Any Ritual for someone that forgets things so fast, I think it's from birth and become a learning machine

Okay, friends. I think I will be needing some help and guidelines on this one.
I have someone truly close to me that I would love to see succeed in life but there is a problem, as he tends to forget things real quick and I think it is from birth as it always is, secondly he wants to start a career in programming and database. How does this person turn himself into a learning machine through magick as he has a limited understanding of the said career and what do you think about him forgetting things real quick

Any suggestion on what to do is deeply appreciated. Thank you.


The Gallery of Magic books are pretty on target with your request.

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I think they have many books. Which of them

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Demons of Magic and 72 Angels … both have what you need.


Okay. I will be buying the books.

Thank you.

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How old is the person? Any traumatic brain injuries as a child or adult, and if so, what is the severity of it? Is the person undergoing any rehab therapy?

Okay. From what I can remember, he is always very sick from child. Very severe sickness involves convulsion and most time he said he has been taken to where he thinks is the galaxy like place.

Sorry, I have no further knowledge to give here.
What I could recommend is for him to get full MRI’s/CAT scans for the entire brain, and have a neurologist look at it critically. Even XRays to try to catch any scar tissue that results from a TBI.

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Hope something helps:
I recently decided to go back to school to take premed requirements so I can pursue medicine. Because of certain medications and being away from school for a decade, my memory and learning speed are much worse than before, so for exams, I called on Vapula and Andrealphus to learn a vast quantity of knowledge in a short span of time (both are in the aforementioned Demons of Magic) and that helped me a lot. I memorized almost a textbook of information in about 2 weeks, just using flashcards and notes and my lowest exam grade over the semester was a 90 or A- and I know I’m not that smart haha. I doubt I’d be able to do that without their help.
Regarding programming/databases, I actually did this for work for 6 years, but we only used SQL based programs and that’s just one programming language.
For the job, I taught myself SQL (a popular programming language for relational databases) before applying using some free courses on (for SQL, I’d recommend Introduction to Databases and SQL Querying, then Advanced Databases and SQL Querying, but they also have a lot of free classes in other programming languages too), (if interested in SQL, Unit: Intro to SQL: Querying and managing data is a good place to start, but they also have free courses for other programming languages too), and I hear is also good for free courses.
Best of luck to you and your friend!


I think I read here before that Blue Ray meditation can significantly help with memory.

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Thank you for your time. I appreciate it