about things or have knowledge of how to decipher it already. Occultist are a secretive lot by nature.
Or so I was told by an old magus once.

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